Liu Wei raised his eyebrows: You don't open the door? Xiaoli, are you sure? "

"Jie, jie, jie, jie, jie, jie …"

"What you say makes sense, but what if dad gets angry …"

"Tsk tsk!"

The whole of a small bird's conversation fell into Liu Wei's ears.

Liu Wei heaved a sigh of relief, placed his hand on the door, just as he was about to use more strength to break the lock, a big hand landed on her slender wrist.

Liu Wei raised his head, only to see Rong Ling taking out a dagger and moving it around the gap of the door, in the span of two breaths, the door was opened.

Liu Wei pushed open the door.

Inside, Xiaoli was hugging the pearl which was tucked away at the foot of the bed, shivering uncontrollably as he looked at her.

Liu Wei walked over and sat on the chair. "Who is Little Flower?"

"No one." Xiaoli blurted out.

Liu Wei frowned: "Girl?"

Xiaoli hesitated, but quickly shook his head.

"It's really a girl, a girlfriend?"

Xiaoli's eyelids kept jumping.

Liu Wei took a deep breath: "It's really a girlfriend, which family is Xiao Hua from?"

Xiaoli shook his head and looked at the pearl helplessly.

Pearl lay there pretending to be dead, with her butt facing Liu Wei, not even turning around.

Xiaoli was very angry: "You didn't keep your promise."

Pearl didn't say a word. It was a bird anyway, and it was a man's business to keep his word.

Xiaoli was so angry that he acted in accordance to your heartless and unrighteous principles, and said: "Little Flower is exactly the thrush bird in the rouge shop across the street, Pearl likes Little Flower, and told me to take the bugs to please Little Flower, I don't know anything … …"

"Jie, jie, jie, jie, jie, jie!" The Pearl jumped up and stood on Xiaoli's shoulder, pecking at his ear with all its might.

Liu Wei was startled, when he reacted, he immediately did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"So … Did Pearl get a girlfriend? "

"Jie, jie, jie, jie, jie, jie!" Pearl kept denying it, and her black feathers were falling off anxiously.

Liu Wei did not listen. He got up, walked to the window and looked down.

Indeed, from this position, one could see the main door of the rouge shop on the other side, as well as the bird cage hanging at the entrance of the shop. Inside, there was indeed a brown thrush bird.

"Pearl, you like Little Flower?" Liu Wei turned his head and asked.

Pearl tilted her head and said in a serious tone, "Jie Jie!"

"Oh?" Liu Wei smiled playfully: "Since you don't like it, then there's no need to waste any effort. I was still thinking that if you really liked it, I would have told the rouge shop owner that I bought the bird. "Since you don't like it, then save it."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Hearing that, Pearl flew over quickly and laid on Liu Wei's shoulder weakly, rubbing her head against her ear.

Xiaoli caressed her ears that were flushed from all the nagging, she was very unhappy.

Liu Wei scratched the pearl's head and raised her lips.

Just then, a hissing sound came from outside the window.

Liu Wei turned his head to look and saw a brown hawk about the size of Xiaoli when he was two years old, swooping towards him.

Liu Wei's expression changed. Just as she was about to dodge, Rong Ling moved even faster than her, pulling her into his embrace. Swoosh!

The young falcon flew onto the windowsill, and seeing so many people inside, it was very happy. It jumped and hopped its way in through the window that was not much larger than its body, looked at Xiaoli, and raised its head to call out: "Gu gu … …"

An eagle, why does it cry so much like a chicken!

Liu Wei stopped thinking about this question. He just wanted to know, since when did Xiaoli have such a good relationship with a young eagle?

Looking at the little hawk who was spreading its wings and insisting on standing on Xiaoli's shoulder, Liu Wei's head hurt. The little hawk did not realise that its size was too big, even though one of its claws said it was standing on's shoulder, but in reality, its sharp claws were almost scratching his face.

Xiaoli strenuously dragged the little hawk along, and said a little unhappily: "You're too heavy, get down."

The young falcon didn't know whether it had understood or not, so it raised its head and happily cried out, "Gu gu …"

Xiaoli frowned.

Pearl jumped out from Liu Wei's embrace and stood on a table by the side.

Upon discovering his companion, the young falcon immediately jumped down from Xiaoli's body and flapped its wings, covering the pearl with it's wings.

Pearl: "Jie, jie, jie …."

Young falcon: "Gu gu gu gu gu gu......"

Pearl, "Jie, jie, jie, jie, jie, jie …"

The two birds chatted excitedly as Rong Ling asked Liu Wei expressionlessly, "What did they say?"

Liu Wei's face became ugly: That little hawk doesn't understand anything, the pearl is saying that we are leaving and will never come back.

"Then." Rong Ling raised his eyebrows.

Liu Wei wiped his face, "Although I do not understand how the little hawk answered, but from the looks of it, he did not let Pearl go."

Rong Ling looked at the two birds, then looked at the furrows of people outside the rouge shop outside the window. After thinking for a moment, he said in a complicated manner, "It seems that Pearl has made quite a few friends."

Liu Wei laughed coldly, "They are all female."

Liu Wei expressed that she couldn't watch this love triangle anymore.

In the end, before Liu Wei left, he did not go to the rouge shop to buy Little Flower because according to Xiaoli's description, the little hawk had said that if the pearl took Little Flower, it would eat her up.

After a struggle of love and righteousness, love and hate, Pearl finally decided to leave her first love behind and travel alone.

In fact, Pearl was not alone at all.

On the public road outside of Qinshan Prefecture, a blue carriage was moving at a steady pace. Liu Wei sat in the carriage and looked at General Rong who was reading a medical manual, then looked at Xiaoli who was hugging a pillow and sleeping by the side, then looked at Pearl who looked dejected and had nothing to do with him. Finally, he looked at the roof of the carriage.

At the same time, as if he had a mutual understanding with Liu Wei, on top of the horse carriage, a clear "Goo" sound resonated through the heaven and earth.

Finally, the little eagle followed them.

Liu Wei asked Xiaoli. Such a small falcon can leave its parents?

It was born in a nest of sparrow cubs. When the mother sparrow realized that it had hatched such a large cub, it was so scared that it moved its family along with the other cubs.

However, Gu Gu was also lucky, and he managed to survive by relying on the small worms in the gaps between the trees.

Until now, Gugu was already a year old, even though she was still quite small.

It's a little malnourished, but overall, it's still healthy.

Liu Wei was speechless, thinking that such a big bird was actually malnourished.

But no matter what, this Orphan Eagle had probably never had friends since young. Now that it had Xiaoli and Pearl, it would not leave no matter what, even if it died.

Liu Wei didn't even have the right to reject her, because the other party didn't even recognize her. They only recognized Xiaoli and Pearl.

The novel "The Forensics Mad Queen" represents the author's point of view only, if it is found to be contrary to the laws of the country, please delete it, only focus on providing a healthy green reading platform.

Thank you, everyone!

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