One second. Org, free of charge!

Ji Xing frowned, and said coldly: "I didn't kill him."

Just these four words were enough to refute his words.

Brother Hu brought the people over.

When he reached the door, Ji Xing suddenly stopped and turned to look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei and Ji Xing looked at each other and asked: "Is there anything else?"

"You suspect me?" Ji Xing asked solemnly.

"Until the murderer is known, I can suspect everyone." Liu Wei said straightforwardly.

Ji Xing was quiet for a moment, then suddenly said: "Have you ever thought about who is by your side?"

Liu Wei did not speak, he only looked at Ji Xing.

Ji Xing did not speak further. Under Brother Hu's guidance, he turned around and walked away.

, Rong Su, Xiaoli, the big girl, and the others around him, only had these two people left.

This Ji Xing, was rather interesting, was he trying to sow discord, to imply that she was rebellious?

His surname was Ji. This was a family name that was worth pondering over.

Liu Wei fell into deep thought once more.

Just as Liu Wei was deep in thought and his mind was racing, there was a knock on the door.

This was the yamen's main hall. There was no door, so where did this knock come from?

Liu Wei took this opportunity to look up and saw an elegant man, dressed in white, with a warm expression and two things in his hands, standing there and looking at her. He knocked lightly on the porch of the yamen with his beautiful fingers while smiling.

Liu Wei was startled for a moment, then said: "It's Young Noble Zhong."

"I don't know." Liu Wei said, and then looked at the neat and tidy package, square pieces of ink.

Zhong Ziyu looked at Liu Wei's line of sight, and then simply opened up the yellow cloth, revealing the fragrant black ink inside.

Liu Wei reached out, took a piece, put it down the tip of his nose and gently sniffed it, following that, he nodded.

"Very fragrant." Liu Wei said.

Zhong Ziyu smiled, "Of course, it's still Tan Mo. There's a sandalwood fragrance inside …"

"It's not this ink." Liu Wei interrupted him and looked at him indifferently, saying, "It's you, Young Master Zhong."

"Oh?" Zhong Ziyu looked at Liu Wei with interest, waiting for her to continue.

However, Liu Wei suddenly stood up, and with one step after another, he walked in front of Zhong Ziyu. With his hands on the armrests on both sides of's chair, he leaned his body slightly forward and leaned close to Zhong Ziyu, forcing him to lean back so that he could lightly sniff his neck. He said: "Sir Zhong, you like musk?"

Zhong Ziyu leaned against the back of the chair, and laughed inexplicably, his voice low and hoarse: "Master Liu likes musk too?"

"Smells good." Liu Wei said.

Zhong Ziyu continued to laugh: If Master likes it, another day, I can give Master some.

"Will it be troublesome?"

"It's not worth much, so there's no need to trouble yourself about it."

"If it's not too much trouble, would it be possible for Master Zhong to send it himself?"

The corner of Zhong Ziyu's eyes hooked up, he looked at Liu Wei's exquisite white cheeks, and fell silent for a long time. In the end, he sighed: "If Master has any life, I will obey!"

Only then did Liu Wei straighten his body, removed the pressure on him, and slowly returned to his seat. He started to play with the piece of ink in his hand.

Zhong Ziyu also recovered his sitting posture, and looked at Liu Wei without saying a word.

There was a short period of silence between the two of them until Zhong Ziyu stood up and said that it was not early, and then he left first.

As he watched Yun Che's leaving figure, Liu Wei's originally indifferent and uninterested gaze gradually became sharper.

But Zhong Ziyu, who was walking at the door, coincidentally stopped at this time, and turned around. He saw that within the hall, the "man" was still playing with the ink stick, and seeing that Liu Wei was fine, he asked: "Is Master Liu free tomorrow?"

Liu Wei shook his head: "I'm not free."

Zhong Ziyu: "The next day?"

Liu Wei still shook his head: "I'm not free."


"Tonight." Liu Wei said: "I'm free tonight."

Zhong Ziyu laughed out silently once again.

Liu Wei casually put down the ink, patted on the dust that did not exist on his hands, and looked at Zhong Ziyu: "See you tonight."

Zhong Ziyu's expression was helpless, in the end, he did not agree to anything, and only turned and left.

Only until he was sure that the other party was already far away did Liu Wei relax his tensed nerves. He tilted his head and looked outside the window: "Why are you hiding?"

A tall and straight figure walked out of the window.

Rong Su slowly walked from the window to the door. He walked in, his eyes focused on the sandalwood on the table, and laughed sarcastically: "This is, your loyalty to Rong Ling?"

"What did I do?" Liu Wei looked at Rong Su with no expression.

Rong Su was too lazy to continue!

Liu Wei laughed: "Seventh Prince is really strange, on one hand, you pretend to not care about us, and on the other hand, you keep appearing behind us, spying on us, just like this time, on the other hand, you said that it doesn't matter about the girl, and on the other hand, you sent so many people to ask about her, and even went to the yamen to see for yourself, your esteemed self is so fickle, contradictory, and bold as to ask, are you not tired of it?"

Rong Su sat on the chair at the side and said: "If you don't want me to find out, then restrain myself a little and play tricks on a man. Do you think I'm willing to watch?"

"So what if you're a man? Seventh Prince has never tasted a man before, I wonder how beautiful he is … "

"Shut up!" Rong Su berated him coldly, "How shameless!"

Liu Wei laughed, he slowly stood up and handed the piece of Incense over to him.

Rong Su could smell the fragrance of the sandalwood clearly, mixed in with a hint of musk. To be honest, the smell was not good, it was very pungent.

Rong Su frowned, he pushed it away, but his gaze was cold.

"On Ye Yuanliang's corpse, there was a faint musk, and on Li Lin's corpse, there was a scent of sandalwood."

Rong Su was startled, and looked at Liu Wei.

Ye Yuanliang and Li Lin...

Even if Rong Su was not very interested in these two cases, he knew which one they were.

"Zhong Ziyu suddenly sent this piece of ink to the yamen. His intuition told me that he was trying to hint at something, but even though he looked gentle, he was actually a bit strange, so it wasn't good for me to beat around the bush. "They like men."

Rong Su frowned, and listened to what Liu Wei had to say.

"I'll go and have a look tonight and see what's going on." Liu Wei said, then stared at Rong Su: "You are not allowed to tell this to Rong Ling."

If that arrogant Cu Tanzi found out about this, let alone investigating this case, he would probably lose his life.

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