Rong Su unknowingly sneered, and snorted!

Liu Wei frowned.

With that thought in mind, Liu Wei immediately thought of the bottle gourd lantern that the little girl had taken to be her treasure, hanging by her bed every day.

After she disappeared, the lantern seemed to have disappeared.

It was just that, after all, it was just a lantern.

Even the big girl who stayed in the same room as the little girl everyday didn't notice anything unusual about her.

However, it was Rong Su who found out.

Liu Wei could not help but look at Rong Su two more times, and Rong Su said indifferently: "One night, this girl fell down the stairs."

Liu Wei was startled: "Girl?"

"Yes." I fell down to pick up that lantern. "

Liu Wei focused his eyes.

Rong Su said, "Coincidentally, that person was also there that night."

This time, Liu Wei hesitated and asked: "Zhong Ziyu?"

Rong Su nodded.

Liu Wei was a little taken aback. "Are you saying that the little girl picked up that lantern one night and fell down, allowing Zhong Ziyu to see her?"

"He caught the chick." Rong Su said.

"Was it Zhong Ziyu who saved the little girl?"

Rong Su lowered his eyes. "I saved him."

Liu Wei was startled.

Rong Ling said, "I saved him."

Liu Wei was confused, didn't he say that Zhong Ziyu was the one who caught the little girl? How did you save him again?

But Rong Su didn't seem to want to explain either, he only repeated: "I saved him."

Liu Wei didn't want to be entangled with Rong Su on this issue, so he casually answered and went around the topic: "So, what do you suspect? Do you think that Zhong Ziyu took the little girl away? He even took the lantern with him? What was Zhong Ziyu's goal? This little girl is just an ordinary child, and that lantern is also just a child's plaything. "

This point was exactly what Liu Wei had guessed before.

Recently, the yamen sent people to search for all the kidnappers in the Guyong Mansion, whether it was in the light or in the dark, but they did not find any clues.

But in the end, there was nothing. When Liu Wei heard the news, he rejected the possibility that the little girl had been kidnapped.

If it wasn't a kidnapping, what else could it be?

Then the only thing left to do was seek revenge.

Liu Wei considered himself to be low-key, but Rong Ling was in trouble right now.

The palace maid Huang Er had not found it yet, but the Emperor was still wary of her, and was ready to make his move.

Liu Wei guessed that it might be the Emperor's people planning something.

Their target was obviously not just a mere little girl, but through this little girl, they might be up to something with Rong Ling.

However, this was too far.

And Rong Su, on the other hand, was not clear either.

This person carried a military emblem on his body, but he was actually camping outside with them.

Rong Su's hidden forces had even returned to protect him closely, but this person had no intention of leaving alone.

had learned to be obedient and never leave them. He wanted them to escort him back to the capital.

If she had a relationship with Rong Ling, the two noble men, a normal little girl like the little girl would easily be used by others.

It was even possible that someone would start from a girl.

Liu Wei sank into deep thought. The clues that Rong Su had given him seemed to be useless. It was just a lantern, but perhaps, it was also an opening for him.

There was no reason for the kidnapper to rob a lantern. Perhaps, this lantern was taken by the little girl at a critical moment to leave a clue to the person she was looking for.

Liu Wei thought deeply, and unknowingly, he became entranced.

Rong Su quietly looked at Liu Wei, his white robes' man '' s handsome face was extremely serious, her 'him' brows were knitted, her thin lips were pursed tightly, revealing her feminine features, revealing a gentle and heroic aura.

This wasn't the first time he observed this person, but every time he looked, there seemed to be a slight difference.

Rong Su admitted that his impression of this Mr.Liu was extremely poor, but he couldn't deny that this person was truly talented.

He had thought of bribing this person, and also thought of enticing this person, but this person only recognized that he was going to follow Rong Ling. This caused the normally arrogant him to be unwilling to lower his stance again and again in order to find this person.

However, he had clearly decided not to be greedy, yet when he occasionally saw this person, he couldn't help but be moved.

This person had a keen brain, extraordinary skill, excellent autopsy techniques, and even perfect medical analysis. Not only could he test for death, he could even save a life. He could be said to be a martial arts expert, seemingly omnipotent.

Such a talent was something that anyone with a bit of foresight wouldn't want to miss.

Now that he looked at him again, Rong Su could not help but think of a way to poach again. Maybe, today would be a good opportunity.

Just as Liu Wei and Rong Su were deep in their own thoughts, a person walked in from outside the hall.

Rong Su heard the footsteps, and looked over there first. Seeing the man's face, he calmed down, walked out of the hall expressionlessly, and walked past the man and left.

The person at the door also glanced at Rong Su, but there was no change in his ice-cold face at all. Knowing that Rong Su had left, the man walked into the hall.

Liu Wei was still thinking, she did not care about Rong Su leaving, and she did not care about Rong Ling when he returned …

Yes, just based on the sound of the footsteps, Liu Wei could already tell that the person who entered was Rong Ling.

Rong Ling walked up and sat on the chair beside Liu Wei. He picked up half of her tea and, with a bit of thirst, drank the other half.

The moment the teacup touched the table, it made a sound. Liu Wei finally raised her head and looked at Rong Ling.

"Why?" Rong Ling asked.

Liu Wei was quiet for a moment, he then shook his head, and revealed a smile on his face: "I found some clues, tonight, you will have to busy yourself."

Rong Ling raised his eyebrows.

Liu Wei moved closer to Rong Ling and lowered his voice: "Brother Hu's side sent some news, it seems that there's a kidnapper from Lin County who came to Guyong Mansion a few days ago. I heard that when the kidnapper left, he had a little girl who looks like a little girl by his side, I don't know if she bought it or turned around."

Rong Ling frowned: "Lin County?"

"Right, so you have to go take a look."

Rong Ling's expression was not good: "Me?"

The Zhenge Sect's secret guards would definitely not be able to track down such a small matter.

But Liu Wei persisted: "It's you, you have to go personally, I suspect that there is something behind this, I am not at ease with others, I am only at ease with you."

I only trust you.

These words were like someone had thrown a sweet candy into a lake that was crystal clear to the bottom. The entire lake was suffused with a greasy and sweet taste.

It had to be said that at some point in time, Liu Wei had already mastered the ultimate skill of smoothing the fur of tigers, and the tigers themselves had yet to know it.

In short, under Liu Wei's reasonable and brilliant persuasion, Rong Ling agreed.

After that...

The two left the yamen and returned to the inn.

After having dinner, Liu Wei sent Rong Ling away politely!

After seeing the noble Cu Tanzi walk far away, Liu Wei finally returned to his room. He searched left and right before finding a set of well-dressed and slightly dressed clothing that exuded an imposing aura. He looked elegant and refined, and then opened the door to attend the meeting.

The author had something to say: "What do you mean?" By the middle of April, they were all out of town, not necessarily every computer, but his hands were raised to make sure that nothing would change, that the updates would be erratic, sooner or later, and that, just to be on the safe side, his friends would come back every night around eight o'clock.

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