Three days later, Xicheng County was bustling with people. tang

At noon, Liu Wei was already waiting at the yamen. As the only legal medical expert in the case, once the hall was opened, she would go to the hall with the plaintiff, the Jiang Clan, to testify for the deaths of Sun Jun and Zhang Pi. Now

Before even opening the hall, Liu Wei was very relaxed, as she sat in the study and flipped through the documents.

Liu Wei hesitated for a moment, but still flipped open the document, pushed it forward, and pushed it in front of him: "Look for yourself."

Wan Zhenghao's hands were trembling, and his fingertips were numb. After hesitating for a long time, he finally picked them up and started reading them one by one with a pale face. yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtang, yangtzu

After reading half a page, he could no longer bear to continue reading. Closing his eyes, he slammed the document onto the table.

Liu Wei leaned back, and looked at him somewhat helplessly: "Things are already like this, what more do you have to persevere on for?"

Wan Zhong's face became even paler. He swallowed his saliva and looked extremely haggard: "There must be a misunderstanding, big sister … … "Big sister is a bit ridiculous, but she doesn't know how to kill people. She's a girl, she doesn't even know how to kill chickens …"

"I don't know how to kill chickens because I don't know how to cook. It has nothing to do with whether or not I can kill people." Liu Wei cut off Wan Zhenghao's self-deception, then sighed: "Don't try to find excuses, she admitted to it herself, in the end, it's all right, the court has its own arguments, go watch and see for itself later." ten thousand

Heavy still couldn't believe it. He felt like he was about to collapse. He squatted down and curled himself into a pitiful ball.

Liu Wei's heart softened again. She went around the desk, walked to in front of Wan Zhong, patted his shoulder and said: "Originally, I didn't want to go through these back doors, but seeing you it's not easy either. I'll give you a spot to sit. ten thousand

He raised his head and looked at her. His eyes were red.

Liu Wei added, "Master Cheng of the Yuanyang Prefecture has been looking for me for two days, wanting me to arrange a front row handshake for him. I haven't agreed to it, and now I'm not taking any money from you, what else do you want?" ten thousand

He couldn't even say heavy words. He felt that the key issue right now was that he was about to lose his family, what did it have to do with where he sat! But

Liu Wei still felt that he was quite loyal to his master. In the first row of the audience seating, County Official Song sold them at fifty silvers each, there was still too much for them to ask for, she had arranged one for Wan Zhong for free, showing that he was taking advantage of him. ten thousand

He wanted to see Wan Ruxue before the hall was opened. He wanted to ask her why he had to admit his guilt, why he had to say all that nonsense, why he had to bring himself to a dead end? On

The trial was set to start a quarter of an hour later. Before the trial began, the lobby was already bustling with activity. County Magistrate Song was causing a huge commotion, causing the onlookers to think that there was some sort of party going on here. not

When the time came, the presiding judge went up to the main seat and sat down. With a "pa" sound, a shocking wooden sound was heard. gigantism

The huge commotion caused the whispers and greetings to quiet down. Everyone had reached a tacit understanding and stopped clamoring, quietly waiting for the main event to begin.

"Bring the suspect. Sun Clan's Wan Family, plaintiff, Sun Clan's Jiang Family."

With Zhuang Chang's order, a bailiff immediately went to receive the order.

Wan Ruxue had already been brought to the waiting room, and as soon as the bailiff sent the message, someone brought her out. But

As for the Jiang Clan, it was being escorted by Liu Wei herself. willow

When the Jiang Clan was seated, they saw the rows of seats filled with people. Rong Ling was seated in the first row, and the seat beside him was empty.

"You hoodlum, quickly kneel down!" Ginger

She had already knelt down obediently, but she just stood there and didn't want to kneel.

She especially looked at Jiang Shi who was kneeling beside her, and her entire face revealed unspeakable disgust: "I have already accepted all the crimes that I have to admit to. If you want to kill me, just kill me. Heh, you don't have to worry about that. "

Due to her words, there was a wave of rustling once again in the quiet hall.

Zhuang Chang Zai once again struck the wood that caused one to be shocked: "The Wan Shi family has always been unshakable and stubborn, but even more so looking down on this official in front of the hall, they are now caning thirty times to make an example for others!" bracket

As soon as the child landed, the two bailiffs came forward with their yamen sticks in their hands.

Wan Shi was frightened, and said with a pale face: "I have already confessed, what right do you have to punish me! You, you are avenging your personal grudges! "

Zhuang Chang was too lazy to waste words with her, he directly signalled to the bailiff: "Execute the punishment!"

The two bailiffs actually went up, grabbing on to Wan Nanye's shoulders one on each side and pressing her down to the ground. Wan Niang felt wronged and angry, but she was afraid of suffering physical pain, so she tactfully shouted: "I'll kneel, I'll kneel, don't hit me, don't hit me!" Speak

With a thump, he kneeled on the ground.

Zhuang Chang still said, "Execute the punishment!"

"I-I'm already kneeling, what right do you have to … "Ah …" Before he could finish, the stick had already hit her butt.

He didn't seem to have realized why he was being beaten, and why it was that he was being beaten in front of everyone's eyes...

Obviously, Qin Yuanchuan had clearly told her that the so-called torture in court was just a formality. Although she would be sentenced, it was only a sentence, and once her father was released, she would be able to get out.

Now, what was going on?

However, as a woman, thirty strikes are indeed too heavy, so when he saw her on the ground crying bitterly and her skin was torn, he shouted for her to stop, and without even looking at her, he turned his head to ask Jiang Shi: "As you are a prisoner on death row, logically speaking, I should not have paid any attention to your accusation, but because the person you are accusing has a special status and is related to the well-being of the citizens of a region, I have no choice but to listen to you. If you speak the truth, I ask you, who are you to sue? Why did you sue her? "What kind of case did she involve that you were willing to risk your life to remonstrate with me?"

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