When Wan Li was brought into the hall, the surroundings were completely silent. See

Those who were excited, but not just those who were watching, all sat up straight. Their eyes were all shining as they stared at him with rapt attention.

The favorite subject of the emperor, the prefecture overseer of the Ting Jiang Prefecture, a high official who had held power for half his life, had become a prisoner in the span of a single night. He was now facing trial. Right

Cheng Qi gasped: "Wan Ruxue has already admitted to it, Wan Li Sect's daughter is unkind, the crime of even being punished has already been decided, how can it not be decided?"

"It's fine if you are to be executed, but you won't die if you are punished with it." Ji Chun Dong looked ahead and saw Wan Li's calm expression. He was well aware of this old fox's shrewdness. "Even the crime of execution might cause him to lose his official position."

That corruption, bribery, covering up for murder, these were all things that couldn't be determined? Impossible, according to the rules set by the Patrol Office, they must be able to obtain his fatal point today, so how could they let him escape so easily? "

Ji Chun Dong was silent. It was his intuition that he could not be convicted today, but in the end, it was still human. Maybe Zhuang Chang Zhen had some kind of secret treasure that he had yet to take out?

Everyone knew that Wan Ruxue was just the appetizer, and the real main dish was here!

Zhuang Chang Zai recited the evidence of Wan Li with confidence and confidence, and because it was too long, he recited it for more than a quarter of an hour. When he finished reciting it, he slapped the door: "Wan Li, I am the one who said it, do you agree?" ten thousand

Lifting his eyelids slightly, he said, "It's all fake, if you want to add it, don't admit it."

Unexpectedly, he did not admit his mistake. This was something that everyone had guessed.

Wan Li stared at the pile of crimes, smiled bitterly, but his tone was brimming with confidence: "The account books can be forged, the list can be forged, and Ru Xue's case, although I am her father, I do not know anything about it. Of course, if your son does not teach his father, I will also punish him."

What a great sentence, His Majesty's decision. He actually looked down on the presiding judge, Zhuang Chang.

What kind of temper did Zhuang Chang have? He was a fierce person who could behead others with ease even when he was older. A tiger was still a tiger. He sneered and threw the stack of evidence onto the table, "That is to say, you are very innocent?"

"Naturally." Wan Li straightened his neck, his expression solemn. "I have been an official for dozens of years, and have tried my best to be loyal to His Majesty. Some random crimes are not enough to shock Wan Li, and if Your Eminence has any concrete evidence, why not take it out now so everyone present can see it!"

With a few words, he was extremely aggressive.

Zhuang Chang Leng became stern, and as he had intended, he brought out all the witnesses. This

Some of them were witnesses, some were subordinates of Wan Li, and some were squire of Ting Jiang Prefecture. In short, in order to defeat Wan Li in a single blow, Zhuang Chang had caught all of the witnesses for political crimes. Now

Wan Li only smiled as he placed them on the stage one by one.

"This person, Wang District, is known as Old Third. In his early years, he was a vile spawn who beat up his wife and children, and five years ago, he greedy over two thousand taels of silver from the county and was discovered by Wan Zhenghao. He was caned for fifty years and kicked out of the magistrate court. Now, he has actually become Lord Zhuang's witness?"

"After saying one, he pointed to another."

This man, Huang Bian, also known as Huang Bian, was a famous trafficker in Yu En County. Many girls were sold into brothels from him, and many families were shattered in his hands. I clearly remember that this person is not from Ting Jiang Prefecture. What qualifications does he have to come forward and testify? " Then …

Wang District and Huang side simultaneously kowtowed, claiming that they were wrongly accused.

At that time, I was always muddleheaded and muddleheaded, bullying the good people all day long, but at night, I was only able to get drunk. Every time my wife tried to persuade me, I would push her away, and my life was indeed abominable, and later on the child in the family suffered a serious illness, and this one believed that it was due to the heavens that he had resigned from the yamen and taken his wife and children away from the countryside. Until now, my family members were all peaceful, and I was absolutely qualified to testify, and my actions were all vile and vile.

Wan Li coldly stared at him, "Over two thousand taels of silver. Have you forgotten all about it?" King

"You are the one who wronged me! You were afraid that I would expose you after I left. It was you who left the silver at my house and brought people to search. You … You. It was all your doing! "

Wan Li only looked at Zhuang Chang, "The events that happened in the King District caused a huge uproar. I still have a scroll of the case in my residence, and there's even a confession letter from the King District. This King District claimed that it was wrongly accused, but didn't it still end up in a guilty plea?" King

"If you capture my wife and children and don't give them medicine, what if I don't confess? Let you kill my entire family! " ten thousand

Li Li looked at him and said, "Since you have already confessed, why do you need to say such slanderous words? You have solid evidence that you stole tax. Lord Zhuang, can such a person testify?" Zhuang

Chang Xian's face turned ugly, and Huang Bian continued: "What about me, what does Sir Wan want to say about me? I, Huang Bian, have done a business for you for half my life, and in the end, you ruined my family and caused me to die. I am alone in this world, so there is nothing I cannot say. Do I have the right to testify? " ten thousand

"You're lying!" Huang Yuan retorted loudly: "You said that someone had taken a fancy to that girl. She was in Lin County, but she was given a good price, and the person you wanted me to kidnap was killed by you, making this a big issue. You were afraid that I wouldn't be able to control myself and gave you the potion, so you tried to kill me with a bottle of poison. Wan Li, you murderer, you killed my son, and caused my wife to wish that she was dead. Yellow

Wan Li, however, remained unperturbed as he scolded, "Do you have evidence for all that you have said? If not, it would be slander." Speak

When he said the word 'slander', he specifically looked at Zhuang Chang. Lower

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