Other than Wang District and Huang Bian, the other witnesses were also refuted one by one by Wan Li. Wan Li had always had a way to do things, and he would never let those who had done things for him leave unscathed. When he left, he more or less left behind some clues for them, but now, the ones who came to testify for Zhuang Chang were all those who had already left.

These people were too weak. With just a few words, they could be eliminated. They were insignificant.

Of course, he, who had not left, would not relax, just like Qin Yuanchuan, who knew that even if Qin Yuanchuan betrayed him, he would not be able to testify and bite him. Qin Yuanchuan was someone who valued his future, and regardless of what reason he had betrayed his future, if he dared to go into the hall, then only his future would be ruined.

"He …"

Ji Chun Dong also looked over, only to see the crowd slowly opening the way. From the middle, a group of people walked over, leading the way. That person was in his forties or fifties, gentle and gentle, with a slightly white beard.

Why would he come over? " Wan Li was a cunning old fox, and this Sima Ji was Wan Li's junior brother. If the two of them were to work together, then wouldn't all of them be working in vain today? Division

The arrival of Maggie caused a small storm. Zhuang

Chang Jing sat at the head of the table and did not move, but the other officials more or less greeted him.

As the governor, Sima Ji came as soon as he wanted to, and he didn't want to come, but everyone knew that his relationship with Wan Li was not ordinary, and now that Wan Li's future was unknown, Sima Ji had been slow to express his opinion, everyone thought that he would not interfere, but now that he suddenly appeared, could it be that he was determined to co-exist with Wan Li?

If that was the case, things would be much more difficult. Don

The atmosphere was very subtle. Si Ma Ji smiled amiably and took the initiative to clasp his hands at Zhuang Chang, giving him a small bow. Zhuang

He often gave a slight nod, but his expression was not very good. Division

Ma Ji said, "Since such a big incident happened in the county, wouldn't it be too much of a vegetarian meal if we didn't attend?"

He spoke kindly, but his words were very dignified.

Everyone silently observed what was going on. They knew that since Wan Li and Sima Ji were both disciples of the same sect, they wouldn't be easy to deal with. However, it all depended on how the situation developed in the future.

Sima Ji had arrived late, and by now, it was already past half of the court trial. He was in a high position, so of course he was in the gallery, but he had already sold off all the seats for money. Sung

The County Magistrate was sweating profusely from all the anxiety. He quickly ordered the Grand Master to move the chair over, intending to sit down next to him.

However, Sima Ji did not know that there was a vacant seat in the first row. Besides, it was in the middle of the row and he had a good view of it, so he thought that the magistrate court would already know of his arrival.

Rong Ling looked at the other person beside him, her face devoid of any expression.

I am just listening. Please continue. " Sima Ji slightly raised his hand and looked at everyone's eyes that were focused on him. He kindly asked them to relax.

Amongst everyone present, he was indeed the first in terms of official position. He was also qualified to display such a lofty and aloof attitude. But

It was …

That position … is

Some of them wanted to stand out and warn him, but were pulled back by the people beside him, and then said, "That Lord hasn't come yet, I'm afraid he won't come today. If he wants to sit, then let him sit. As long as that grandpa doesn't come, we'll pretend we don't know."

The bird who took the lead sighed helplessly and could only agree. Don

Wan Li's attitude became even more relaxed than before. Wan Li didn't know whether or not Sima Ji would come. He and Sima Ji were apprentice-brothers, and because they were close and knew each other, he knew how to protect himself.

In his current condition, to be honest, Sima Ji should not have been able to escape, but he did need to work with him to get out of this situation. For this, it took him some effort, but he wasn't sure if Sima Ji was willing to take the risk, but now that Sima Ji was here, he decided to stand by his side.

Everything had been completed naturally. The trial today should have been concluded by now. Division

Maggie didn't say anything, didn't do anything, but the way he acted was clearly to support Wan Li. Zhuang

Chang Chang Bai's expression could not be any worse. He looked at Liu Wei, his eyes swaying back and forth, trying his best to get a better look of him.

Liu Wei, however, continued to drink his tea steadily. Seeing him look over, she nodded at him, then continued to drink his tea.

Zhuang Chang was conflicted, what Liu Wei meant was for him to follow his original plan and say the rest? But what's the use of saying it? What was the point of saying all this when a Sima Ji suddenly appeared to support Wan Li?

But Liu Wei told him to say it, and Zhuang Chang didn't know whether or not he should listen, so he became even more silent.

Because of this strange silence, whispers came out from the hall. Sima Ji was calm and collected, and from time to time he would look at Wan Li. Wan Li's eyes were filled with smiles as they looked at each other.

At that moment, Zhuang Chang picked up the log and slammed it heavily against the ground. He shouted, "Transmit! Thousand Meng Yao!"

… ….

The crowd burst into an uproar.

When he shouted out the three words, "Thousand Meng Yao", Zhuang Chang's last words were trembling. No

He was the only one who had not recovered from the shock. Those who had heard his words also started breathing heavily. kilo-

Thousand … King Lu? Person

A witness?

It wasn't until Thousand Meng Yao slowly walked out of the back of the main hall that everyone's gaping mouth fell silent. None of them were able to close their gaping mouths from shock.

Wan Li's confident face was suddenly replaced by a complicated expression. The relaxed and relaxed Sima Ji immediately sat up straight with a serious face.

The sudden appearance of King Lu had caused a drastic change in the atmosphere of the hall. Zhuang Chang, on the other hand, had managed to resist the eerie atmosphere. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Thousand …" Your Royal Highness, please speak. "

His gaze swept over Sima Ji, who had already taken his seat, before turning back to Wan Li. Under Wan Li's frantic gaze, Thousand Meng Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "I prove that all of Lord Zhuang's crimes were committed by Wan Li."

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