The wound had already been wrapped. It was very difficult to open it again.

But Xiaoli was a skilled worker, he pushed Ji Chun Dong into the room, then pulled at his clothes as she undressed him. period

Chun Dong was still in a daze, and when everything was solved, he asked coldly: "Is it the same?"

Chun Dong looked at the skies, "Now?"

"It is almost midnight."

Tomorrow morning. " Xiaoli said: "Uncle Rong and Mother went to the Hong family village yesterday, I waited with the ancestor masters for a whole day and night, they did not come back, the ancestor said, if they do not return tonight, we will set out tomorrow to find them, will you come with us?" period

Pure winter didn't even think and directly agreed, "Ok." He

He also wanted to know what the connection was between him and the Red family village.

… …. County

From the city to the countryside, it would take at least four to four hours to gallop on a horse. The sound of a baby girl crying could be heard on the carriage as it pierced the first rays of sunlight.

Xiaoli woke up from her stupor. She looked at his younger sister who was in a rage because of the bumpy carriage, and immediately took out the milk bottle and stuffed it into his younger sister's mouth.

Ugly Biting Mother personally made a pacifier. Her little face was flushed and tears were still hanging from her eyes. She finally stopped crying, but her little nose was still lightly sniffling.

The old man opened his eyes and sighed, "I shouldn't have brought her with me. It's hard to walk on the mountain path, and the wind is strong in the morning." small

Li yawned and lazily muttered: "I don't want to bring them, but last night she kept crying and insisted on sleeping with me. When I woke up in the morning, I said that I would take her to Yun-jie's room, but who knew that she would cry the moment I put her down? I had no choice but to take her with me."

The old man saw that Xiaoli was also tired and stretched out his hand: "Let me carry him."

Xiaoli immediately passed his sister to her. She had been holding onto something just now, and it was still alright since she had something in her mouth. The little girl's cheeks were puffed up, but after finishing half a bottle of milk, she started to whimper again.

The old man didn't know where he didn't hug her properly. Even after changing positions several times, the little child still continued to cry. small

Li had no way to sleep. He could only force himself to stand up and say, "Let me do it."

The old man handed the child over again.

Ugly Ugly was an emotional demon. She wasn't big, but her temper wasn't bad and she could torture someone with just a little discomfort. Other than her father being happy, the rest of the family had been tortured to the point of collapse.

Xiaoli didn't have any other choice, her own sister had already come.

However, he slept late last night, and got up early this morning. He was already a little out of spirits, and sleeping in the car was not an option. He had to carry a child, so he was also exhausted.

Ji Chun Dong, on the other side, remained silent. can

Ji Chun Dong had always liked Xiaoli, and seeing how the kid's eyes had grown so dark, he could not bear it anymore. After hesitating for a bit, he reached out his hand and said: "I'll try."

Xiaoli looked at him in surprise. He remembered that ugly guy liked Uncle Ji quite a bit, so he tentatively stuffed his sister in.

A miracle had happened. The little girl, who had been in the arms of the ancestor master and had been unwilling to die, stayed in Ji Chun Dong's arms. She didn't cry or make a ruckus after a while.

Xiaoli opened her eyes wide in shock, and the old man was also shocked. Of course

After that, the ugly woman stayed in Ji Chun Dong's arms. No matter how much the carriage jolted, she didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest. Old

Xiaoli consoled the ancestor master, "Uncle Ji's flesh is thick and sturdy. The ancestor master is too skinny.

The old man: "…" He was not comforted.

After four hours of driving, it was already dawn when they arrived at the swamp forest outside of Hong Family Village. mountain

The mountain winds were strong and heavy. The three people, young and old, walked on the winding road as if they were walking on flat ground. In the distance, they finally saw a rose flower field. Then …

The flower fields were really big. After crossing the mountain, almost the entire bottom of the mountain was covered with the red roses. period

Chun Dong took a deep breath, and looked at the muddy swamp forest behind him, and then looked at the rose field in front of him. He could not help but sigh, "Who would have thought that such a great paradise would be hidden in this poor and destitute River County?" small

Li pointed at the neat little house at the foot of the mountain and said, "That's the Red Village." Triple

He had just finished his breakfast and was about to go out to release the cattle when he raised his head and saw three tall and short people descending from the mountain. If he looked carefully, wouldn't the one walking in front be that little kid from two days ago? Village

Inside the fences on the right side of the courtyard, Liu Wei, who was still in a daze, saw three people who had come uninvited.

Rong Ling had already carried away the ugly one, the baby girl was on the way to eat and drink to her heart's content, currently full of energy, happily playing with her father. willow

Liu Wei's face was cold. He looked at Xiaoli, then at his master and finally Ji Chun Dong. She took a deep breath and asked: "What are you guys doing here?" small

Li was uneasy. He rolled his eyes and turned the spearhead to push Ji Chun away. He narrated the matter of Ji Chun's injury in a loud voice. Finally, he repeatedly emphasized that the wound was the same as the one in Red Village!

As expected, Liu Wei who was originally a little unhappy, immediately looked towards Ji Chun Dong when she heard him. She sat up and asked him in detail about the process of how Ji Chun Dong was killed. period

Chun Dong replied one by one, but was puzzled by Liu Wei's extremely cautious attitude: "Miss Liu, do you know the purpose of those people?"

Liu Wei pursed his lips, lowered his eyes: "According to what the villagers say, we should be after an old man with the surname Bai."

Ji Chun Dong frowned. "Is that old man in the village?" willow

Wei Wei shook his head before turning to his Master, "That person should be my grandfather. However, he has already left the village for more than two months." one

The old man who had been silent all this while was waiting for a definite answer. Now that the answer was out, he too felt relieved and nodded his head. His voice was a bit agitated and fluctuating, "It's good that you're still alive. We can always see it." time

It had been too long, and he was already old. It was already the heavens' pity to meet his old friend again. period

Although Pure Winter didn't know what they were talking about, he understood that this meant that the old man wasn't here. He pondered for a moment and asked again: "Is this the old man surnamed Bai? My father's surname is also Bai. Amongst that group of people, there was a person who committed the crime, and my father just happened to have asked me to check it out a few days ago. I wonder if this old man Bai from the village is related to my father? "

Ji Chun Dong's words made sense. After all, his foster father had invited him to investigate Xiao Shizheng, and Xiao Shizheng had stabbed him. Now that he had met an old man with the same surname 'Bai', he naturally thought that his foster father might not be involved with him.

Liu Wei was surprised. "Master Ji, you aren't surnamed Ji? Why is your father surnamed Bai? "

Ji Chun Dong waved his hand and said, "My father's surname was also Ji. Because of his old age, he missed his wife and daughter from far away, so he changed his surname to 'white'. He has been changing it for several years." willow

Wei Wei paused for a moment before abruptly looking at him.

Ji Chun Dong asked, "What's wrong?"

Rong Ling also turned and looked at him. period

Chun Dong was curious: "Hm?" sinking

Immersed in the joy of his old friend who was still alive, the old man, who could not help himself, also looked at him.

Ji Chun Dong: "..." He was afraid that the air would suddenly become quiet.

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