After saying this, Thousand Meng Yao stopped. Don

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Everyone looked at each other, testing each other out.

Liu Wei laughed softly at the side. He had already drank half the tea in the cup and knocked on the table, reminding the Grand Master to refill her cup.

Master took the tea cup that was left behind and threw it in front of Liu Wei. He then focused on staring at the reigning Prince, wanting to hear more from the Prince. willow

He poured himself some tea and drank it until he was hungry, then looked for something to eat. And …

The atmosphere in the hall was still as tense as before. side

On the other side of the gallery, small voices of discussion filled the air. Cheng Qi asked Ji Chun Dong, "What does this mean?"

Ji Chun Dong shook his head. sit-down

A certain lord in the second row turned his head and mumbled to them, "Isn't the King of Ran in the capital all year round? Is he related to Wan Mansion? " adult

Qi leaned forward and said to the man, "I've never heard of it either. Logically speaking, these two should have no enmity with each other."

"Why don't we ask someone else and see if they know anything?"

You ask the first row, I ask the fourth. "

After the two of them were assigned, the lord started to talk to the officials in the first row. The officials in the first row did not hold small positions, and as he talked, he went straight to Rong Ling's side. volume

"Shimamoto's position was one square away from the central seat. To his right sat Sima Ji, and to his left was the one who had come to talk to him."

Master, do you understand? "

Because Rong Ling was unfamiliar, but she had to sit in the first row, and the lord did not know of his official position, he only subconsciously looked at him politely, and spoke kindly.

Rong Ling originally did not want to return, but after looking at the also confused Sima Ji, she suddenly said, "It's obvious at a glance."

The officer who asked the question was stunned. "You really got it?"

With this said, many pairs of eyes looked over. Division

Ma Ji also turned his head and looked at Rong Ling curiously. deity

Among all the lords present, there were some who did not know each other for the first time. Therefore, although Sima Ji did not know Rong Ling, he subconsciously considered him to be a colleague, and asked, "Master, what are your views on this?" volume

Leng Ying's eyes were calm, and he spoke carelessly, "The King has already explained to you that Wan Li is the guilty party. If so, why not?" Yes

"Didn't the King of Arrows say nothing?"

This King said it. " The person's voice was heard by Thousand Meng Yao. He turned his head and glanced over his shoulder before repeating, "I've already said that Lord Zhuang's words are full of crimes. Every single word he uttered is clear and clear." Then …

An official who was being targeted blurted out, "You … Do you have evidence? "

Thousand Meng Yao raised an eyebrow. "Is this not the best way to prove something?"

Was there such a thing? This is bullying the weak, using power to seek personal gain!

Wan Li's face was now completely black. Gritting his teeth, he looked at Thousand Menghan Yao, wondering why this King Ran had suddenly appeared to make things difficult for him. Even if he found out that he had investigated him many years ago, it would still be an old grudge against him from eight hundred years ago. kilo-

At this moment, Meng Yao really did not have the time to settle old scores with him. He was only following the script that Liu Wei gave him, reading it honestly.

Zhuang Chang Zai was sweating profusely, he did not know how to continue, and was distracted, thinking that Liu Wei had messed up all of this. He flew into a rage, and directly smashed the wood and shouted: legal medical expert Liu, you speak first.

Just as Liu Wei was peeling the peanuts, her hands trembled and the peanut fell to the ground.

Zhuang Chang Zai stared at her and then said, "Get up and answer me!" willow

Ye Xiao looked at him helplessly. He wiped his hands and stood in front of the hall. Zhuang

Chang was too lazy to beat around the bush, he directly asked, "The Prince said he can prove Wan Li's crime, what do you think?"

What's the point of asking this little legal medical expert who can't hit all eight pillars together? Don

He started to whisper again, but Zhuang Chang Chang didn't care anymore, he couldn't stand Liu Wei eating and drinking, it was obviously her doing, why did he let them do all the work?

Liu Wei did not refuse, but since Zhuang Chang Chang asked, she replied: "I think that the prince's words are reasonable and convincing." Lower

The sounds of discussions grew louder and louder, all saying that this little legal medical expert who came from somewhere was flattering him.

Zhuang Chang Zheng suppressed his aura and annihilated all gossip, and continued to ask: "To be specific, explain." willow

Wei then explained, "Wang District is holding the books of the corrupt, which were a huge extortion from the common people. May I ask if you think these books are true?"

Thousand Meng Yao was like a cute little doll being played on. His mind didn't even wander as he replied with a "En".

Liu Wei then asked Wan Li, "Does Master Wan think that is true?"

Wan Li said, "Of course it's fake, the people from the King's District …"

Liu Wei raised his hand: "There's no need to nag after this. You think that it's not true, that's all."

Wan Li held his breath and fell silent.

Liu Wei said: "Wan Li and Your Majesty spoke of the same thing, the two of them replied differently, may I ask, Master Zhuang, who do you believe?"

Zhuang Chang Xiao seemed to understand something as his eyes lit up slightly: "Your highness is a man of virtue and prestige. Since Wan Li is now a prisoner under your command, naturally, I have faith in Your Highness." willow

Wei then said, "So, if the Prince guarantees to the King District that what he says is true and that the evidence he produces is credible, then wouldn't the evidence in the corrupt account book be the stone hammer?" stone

Liu Wei had already taught the adults what a hammer was. Zhuang

Now that he had understood everything, he suddenly felt refreshed. He slapped the wooden log on his chest and asked, "May I ask Your Royal Highness, do you think it's true that Huang Bian has an illegal trafficking in human beings?" kilo-

Meng Yao also understood what he meant. He took a quick glance at Liu Wei and had a new opinion of him.

Zhuang Chang Zai laughed, "Since you say it's true, then it must be true. Wan Li, what else do you have to say?"

Wan Li was thoroughly angered: "Words are quibble, nonsense is nonsense, it's a crime!"

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