Hypnosis, there are many ways, many tools, in the modern era, most people borrow tools, they are pocket watches, using the swaying principle of pocket watches to make the eyes tired, the brain enters the vacuum phase, and this phase, is commonly known as the suggestive space, in this space, the human brain will more smoothly accept the suggestive operation, thus achieving the effects of memory, narration, and so on.

As for hypnosis tools, it was definitely not just a pocket watch. For professionals, there were all sorts of items in their lives, even some furniture, and even just a mouth, they could hypnotize people.

The girl gave a vague "hmm", but in the next second, she felt a pain on the back of her neck.

Upon seeing this, the big girl was shocked. Her little sister had actually fallen asleep.

His little sister knew very well that this little girl was a light sleeper. When he was in a deep slumber, his little sister could wake up whenever there was the slightest movement outside. But now, this little girl had actually fallen asleep just like that … Isn't it a bit too fast?

While Big Sis was still feeling surprised, something that made her even more surprised happened.

Young Master Liu asked the little girl with a gentle expression: "Are you asleep?"

The little girl, who had already fallen asleep, actually replied, "Yes."

The girl was taken aback. She almost cried out in surprise, but then she quickly covered her mouth and stopped herself from making a sound.

Liu Wei put down his brush and moved closer to the little girl. "What did you see?"

"Flowers, grasses, fields …"

"Where are the flowers? Where's the grass? "Where's the field?"

The girl closed her eyes and replied in a daze, "Flowers on the doorstep, grass on the hillside, our own field."

When a person was in a trance, they would stay in the safest place they could think of. Of course, this kind of residence had its implications, if the hypnotist forced her to stay in another place, she would obediently go, but Liu Wei did not force her. What Liu Wei wanted was to let the little girl think of herself.

It was obvious that this little girl felt that the safest place was where she used to live.

Liu Wei patiently asked: What's inside the flower?

The girl said, "Butterfly."

"What about in the grass?"

This time, the girl was silent for a long time before she finally said, "Snake …" When she said the word snake, she even frowned.

Liu Wei asked again, "What about Tian Li? "Who's in the fields?"

"Eldest young mistress …" The girl's tightly knitted eyebrows loosened and her lips curled up into a smile, "Big Sis is doing farm work …" "Big Sis said that she needs to work harder. Before she gets married, she has to save some dowry for me and the big girl …"

When the big girl next to him heard this, she felt her nose turn sour.

Yeah, Big Sis used to say that.

In a patriarchal home, girls and girls do not have parental care, only big sister.

They were all mostly raised by Big Sis.

"Big Sis has left …" Suddenly, the girl's voice grew louder, and her tone revealed a trace of panic.

Liu Wei pressed down on the little girl's shoulder and comforted her softly. "Your big sister didn't go far.

"That's not it..." Unexpectedly, the little girl did not accept Liu Wei's suggestion for a sexual plot. Tears rolled down the corner of her eyes, and her nose was extremely red. Big Sis was sold by Father and Mother … "

Liu Wei looked at the little girl quietly. He did not say a word, but stroked her head, going up and down, trying his best to calm her down.

"Big Sis … "Don't go..." Despair could be heard in the girl's voice as she stretched out her hand in an attempt to grab something. However, what she caught was just a lump of air.

Liu Wei held the little girl's hand, trying his best to transmit the temperature of his palm to the child.

However, the little girl only held onto Liu Wei's fingers tightly, as if she did not have the concept of "This hand is big sister's hand". The little girl only held onto a strand of straw of hope, as if grabbing onto it would be enough to calm herself down.

Liu Wei continued to pacify the little girl. Seeing that the little girl was crying until she was choked with sobs, Liu Wei then opened his mouth once again: "Where did your big sister go?"

When the big girl heard this question, she looked at her sister's crying face and couldn't bear it anymore. She wanted to say that the little girl didn't know where Big Sis had been sold off to, and didn't even know anything about her sister's death.

The only thing the little girl knew was that Big Sis had gone to a place far away, not to this village, not to this county, not even to this prefecture …

But before the big girl could say anything, she heard her sister, who was sitting on a chair and burping from crying, say hoarsely, "The big sister was sold to the Guyong Mansion … …"

The big sister was sold to the Guyong Mansion? This is the place we're living in right now?

Liu Wei looked at the big girl, then looked at the little girl and asked, "How did you know?"

"I saw elder sister …" The little girl held Liu Wei's finger tightly and said: "I saw Big Sis, that lantern …."

Liu Wei squinted his eyes and turned to look at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling was also looking at Liu Wei, so Liu Wei indicated to Rong Ling, who then picked up the big girl and brought her out of the room.

After exiting the room, the big girl said in confusion, "Young Master Rong, can't I go in and listen?"

"No." A simple and crude word, answering this big girl.

Rong Ling did not speak, he only turned around and entered the room, closing the door at the same time.

The girl stood outside, staring at the closed door with a frown on her face.

In the room, Liu Wei raised his spirits and cautiously continued to ask the little girl: "What happened to that lantern?"

The little girl did not say anything. She held her mouth and cried until she was out of breath.

Liu Wei did not urge her, but continued to stroke her head. After a while, Liu Wei asked again: "That lantern, what happened?"

This time, the little girl replied, "That's Big Sis."

Liu Wei frowned and continued: "How can I confirm it?"

"Big Sis's birthmark …"

This little girl was talking about the red mark.

Liu Wei said: "Just by relying on a birthmark, it is impossible to be certain. In this world, there are many people who have similar appearances, furthermore, this is just a mere birthmark, maybe, it is just a stain of filth."

"No, it's elder sister." The little girl stubbornly said.

Liu Wei paused for a while and asked: "Are there any other evidence?"

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