"May I ask your name, your father?" After being silent for a long time, Liu Wei finally opened her mouth. period

Pure Winter still didn't understand. After hesitating for a moment, he honestly said: "Ji Nanzheng, why, do you know Miss Liu?" willow

Wei Wei: "…"

Rong Ling looked down. If Ji Chun Dong was really his grandfather's other son, then that meant that, only a few years after he had arrived in the Immortal Yan Nation, his grandfather had already married someone else. This

When he looked at Liu Wei again, his lips were already white, and his entire person seemed to have received a huge shock.

The last one to react was his master. He didn't know that his old friend had a son in the Immortal Yan Kingdom. Now that he heard this, he was not just astonished, he was actually observing. Old

After staring at Ji Chun Dong for a long time, he finally came to a conclusion. "You and your father do have some similarities." willow

Wei Wei could no longer bear to listen. "Peng", he slapped the table, stood up and walked out.

When she missed Ji Chun, she bumped into him on purpose or not.

Ji Chun Dong had a confused face. He looked at Liu Wei, then at Rong Ling and finally at the old man: "Sir, do you recognize my father?"

The Immortal Swallow Country was too far away from the Greencloud Kingdom. Since they were already destined to never return, why did they need to hold onto that memory and refuse to face reality? Alone in a foreign land, lonely and bitter, having another home was also a normal thing. situation

Moreover, the child was already over thirty years old, so no matter what, it was too late.

The old man nodded. In the entire room, he was the only one still smiling at Ji Chun Dong. "If your father is the Ji Nan Zheng that I know, then you should call me uncle." period

Chun Dong was shocked: "The old man really knows my father?"

The old man had a benevolent expression. "My surname is Zhu. You can call me Uncle Zhu."

Although Ji Chun Dong was still surprised in his heart, he performed a junior's salute and politely called out, "Uncle Zhu." again

He asked, "My father has been roaming the world for many years, but I've never heard of a friend with the surname Zhu. I wonder when Uncle Zhu and my father met?"

The old man shook his head. "It was too long ago. You weren't born then." period

Chun Dong was even more shocked, "But I've never seen Uncle Zhu before, and I've never heard my father mention …"

The old man understood. "Your father didn't want to talk about it. It's also to avoid touching that scar at the bottom of his heart. The things that happened are unforgettable. It's better not to talk about it." period

Chun Dong thought for a moment and suddenly thought: "Could it be that Uncle Zhu is a relative of my father's homeland?" This

In his hometown, he was naturally referring to the Greencloud Kingdom.

The old man smiled and lightly nodded.

Ji Chun Dong hurriedly asked, "Then did Uncle Zhu see my mother?" Old

The smile on his face froze. "Hm?"

Ji Chun Dong looked at him unblinkingly, "My mother's surname is Bai and my father has never mentioned her name, but my father said that my mother was very beautiful when she was young and that she was a flower from their hometown. And my father also said that my sister was the most mischievous one, although she was very young, she had a very boyish personality. Not only do she tease cats and dogs all day long, but she also peed far away from other boys.

The old man listened to Ji Chun Dong talk about his family affairs.

Rong Ling who was at the side heard it and felt that something was amiss. Most

After a while, the old man held his voice and asked, "Is your name also Bai?" period

Chun Dong nodded: "Of course I'm surnamed Bai, otherwise why would father change his surname to Bai? Uncle Zhu, do you not know my mother?"

"Then has Uncle Zhu ever seen my sister before?" Ji Chun Dong asked again.

The old man shook his head: "This is my first time meeting you, how would I know your sister?" No, are we talking about the same thing? What's your father's name again? " period

Pure Winter confidently said: "Ji Nanzheng. "South of east, south, north, east, and west. The mountain forest is high and healthy."

The old man was somewhat confused. "Then you …" He could not explain it clearly, and turned to look at his disciple: "Ah Ling, do you understand now?" volume

Leng Ying naturally understood. He thought of a possibility. "Lord Ji, are you not your father's son?" period

"I am an orphan, and was adopted by my father since I was young. Does young master Rong not know about this? This matter regarding my family is not a secret in the Kingdom of Xian Yan. " deity

In Yan Country, those who knew of Ji Chun Dong would definitely know of his orphan identity. Otherwise, rumors would never spread out that he was the emperor's illegitimate child. But

Rong Ling wasn't someone from the Immortal Yan Nation. They had only been in the Immortal Yan Nation for a few months, and this was the first time they had met Ji Chun Dong.

Now that he had spoken, Rong Ling patted Xiaoli who was by his feet and said: "Go and call your mother back." small

When Li saw his mother walk out without saying a word, he did not know why and did not dare to follow her. However, when he heard Uncle Rong's shout, he quickly ran out and pulled his mother back with a look of unwillingness on her face.

Liu Wei was not in a good mood, knowing that her grandfather still had a son was one thing, but that person suddenly appearing in front of him, and that person was even a familiar person, was yet another entirely different matter.

Rong Ling pulled her to the side and explained in a whisper. After a while, Liu Wei turned around and stared at Ji Chun Dong in surprise and asked tentatively: "Are you really not your father's?" This

The question was very rude and even sounded like a scolding.

Ji Chun Dong coughed, and said somewhat embarrassedly: "Foster father has always treated me like his own daughter. I also treat my foster father like my own father." willow

Wei couldn't describe what she was feeling, but she felt relieved. When she looked at Ji Chun Dong again, a smile appeared on her face. "Lord Ji, can you tell me what happened between you and your father?"

Ji Chun Dong did not understand why the topic of conversation suddenly changed to this, what did his relationship with his father have to do with Liu Wei?

Liu Wei amiably asked about Ji Chun Dong's family background, while Ji Chun Dong constantly shifted his attention to Uncle Zhu. From time to time, he would bring up the topic of missing his mother and sister. willow

Wei Wei couldn't stand hearing this anymore. He frowned and said, "What little sister? Your father's daughter is seven years older than you. You should call her elder sister."

Ji Chun Dong was startled as he looked at Liu Wei.

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