The servant was in a panic, he dared not say anything more. He quickly complied and left in a hurry.

Wan Li sat down in his room, his hands clenched tightly. His usually emotionless face had a rare anxious look. This

An hour passed just like that.

Wan Li remained calm and collected on the surface, but he rolled his eyes and asked: "About the matter of Ruxue's confession, did you manage to find out about it?"

Qin Yuanchuan nodded: "Yes, Miss, I did fall for it." ten thousand

"What plan?"

The Patrol Officer's plan. " After searching for a while, I did find out that everything happened because of the Mansion Inspector Zhuang Chang, who sent his men to live in the prison where the Miss was staying. Every day, they would face each other, and that person had said a lot of things that she had insulted the Lord, and the Miss could not listen to him. She argued with that person a few times, and on that day, she was provoked, so she decided to not care about it and tried to say something that the Lord should not have said, but the Lady was your biological daughter after all, so you can't ignore her!

Wan Li asked again, "When did you find out about this?" Qin

Yuan Chuan stopped and said, "Two days ago."

"Why are we not reporting this delay?" Qin

Yuan Chuan hesitated and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Speak." Wan Li was overbearing. Qin

Yuan Chuan looked at him and finally said, "This official is afraid that if sire gets angry after hearing this, I will … I will not care about little miss …" ten thousand

After asking so much, he was only probing to see if Qin Yuanchuan was a wolf or a dog. However, with just a few words, he was almost certain that he was a wolf.

Raising an inexperienced wolf.

But to what extent had the wolf cub betrayed him?

"I have my own opinions on the matter of Ru Xue. You are not allowed to go to the hall today."

Qin Yuanchuan hesitated. "But the county magistrate …" "

Once Ah Ye's words are heard, Ruoxue will not scream about wanting to see you. If you can't see you, then I will have a slim chance of survival. "

The last sentence was heartbreaking.

Qin Yuanchuan frowned, "Sir, what do you mean by this?" ten thousand

Without looking back, he turned around and entered the house. Qin

Yuan Chuan looked through the gap in the window at Wan Li's back. A trace of malice suddenly appeared in his pure eyes.

In the end, Jiang Chen was still more experienced. Did he really see through it?

However, it was not important. He only needed to wait for today to pass. After the dust had settled, he would be able to end this show of his. anterior

On the other side of the hall, the atmosphere was extraordinarily weird. Cheng Qi was completely heartless, and when he heard that they were waiting for Qin Yuanchuan, he had already rolled his eyes to the back of his head. When he saw that everyone was really waiting, he immediately lost all his energy and secretly cursed a few times before dozing off on the side.

Now that he was almost done sleeping, the atmosphere in the hall finally changed.

"I'll sign the letter of apology." ten thousand

The moment Ruxue's words left her mouth, the dispirited crowd immediately became spirited. adult

Qi Yuan did not sleep anymore. He rubbed his eyes and asked his cousin blankly: "Has Qin Yuanchuan been here before? When did you get here? Do I sleep so deeply? "

Yun Xiao was tired from waiting. She rubbed her neck and said, "No, Wan Ruxue has probably thought it through herself."

Cheng Qi didn't believe it, but if he could figure it out, he would still need to work it out for an hour. Then, all of a sudden, his gaze shifted towards Liu Wei who was in front of him.

Liu Wei was always sitting together with the County Magistrate of Xijin County. The two of them were secretly talking about many things, when Cheng Qi looked over, he saw Liu Wei drinking tea with her head lowered. ten thousand

Ru Xue suddenly stated that she wanted to execute the crime, but Liu Wei did not react. She was not surprised, nor was she curious.

Cheng Qi looked for a long time but still couldn't find anything wrong. He asked Yun Yang, "When I fell asleep, what did that Sister Liu do?" Cloud

Qi frowned, "Who asked you this, I'm asking her what she did? "Have you ever left?"

"No." These words were not something Yun Yang wanted to reply to, but a voice suddenly came from the left.

Cheng Qi turned his head and looked at the people around him. He was so scared that he almost jumped up. "Y-Lord Ji, when did you arrive?"

The seat next to him was clearly empty, how did someone appear? period

Chun Dong didn't see it all, he looked ahead and replied: "A quarter of an hour ago."

When Cheng Qi heard this, he was very embarrassed. With a cough, he finally stopped talking.

Wan Ruxue signed the contract, and after she signed it, although Zhuang Chang Dong did not reveal it on the surface, he was secretly relieved.

As he was about to step in, what he feared the most was there would be new problems, and if Wan Ruxue could finally come to a decision, then it would be Wan Li's turn. small

Carefully and carefully, he put away the letter of punishment. Zhuang Chang slapped the wood in front of him and shouted: "Bring him to the front pavilion, Jiang Prefecture's Prefecture Overseer, Wan Li High Hall!" ten thousand

When Ruoxue heard the summons, she quickly turned her head to look. She wanted to use this opportunity to look at her father, but even after she was sent away, she still hadn't seen her father. And …

The current Wan Ruxue did not know that she would never be able to see her father again in her entire life. straight

At the moment of her death, when the steel sword was about to reach her neck, she also did not see her father, who had cherished and doted on her for her entire life.

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