It was indeed an older sister, not a younger sister.

It had to be retrospect, but it was quite a long time ago.

At that time, Ji Chun Dong had just been adopted by his foster father. The father and son lived together, and although they didn't have to live in misery, because there was no mistress in the family, they were still rather slovenly.

But now, Liu Wei's words resonated in her ears. Her elder sister and elder sister, were completely different.

Elder sister's words … Sis

He wasn't sure what the concept of a sister was. But

He always felt that his sister must be dignified, calm, generous, and standing and urinating, it should be, never touching the edge. willow

"When your father left, your foster sister was still four or five years old. After so many years of not seeing her, she was the only one in his memory who looked like your sister at four. If you asked him now, he would only remember her as four years old. Is she only four now?"

Ji Chun Dong was slightly shocked, he was still unwilling to believe it, and stubbornly looked at Liu Wei: "How do you know? Uncle Zhu has yet to speak. " white

The old man waved his hand. "If we were to say it's a child named Xia Qiu, born from a daughter named Miao, Liu Wei would definitely know it better than me because it's her mother." period

Pure Winter: "..."

Ji Chun Dong: "..." … ….

In the evening.

There was a dilapidated Zhong Kui Temple in the outskirts of West Entering County. This temple was once filled with incense, but because of a thunderstorm many years ago, it was destroyed by more than half of the temple.

He could still vaguely remember the grand scene of this temple many years ago. He sighed, patted the head of the wolf next to him, and said: "We still have half a day left. We'll rest here for the night." white

The wolf moved to squat under Zhong Kui's statue and found a relatively dry spot. It nudged the dry grass on the ground and looked at its owner.

Ji NanZheng walked over, sat down on the ground, and lightly leaned on the white wolf's back. mountain

Since there was no food outside the wilderness, the old man took out a few slices of cake that had already cooled down. He ate half of them himself and gave the rest to the white wolf.

The sky was getting late and the night was getting cold. Ji NanZheng looked at the horizon and slightly frowned: "I'm afraid it's going to rain."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light drizzle began to fall.

West Entering County was surrounded by poor families. A sudden heavy rain suddenly came before nightfall. Not long after, several waves of people entered the small Zhong Kui Temple.

The first one to come in was a farmer carrying a bamboo basket. Seeing that there were already people in the temple, he politely nodded at the old man and said honestly, "I still want to take advantage of the peace and quiet of the mountain these past two days to pick some firewood to sell at the market. I didn't expect to meet this rain and almost wet the firewood."

The old man gave up his seat and called the farmer to come sit. Farmer

The husband looked at the blue-eyed wolf beside him and shook his head in horror. Old

He didn't try to force the man. After seeing the farmer sit down in a corner not far from him, he closed his eyes and began to rest.

After that, a hunter came into the temple with two dead chickens in his hands. He didn't look at the people first, but noticed the wolf instead.

The old man opened his eyes in time and patted the old man who was about to make a move. He said to the hunter, "It's raining outside, should the old master come over here?" hunting

Hu Hu stared at the wolf, knowing that the wolf recognized its owner. He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head, "I'll leave after the rain. There's no need for you, old mister."

The last one to enter was a beggar. This beggar was dirty and stinky, his hair was caked, and he came in the most casually, not even greeting anyone. He just casually found a corner, laid down and slept, and soon started snoring.

The well-tempered farmer did not say anything, but the hunter with the machete in his hand had an objection, "Can you lower your voice? The rain is already annoying enough, and you still need to listen to the gritting of your teeth!"

The beggar clearly heard his words, but not only did he not restrain himself, he even beat him even louder.

The hunter suddenly stood up, grabbed his machete and was about to go settle the score.

The farmer hurriedly tried to calm the elder: "It's all to avoid the rain. This big brother here wants to calm down and calm down."

The hunter was still uncomfortable, but he did not lose his temper at the farmers. He sat down and suddenly said, "Some people's bones are just so cheap, it's impossible for good hands to do whatever they want, and they have to beg for a living. I wonder why his parents gave birth to him, it's just to embarrass themselves?"

The farmer looked embarrassed. The beggar on the other side also stopped pretending to be asleep. He sat up and asked, "Who are you scolding?"

The hunter stared at him: "I've scolded you, what's the matter?"

The beggar took the bricks from his side, stood up and walked towards the hunter. hunting

With the machete in his hand, Huhu walked over to him.

The two of them were on the verge of fighting, and the farmer couldn't stop them in time. He hurriedly looked towards Zhong Kui and shouted to the old man who hadn't said a word from the beginning: "Old sir, please hurry and persuade them. We've met only by chance, don't kill them."

The old man, who was leaning against the white wolf, slowly raised his eyes. His slightly white pupils were cloudy. He didn't say anything, but looked at the three of them with great difficulty as he stood up from the ground. He

When he stood up, his movements were very slow. The three people who were at odds with each other also stopped their confrontation. All of them turned to look at him. Old

He sighed as he held onto Zhong Kui's body and asked weakly, "When did you release the Flexible Muscle Meridian?"

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