Until the very last moment before his departure, Liu Yi had still not succeeded in meeting Rong Ling once again.

Cao Yujie relied on Rong Ling's appearance, and directly handed over the case to Zhenge Sect, so as to avoid any trouble in contacting the Ministry of Justice.

As for Yan Pei's illness, even before he left, he had only dragged it on, and the first period of treatment was almost over.

Regarding this matter, Liu Wei and Rong Ling had already discussed about it, and Rong Ling decided to accompany them.

Although he didn't know where this busy General Rong had gotten so many official holidays to be able to run around with her, Rong Ling was naturally happy to have Rong Ling to accompany him.

However, with the old saying, a man is better off than a god.

The two of them had already planned to leave the city on the second day and return to the capital on the official road. In the early morning, they became silent as they looked at the torrential downpour outside.

"This month is the month when the most rain falls upon our Qinshan Manor. When the rain stopped, about the middle of the year, it started to snow heavily. Once it snows in our Qinshan Manor, it will be like a goose feather or a goose feather, one snow for three to four days, and after a few hours of continuous days and nights, it will stop for a few hours, and then the next battle will begin. When it is winter here, it will be the hardest time to live, so many people have prepared food.

The innkeeper explained the situation before him in a simple manner.

Liu Wei looked at the rain that seemed to have gone mad, as he rubbed his glabella and asked the shopkeeper: "In the past, when would it stop?"

The shopkeeper shook his head, "I can't say for sure. There was one last year, which lasted for five days in a row, and caused a ruckus that almost flooded the entire city. It was a year ago, but the longest time was only two days. After the end of the year, they could no longer afford to take the road to the outskirts of the village. It was as if they were swimming through the entire road, this year … "I'm not sure."

Liu Wei felt his head ache.

Rong Ling took the chance and grabbed Liu Wei's hand, and pulled him up the stairs.

"For what?" Liu Wei asked.

"We can't leave anyway, let's go back to the room."

He always felt that returning to his room wasn't just about returning to his room.

Liu Wei wiped his face, "Xiaoli..."

"He hasn't woken up yet."

Having lost his last chance to struggle, Liu Wei wanted to cry, but no tears came out. In the end, he was grabbed by Rong Ling and dragged into the room.

When the door closed, the man's warm and warm breath came in. His lips were already pressed against a cold lips.

Liu Wei puffed his cheeks and said seriously: "Xiaoli will wake up anytime."

"He'll knock." The man held her jaw tight and forced her to lift her head to catch his hot breath.

Liu Wei rejected him a few times but could not push him away, so he just ignored him.

Anyway, it was just a few kisses at most.

The two of them knew very well that they would not be able to last until the end. Even if the temperature of the air in the room continued to rise with every breath, even if Rong Ling's movements became more and more uncontrollable, even if Liu Wei's eyes were to become more and more blurry along with it.

However, they just wouldn't do it in the end...

This was because none of them were ready yet.

… ….

It was hard to tell if it was their bad luck or the shopkeeper's crow beak. The rain really did not stop. It continued to rain for four days before it finally stopped.

On the morning of the fifth day, Liu Wei appeared on the dining table in the great hall with slightly swollen lips.

Xiaoli secretly moved the meat pieces on the plate to his hands, placed them in his bosom and secretly gave them to the pearl to eat.

Liu Wei did not even lift his eyelids, and said indifferently: "Don't give your dishes to the pearl to eat, after it eats them, its feathers will fall off."

Xiaoli puffed his mouth as he took his hand out. The pearl came out from Xiaoli's bosom and rested her head on the table, looking at them with her black eyes.

Liu Wei calmly used his own breakfast.

Seeing that his mother had really made up her mind, Xiaoli didn't dare to give the pearl anymore food. After eating two mouthfuls, he didn't forget to ask her, "Father, has your mouth been bitten by a mosquito again?"

Liu Wei's hand paused for a second, and his eyes glanced at the Rong Ling who was pouring milk for him.

The man seemed to have noticed her gaze. He raised his head to look at her with a sinister smile on his face.

Liu Wei coughed and scratched his lips, "Yeah, I was bitten by mosquitoes again. It's a very big mosquito."

The man beside him frowned.

As Xiaoli chewed on the rice in his mouth, he said: "I asked the shopkeeper before, he said that there shouldn't be any mosquitoes in this season, and asked us if we wanted to go to another room. Weird, my dad and I are in the same room, and I have never been bitten by mosquitoes before, so why do mosquitoes only bite dad?"

"Mosquitoes like your father." Rong Ling interrupted.

Liu Wei almost failed to catch her breath as she raised her head and glared viciously at Rong Ling.

However, Rong Ling merely passed the goat's milk to Xiaoli, telling him repeatedly that he had to finish it.

Xiaoli held the milk bowl and finished it, leaving a mouth full of beard.

Rong Ling wiped Xiaoli's hands, and said while licking his lips: "Father, are we going to change rooms tonight?"

"Nope." Liu Wei looked at the overcast sky outside: "The rain has stopped, we can leave today."

"Did you go back?" Xiaoli suddenly opened his eyes wide!

Liu Wei looked at Xiaoli: "Why don't you go back and wait here?"

"But Little Flower …"

"Tsk, tsk …"

Without waiting for Xiaoli to finish speaking, the pearl suddenly scuttled forward, saying a bunch of bird language that even Liu Wei could not understand.

Only now did Xiaoli realize that he had been made speechless. He immediately covered his mouth and shrunk his neck.

Liu Wei put down his chopsticks, stared at his son and the pearl and asked: "Who is Little Flower?"

Xiaoli withdrew his head even more, and the pearl buried itself back into Xiaoli's clothes.

"Who is Little Flower!" Liu Wei asked again.

The bird shrank even further, almost falling under the table.

Liu Wei's lips rose: "Little Flower?"

With a "Hua la" sound, Xiaoli stood up, pushed his chair forward, and ran up the second floor while carrying the pearl.

Liu Wei also stood up and followed him.

Rong Ling pulled her back: "breakfast."

Liu Wei pushed Rong Ling away: "No, no, let me go up."

"Finished!" The man was serious.

Liu Wei frowned: "Xiaoli already knows the girl, I'm going to go up to ask him, I can't eat anymore, I'm not hungry, let me go."

"Finished." The man's tone wasn't friendly, and his grip on his strength didn't loosen in the slightest.

Since he could not beat him, Liu Wei was angered to the point of "hmph!" Then he sat down again, took his meal in a few bites, and ran upstairs.

Once he went up, Liu Wei found that the door was locked.

Liu Wei crossed his arms and leaned against the door: "Open the door."

There was no sound from inside.

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