Jiang Shi was obviously putting on an act, but she had the talent to make others change their expressions just by listening to her. Zhuang

Chang Xian's expression did not change, after hearing what Jiang Shi said, he looked at Liu Wei: "Mr. legal medical expert, please explain the report of Sun Jun and the others."

When it was finally Liu Wei's turn to go on stage, Cheng Qi, who was sitting in the third row, poked Yun Zhi's arm: "Coming, coming."

"Yun Xin wanted to ignore him.

What is fibrous necrosis and what is fibrous necrosis? "Who's dead?"

Cloud wanted to be patient.

"Why does the smell of linen and silk burn different? Aren't they all smelly? Hey, think about it, did you hear me? Tell me quickly. " To

It wasn't because she was worried about the situation, but because Yun Xin had already kicked her cousin in the face.

Why is it so annoying? It was like a duck, squawking non-stop! deviation

He turned around and laughed at her without getting a reply from her, "Do you also not know? "Hahaha, if you don't know, then you don't know. It's not like I'm laughing at you, so it's alright."

Yun Xin's head nearly exploded into two. This

The autopsy report was not really profound, it only contained a few words that Liu Wei had slacked off. When she said it, most people's first reaction was that they could not understand it, but other people could not, so Zhuang Chang Chang understood what was meant. This

The information that Zhuang Chang had already looked at and did not understand had already been explained to him by Liu Wei, so when he heard it again, Zhuang Chang did not have any obstructions at all. When Liu Wei finished her sentence in a state of "finished talking", a strange silence appeared below the hall. And …

At this moment, Zhuang Chang slowly nodded his head and said with a profound tone, "The case is really heinous." mass

People: "..."

Eh? Where did it come from? Why? Large

Zhuang Chang wasn't faking it, he actually understood it? The patrolling officials who had wanted to snatch the position of chief judge of the Manor earlier all fell silent.

They felt that they had misjudged him before. Turns out that this unassuming and magnanimous Lord Zhuang was actually so intelligent? protoplasm

What was inside Lord Zhuang's big belly was not only filled with fat intestines, but also knowledge? willow

After saying Sun Jun, bringing up Zhang Zi and his wife, he finally brought up the black medicine merchant and his family doctor. After she finished speaking, Zhuang Chang turned to Wan Shi and asked: "Do you admit what the Jiang family and legal medical expert have said?" ten thousand

Because she had been beaten up, her lower body was in excruciating pain. She only wanted to end this court trial as soon as possible. Adding on the fact that she had already pleaded guilty, she vaguely nodded and said, "Acknowledged, admitted to it."

It's easier to admit it now, but Zhuang Chang Zai slapped the wooden block and immediately announced: "All families treat human life as grass and kill innocent people, now that the evidence is conclusive, I shall sentence you to a death sentence and place you in jail. After the crime is presented to the imperial court, you shall be asked and executed after the month, are you convinced?"

Wan Shi was stunned, the word "beheading" grazed her heart.

A month later, Sword of Truth, was he in such a hurry? Does father have time to save her? Zhuang

Seeing her hesitation, Zhang Xuan slapped the wood once more and said, "This official asks if you are convinced!"

In a life or death situation like this, she would always be sentenced to death by the end of the autumn. Because spring and summer, when all kinds of trees and trees in the world grew, it was a tradition from ancient times to now not to kill. On the other hand, the autumn and winter scenery was bleak, and in order to adapt to this solemn atmosphere, most people would be sentenced to death after the end of the autumn. Now

More than half of the year had already passed. In this country, autumn had already passed, and winter was approaching. Including the fact that the local death penalty had to be handed over to the imperial government, the time of execution should not have come and gone within this year.

Wan Shi thought that she would be sentenced to be executed after the fall. If she couldn't make it this year, then she would be executed after the fall. This year's time was enough for her father to fish her out.

But now, the House of the Procurator had actually sentenced her to execution after a month?

After the month can also catch up with this year's autumn and winter's tail, but is the document enough time? "The list of names on the letter of accusation required more than two months just to circulate among the various ministries, but she had to be sentenced to questioning and beheaded after a month?"

I... "I …" After some thought, Wan Shi raised her head and shouted, "I want to see Qin Yuanchuan!"

"How dare you!" Zhuang Chang Chen scolded him, "The yamen where you are this official is the backyard of your house, you can meet whomever you want?"

Wan of the Clouds clenched her teeth. "I won't accept it if I don't see Qin Yuanchuan. I will never sign the letter of accusation!" Zhuang

Chang frowned, and looked at Liu Wei. willow

She raised her eyebrows at him and nodded slightly.

Zhuang Chang understood and heaved a sigh of relief. He then put on an act and told the bailiff to go find Qin Yuanchuan.

At the rear courtyard of the yamen, Wan Li, who was waiting to be led to the hall, had a serious expression on his face. A servant reported to him in a low voice: "Although Miss has confessed, she is unwilling to sign the crime and wants to meet Sir Qin. When we find that Zhuang Chang has sent someone to look for you, don't worry, as long as we meet Sir Qin, Miss will definitely come to her senses." ten thousand

He narrowed his eyes with a cold expression and lowered his voice slightly. He then asked something else, "Did you really send the beauty into the cold palace?"

The attendant was surprised for a moment, but then he also slowly became silent, "It should be true, Sir. On the side of the Emperor, is she really going to give up on Sir?" ten thousand

He took a deep breath. Three days ago, he had heard the news from the capital. He had paid tribute to the beautiful woman, and she had always been of interest to the emperor. But now that she had suddenly fallen out of favor, this was definitely a sign of danger. He was fine before, why did he …

"No." Wan Li gritted his teeth and said to his attendant: "Don't let Qin Yuanchuan get close to Ruoxue. Go to the front hall right now and find a way to speak to Ruoxue and have her confess her crimes and sign the confession."

The attendant was puzzled: "Master, the confession letter says' Asking the Moon '. If we can't save Miss..."

"Later." Wan Li frowned and clenched his fist, "Ru Xue still has two million taels of tax left. After we leave the main hall, ask her to immediately hand over the key and seal to you, the emperor has changed too quickly, someone must have found the two million seeds and said something in front of the emperor. The emperor is suspicious, but you can't keep the two million.

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