Two days ago, in a country teahouse a hundred miles away from Xijin County.

The old shopkeeper brought the tea himself, and the two cages of steamed buns went into the hut of the teahouse.

The moment the door opened, the white wolf that was squatting beside the door suddenly stood up. Its ice-blue eyes were filled with a cold light.

The old shopkeeper was stunned. "Young Master doesn't know?" white

The old man stopped talking and picked up the steamed bun on the table and began to eat it slowly.

After a while, the old shopkeeper said, "If not for the emperor? "The Emperor has always been filial to you. If he knew that those people dared to take a death sentence for themselves and tried to do you harm, he would definitely not stand by and do nothing." white

The old man put down the steamed bun and heaved a long sigh, "You're not that much older than me. Now you have children and grandchildren, why bother living in peace in your later years? Why are you worrying about me?"

The old shopkeeper stood up immediately. "One day as the master, one lifetime as the master."

This old servant has served you for the rest of your life. Besides, this old servant really doesn't think it's necessary. What exactly do those people want, can't you give it to them? You have been hiding this for so many years, even the Emperor and the Young Master have been hiding it from us.

"It's more important than my life." The old man said calmly.

The old shopkeeper froze and slumped back on his stool.

The white wolf who had just eaten a bun was clearly not full. It wagged its tail and moved closer to its master. white

At the same time, he said to the old shopkeeper, "When those people found out that I returned to Xijin County a few days ago, they probably thought that I left something behind in the village of Hong Family. They were very cruel, even the prisoners in the prison dared to smuggle them out, so they used them for their own purposes. I was worried that they would harm the innocent villagers, so I decided to investigate Xiao's whereabouts.

"But when you go back, won't that be just as those people said? They're looking for you …."

The old man smiled bitterly. "There's nothing we can do about it." master

In the end, he was unable to resolve the conflict. No. 1

Two days later, before daybreak, the old shopkeeper woke up to find that the bed across the street was empty. He

The old master and the old white wolf that the master had met again in his later years had disappeared without a trace.

… ….

The distance of a hundred li might not be far, and it might not be close, but it could still be very fast. County

In the Yun Mansion, Yun Xi was packing the medical case as she stood up. She said to the middle-aged man on the bed, "Don't touch water. Change the medicine twice a day."

Ji Chun Dong looked at the wound on his chest and replied indifferently, "En," before he got up to get off the bed. Cloud

Xi glanced at him and pushed him back. "Lie down for a while."

Ji Chun Dong was not happy, "This is just a small injury, not worth mentioning. Those few grandsons' injuries are worse than your father's, f * ck, there's no law to it. Don't let your father catch them. Thick

Hearing those despicable and evil words, Yun Xi shook her head and didn't bother to care about them anymore. She picked up the medical kit and left. room

Outside the door, County Magistrate Song was guarding the door while trembling in fear. When he saw the doctor coming out, he carefully asked, "Is … is Senior Ji well?" Cloud

Before the judge could answer, an imposing male voice came out from the room: "County Magistrate Song? Are you still there? "

"Yes, yes, yes." County Magistrate Song nodded and bowed as he walked in, his back drenched in sweat. To think that there would be such a vile phenomenon like bandits harming someone on the streets in his jurisdiction, and it was even an imperial court official who was injured.

When County Magistrate Song first heard of Ji Chun, he was so scared that he nearly fainted. Now that he saw Ji Chun Dong again, he was extremely guilty, "If you need to be at ease, this official will definitely give you an explanation. Even if this official has to dig a hole in the ground, I will definitely find it for you!"

"I have to find it!" Ji Chun Dong said fiercely: "Those people are carrying murder weapons and walking in the city. This official is not too bad about this small injury, if they were crazy, what would happen to the people on the streets? Moreover, they are not ordinary people. The other officials did not see it clearly, but one of them is the one who escaped from the Eastern Desert earlier this year, the condemned prisoner, Xiao Shizheng, County Magistrate Song, a fugitive! " Sung

The county magistrate was frightened and hastily answered, "Yes, yes, yes. I will personally lead people to capture them. As long as they remain in West Entering County, this official will definitely dig them all out!" again

After three guarantees, Ji Chun Dong finally let the Song County order leave.

After the room had quieted down, he could not help but ponder deeply. His foster father had written to him two months ago, asking him to investigate the exact identity of that person, and two months later, Xiao Xianzheng had appeared in Xijin County, recklessly taking action against him. This

Was it a coincidence or deliberate? righteousness

Why did Father look into the information of a fugitive? How did Shao Xianzheng appear in Xijin County? Coincidentally, he is also in Xijin County, what does this have to do with anything? He

The reason why he appeared in Xijin County was due to the case of Wan Li. If he wasn't here, would Shao Xi be able to catch up with him and make a move against him back in Yuzhou? Could that Xiao Xianzheng have a grudge with his foster father? Difficult

The reason his godfather wanted him to investigate this person was because this person might harm him?

Then why did his foster father not state in the letter that he would be warned to be careful?

No, it shouldn't be that simple. Then what was the reason behind it? one

He got out of bed, took out a pen and ink, and quickly wrote another letter. He had recorded everything that had happened today and wanted to ask his foster father again. But

By the time he finished writing, it was too late and the inn was closed. He would not be able to send the letter out tonight, so he was too bored to sleep so he decided to just leave the house and enjoy the wind.

Just as he walked out of the courtyard, he bumped into a person. Lowering his head, he saw that it was the anxious Xiaoli. small

Li had just heard that something had happened to Uncle Ji, so he hurriedly rushed over. Grabbing Uncle Ji's hand, he asked, "Uncle Ji, are you alright?"

Ji Chun Dong felt gratified in his heart, and the bit of annoyance in his heart lessened a bit. He shook his head. small

Li tiptoed and looked at Ji Chun Dong. "Yunshi gege said you were injured. The wound was caused by a cold silver dagger. What kind of dagger is it? It's only a few inches long. What kind of mark does the blade have?"

Ji Chun Dong was startled, and then asked, "Why do you ask these questions?"

Xiaoli was extremely anxious, "Yesterday, in Hong Family Village, there were some villagers who were stabbed by a dagger like that. At that time I was at the scene, that criminal used a five inch sharp blade, and the dagger was made of cold silver iron. Uncle Ji, can I take a look at your wound?

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