This time, the little girl replied, "Yes."

Liu Wei's eyes changed, his voice becoming more tense: What proof is this?

Liu Wei's guess was indeed correct.

And if he was able to clear out these memories, Liu Wei believed that he would definitely discover something big.

After all, she had been kidnapped for seven or eight days without any harm being done to the little girl. The motive of such a kidnapper was indeed thought-provoking.

Liu Wei asked the little girl for a while more, but the little girl still answered. She couldn't remember, but she couldn't think of anything.

The expression on the girl's face had become anxious and relaxed.

Liu Wei knew he couldn't continue asking. The little girl was still too young, such an extreme method would cause her child's brain to get injured.

After confirming that there was nothing else he could ask, Liu Wei softly asked, "Now, can you hear anything?"

As expected, the little girl gave up on recalling the things she could not remember. Instead, she shifted her gaze and searched for a voice that appeared out of thin air.

It was the sound of a bell.

"Follow that voice and you will see a white light in front of your eyes. Within the white light, there is a person waiting for you. Who do you think that person is?"

Unconsciously, the little girl searched for the white light in her head and slowly walked forward. After walking for a while, she finally saw a person standing in the hazy white fog. The little girl could not see that person's face clearly.

"Now, walk in front of that person." Liu Wei continued to guide them.

The little girl obediently walked closer and closer. She tried very hard to look at that person's face, but she was still unable to see it clearly.

"That's me." Liu Wei replied.

This time, the little girl finally saw that person's face. It was a handsome, elegant, refined, and refined man. If it wasn't Mister Liu, who else could it be?

But when she saw that it was Liu Wei, the little girl was startled. Then, her eyebrows drooped down, as if she was disappointed.

Liu Wei noticed the expression on the little girl's face and was startled.

Was there someone in this child's heart?

Usually, people who are in a trance have to go through a medium to get out of it. Some doctors will say in advance that you can open your eyes when you hear the bell or the snap of a finger.

Instead, he used a soft awakening method. Liu Wei would guide the person who was hypnotized to see the "doctor" who would hypnotize him in his dreams, and when he saw the doctor himself, the illusion would be broken.

But some people don't have to be woken up by doctors, and some of the more severe delusions are not awakened by hypnosis.

Unless the person who was hypnotized felt that it was the safest and safest person to wake up.

But this girl actually had such a person in her mind?

This little girl was not a hallucinogenic person. She was just a normal person and should be able to wake up using the most normal method, but this little girl could not help it. She thought of another person in her mind. What did this mean? The only thing that could be explained was that during the time she was kidnapped, her brain received too much stimulation, resulting in her appearance to look normal. However, her brain nerves had changed into a completely different appearance.

Liu Wei frowned, he could not tell what a mental disease it was from their veins, could it be that the little girl was not injured, but her brain was injured?

Liu Wei continued to speak tentatively, "Do you see the person in front of you? Now, open your eyes. "

The little girl still had her eyes closed as she quietly sat there. Her body leaned against the back of the chair with a soft body. Her eyelids trembled for a moment before they closed again.

Liu Wei frowned, "Open your eyes."

The girl's eyelids trembled once again, but she did not open her eyes.

Liu Wei's expression became ugly.

Rong Ling was right behind Liu Wei, upon seeing him, he pressed down on Liu Wei's shoulder, causing the heat from his palm to enter into Liu Wei's shoulder.

Liu Wei exhaled, pursed her lips, and continued: "That person has left, in the white light, walked in another person."

The girl's expression changed again.

"Who do you want?" Liu Wei asked.

The little girl did not answer, but another person appeared in her mind. That person was a man, and he was wearing an extremely ordinary light colored robe. At first, the little girl could not see his face, but when she came closer, she finally saw him.

It was a somewhat cold, somewhat cold, yet very handsome face.

Looking at that person, the little girl walked over and unconsciously pulled on the corner of his clothes.

The man paid no attention to the girl, nor did he wave her away. He only brought her with him as they walked deeper into the light.

"Open your eyes." Liu Wei's voice sounded beside his ears.

The little girl's eyes widened as she looked at the empty roof, unable to react in time.

It was only after the stalemate had lasted for more than ten seconds that the girl finally lost her composure and blinked her eyes. She looked at the two people in front of her and said, "Gongzi?"

Liu Wei looked at the little girl with a complicated expression for a while, before patting her head: "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

The girl felt it and shook her head. "No." He then added happily, "It really doesn't hurt."

Liu Wei asked again, "Do you still remember what happened just now?"

"Experience?" The girl's expression turned silly once again. After carefully recalling it for a while, she scratched her head and asked in embarrassment, "Young Master, am I asleep?"

Liu Wei asked: "Did you sleep well?"

The little girl could not remember, but she still nodded her head and honestly said, "I think I just slept for a while … …"

Because he woke up in the blink of an eye.

"Still sleepy?"

The little girl looked at the sky outside and nodded obediently.

"Then go back to your room and rest."

The little girl stood up obediently, bowed to the two gongzis, and left.

After the little girl left, Rong Ling asked, "How was it?"

Liu Wei's face did not look good: "If she doesn't have any leads, then forget it, but I seem to have been forced into a corner."

Rong Ling raised his brows, "Hand and foot?"

Liu Wei nodded his head: "This girl has forgotten too many things, this is abnormal, in this period of time, I have to treat the girl, but since she is mentally ill, I am not good at it … …"

However, forensic psychology and orthodox, complete psychology were two different occupations. Some things could interact with each other, but the majority of them were different, after all, the methods to test a murderer and to test a normal person were completely different.

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