One second. Org, free of charge!

As Liu Wei was thinking about how he could treat the little girl, Rong Ling had already sat on the chair opposite of Liu Wei and was staring at her.

Liu Wei was startled, and asked: "What?"

Compared to the dozens of corpses he had initially thought to be dead, five corpses was much less.

However, those lanterns today had not been completely examined. Who knew how many were left behind?

Furthermore, from the start, this girl had taken a fancy to the lanterns. In other words, the murderer did not keep all the lanterns to satisfy his perverted desires. Instead, he sold a portion of them for others to enjoy.

As such, it was unknown how many more lives remained.

Liu Wei thought about it and sighed. He then continued, "Third, the criminal psychology of the murderer. He did not know the identity of the culprit nor did he even have a target to suspect. However, from the way the culprit made a lantern out of human skin and even went out to sell such a blatant challenge to the law, it could be seen that there were a few general points regarding the psychological structure of the culprit. Firstly, the murderer is a pervert. Secondly, the murderer is a pervert who has his own aesthetic sense. We actually have met this kind of pervert before, I don't know if you remember, that Li Yong of Fuping County was exactly this kind of pervert, putting aside Li Yong's dual personality, just saying Li Yong's aesthetic sense, that was violence, blood. Li Yong liked to dig out people's intestines, and make them into a bloody mess, as if this was the only way to satisfy the desire in his heart.

This time, the murderer is not just an aesthetic person, instead, he is gentle, the murderer uses handicrafts as a way of making souvenirs, not only collecting his own life, but also deliberately flowing into the streets, the murderer seems to be certain that he will not be caught, the murderer is hiding in the dark, laughing wildly at the ignorant masses who bought the lanterns, this murderer, is contemptuous of the imperial power, is contemptuous of the law, is contemptuous of everything in the world, this kind of person's mentality, has already distorted to a certain degree, but the murderer views this kind of distortion as a kind of beauty, a sign of his own unique behavior, and this kind of marking himself as the murderer's biggest pursuit. "

Actually, there were many examples of perverted serial murders. In many places, the murderer had the same characteristics.

Not to mention the fact that Li Yong was similar to the person who committed the murder in the human skin lantern case, even in the most famous cases of modern times, the characteristics of the culprit were similar.

Jack the Ripper, a prostitute killer, features, first, cutting open the victim, and second, the victim is a prostitute.

The Gay Man Eating King, a killer who loved to rape and eat corpses. His characteristics were: first, he would tie up people he liked and kill, then he would rape and finally, he would eat the parts of the body that he liked.

Every case has its own characteristics.

In the current case of the human skin lanterns, the greatest characteristic was the human skin and the lanterns.

The skins of the living, and the beautiful lanterns.

If Li Yong's case is similar to that of Jack the Ripper and the Gay Cannibal King, it is because their aesthetic approach is similar and they both prefer the aesthetic of violence.

It was a case in the United States where a criminal who had had a shadow cast over his childhood, and in order to kill people with interest, he had picked out victims who had no pattern, and it all depended on his mood. He could kill whoever he wanted, and in the short span of a few years, he had killed more than 150 people, and this was only to find corpses.

They continued to move forward in a relaxed manner.

Liu Wei felt that the reason the murderer in the human skin lantern case liked to kill was probably because he liked to make lanterns out of human skin.

Of course, this was only a guess on Liu Wei's part. After all, there were too few clues, and the only thing she could do was to take into account the previous cases and make some wild guesses.

After listening to Liu Wei's words, Rong Ling's expression remained calm throughout.

After a long while, Rong Ling finally asked: "When will the victims be able to be certain? "No need, just make sure one or two."

Liu Wei frowned: "So that's why I'm going to the cave tomorrow to take a look and see if there's anything left behind."

The one who had the most chance of being sure was the girl's elder sister, but if the girl had problems, without more proof, there was no way to confirm it.

[Is it really such a coincidence?] He just bought a lantern on the street and got his sister?

Liu Wei did not dare to have this kind of fluke. What he learnt was a medical examiner, and a doctor talked using evidence, not guesses.

Assume boldly and carefully that it is the other department that is seeking confirmation, while the medical examiner is the one who is seeking confirmation.

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei's exhausted face, and suddenly asked something irrelevant. "Have the skin on Ye Yuanliang's corpse been skinned?"

Liu Wei was startled for a moment, and looked at Rong Ling: "What?"

Rong Ling continued: "Why is there a fog in this world that specializes in condensing blood energy, causing one's skin to fester? "Why is the skin targeted at the skin? What happened to Ye Yuanliang's skin?"

Rong Ling's question made Liu Wei's heart tremble, and gave him an indescribable feeling.

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