In fact, there were so many people in the family who didn't need to point at Ji Chun Dong as an outsider to look after a child, but the ugly one liked him quite a bit. Yesterday, after leading him for a while, the little guy had stayed in her thick arms and refused to come out, no matter how others tried to tease her, she was unmoved. In the end, she couldn't do anything about it. period

Chun Dong had brought a child with him all day. He was more tired than if he had given birth to one, and was more expensive. He was used to being careless. He was so cautious and didn't even know how to walk.

He received a letter which was sent to him by his foster father two months ago. However, he was not in Yuanzhou, so he had to go around it and send it to Bai Shanzhou from there. Only now did it finally fall into his hands. Letters

Yun Xiao wanted to take the child, but after comforting her for a long time, she finally stopped the ugly crying. She asked Cheng Qi, who was covered in sweat, "Where is Lord Ji?"

Cheng Qi snappily replied, "Who knows! Don't ask me! "So annoying!" Cloud

He thought, "..." … ….

… …. period

Chun Dong went to the county magistrate, and immediately went to find Song County's magistrate. righteousness

The message in his father's letter was that he wanted Ji Chun to find out the whereabouts of a person for him because this was not the former state and Ji Chun Dong had brought no subordinates with him, so Ji Chun had no choice but to come to the west side to help out with the Song County Order. cause

For the case of Wan Li, many of the officials of the Prefect's office had yet to leave. The study room, the main hall, and County Magistrate Song had all been let out. The place where he now worked was the side room in the backyard. period

Pure Winter asked for County Magistrate Song. County Magistrate Song was quite enthusiastic and personally helped him flip through the books, but after searching for a while, he still wasn't able to find anything. Thus, County Magistrate Song suggested that they go to the writing room.

If the person you speak of has really been involved in the death penalty within ten years and cannot be found in the records of the ten thousand families, then it must be within the twenty ancient law books. This year's law books have yet to arrive, but as of last year's law books, there are records in the writing room, but it will probably take some time before the person you are looking for can be found in the ten thousand books. "

Ji Chun Dong nodded slightly, expressing his understanding. "I'll have to trouble you, Lord Song." Sung

The county magistrate gave a simple and honest smile, "Lord Ji is someone who worked before the imperial palace. He also holds a high position in Yuanzhou, so I wonder if we should build him up. Would you like to know more about him?" period

Chun Dong was stunned, he looked at him.

County Magistrate Song laughed out loud: "It's just a joke, just a joke. The writing room is right in front."

Ji Chun Dong expressionlessly entered the writing room, and when he looked back, he realized that County Magistrate Song was still staring at him. Ji Chun Dong was speechless, and said: "Master Song has put in a lot of effort to build West Jin County, which is actually quite respectable. I have some spare money, but if I can find the person I'm looking for today, I'm willing to donate 10,000 taels of silver to West Jin County's pier to expand my life."

County Magistrate Song's eyes immediately lit up. "Sure, sure. Lord Ji, please sit down. Before it gets dark, this official will definitely give you good news!" Sung

Initially, Ji Chun Dong wanted to find an old criminal file that had committed a crime in the past and had been sentenced to death, but it would be difficult to find one. From the very beginning, he had planned to open a door for Ji Chun Dong and let him search in the writing room, but now, things were different. Arrived

In the evening, he did find it.

"Here, Xiao Xianzheng. Three years ago, he committed two murders in the capital, and he was immediately arrested. However, due to last year's sixtieth birthday of the empress dowager and the general amnesty, he was sentenced to twenty years in prison and sent to the Eastern Desert. At the beginning of this year, he killed a bailiff and escaped from the Eastern Desert and is still wanted today."

Ji Chun Dong stared at the file for a while, then copied it down. He planned to go to the post office and send a reply to his foster father. Arrived

Before leaving, Ji Chun Dong didn't lie to County Official Song and told him to get someone to send him a silver note when he got back. County Commander Song was so happy that he almost forgot to pay homage to him. is

Ten thousand taels of silver was indeed a small sum for Ji Chun Dong. After being an official for so many years, ten thousand taels of silver was not a lot of heartache for him. At the very least, the Song County Magistrate was actually doing practical things with the money.

Exiting the county magistrate, Ji Chun Dong rushed to the post house before the post house was closed. He sent the letter back using the address sent by his foster father. At the same time, he told the official that the letter was urgent and had to be delivered as soon as possible. Out

Ji Chun Dong looked at the time and decided to return to the Rong Mansion. Just as he walked two steps, he met a few men in linen robes, who were dressed loosely and walking quickly. Because the street was narrow, it was inevitable that they would run into Ji Chun Dong. period

To his right were the stone steps, there was no more path. He thought that the man in front of him would step to the side to avoid him, but he did not expect them to take the right path as if they did not care about colliding with other pedestrians.

Ji Chun Dong was unhappy. He thought to himself, "Where did these people come from? Why are they so ignorant about the rules? Is the main street your home?" You take up an entire path to walk?

As a martial general, his temper was already quite bad, so he didn't give in. She waited for the opponent to collide with him, then secretly used his strength to knock the opponent down. ben

It was just a small matter, but when Ji Chundong saw that the other side had actually bumped into him, he froze for a moment. Only

Because he heard a "whoosh", his eyelids drooped, and he saw that the man closest to him had pulled out a dagger and was aiming at his stomach. period

Chun Dong frowned and quickly retreated. A few people who saw that he had been exposed had actually tried to kill him on the street.

Several daggers stabbed into the ground at the same time. Ji Chun Dong was ambushed, and he was slightly injured when he was dodging the daggers.

He spread the distance between them and stared at the few people who were chasing after him. He coldly asked, "Who are you?" a few

Ji Chun Dong was forced to step back as the sharp blades in his hands clashed fiercely against his opponent's. Positive

At this moment, Ji Chun Dong saw a black mole under the eyelid of one of the men, and recalled the wanted poster he saw in the county magistrate court. His expression changed, and he shouted that person's name. "Chou Xianzheng?"

He was the person that godfather wanted him to investigate!

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