One second. Org, free of charge!

The girl felt that the little gongzi was too stupid and refused to listen no matter what she said. However, in order to prevent Young Noble Liu from being unhappy, they had to do their best to make the little gongzi keep it a secret.

Although Xiaoli did not understand his intention, he still agreed.

The girl at the door was still unresponsive.

Rong Su was not a patient person, seeing that the little girl did not move, he paused for a bit, then decided to close the door.

However, the moment the door closed, a short hand pushed against the door.

Rong Su looked at the little girl and let go of her hand.

Indeed, this girl was going to come in.

However, the little girl just pushed the door, as if she didn't plan to come in. Rong Su didn't understand again.

Just as Rong Su was about to close the door again, he heard a weak voice coming out from the little girl's mouth, "Trash."

Rong Su raised his eyebrows, his expression a little startled. In the following few days, he had been sleepwalking every night, but this girl had never said anything. She had always been doing things in silence that he could not figure out, but words were definitely not there.

And what did this chick say? Scum? What kind of strange word was that?

Rong Su did not understand and did not say a word, observing the situation.

The little girl seemed to be provoked by those two words, she suddenly pushed open the door, walked in and hit Rong Su, and muttered: "Scum male, scum male, scum male —"

The little girl's fist did not have much strength, so it did not hurt when she punched him, but it could not resist the little girl's angry tone.

Rong Su dragged the girl's hand and carried her away like a chick. With a straight face, he shouted, "What are you doing!

Being pulled up, the little girl was unwilling to forgive him. If she couldn't hit his body, she would just grab onto his hands and continuously hit him. As before, she shouted, "Scum, scum …"

But what did this mean?

Rong Su did not understand, but he knew that these kinds of weird words, only the Mr.Liu could say it, so, what exactly did that person say to the girl? Did this girl have such a problem?

She scolded very fiercely. Even though she woke up tomorrow and was completely unaware of what had happened today, she kept on talking. She kept on talking.

Rong Su was finally fed up. He carried the little girl and threw her onto the bed, wrapping her in a blanket and said, "Sleep!"

The little girl wanted to struggle and get up, but her body was slapped and pushed back by the big hand. After struggling several times and being suppressed by the martial power, the little girl learned to be obedient and finally stopped moving. She lied on the bed and after a moment of confusion, she rolled over and fell asleep with her blanket wrapped around her.

Hearing the little girl's regular breathing, Rong Su became expressionless. He reached out his hand and tapped the little girl's forehead, and said, "You little bastard."

"Scum!" As if she knew that someone was scolding her, the little girl who was called Little Rascal let out another sentence out of reflex.

Rong Su's face immediately darkened.

But when he realized that he was actually facing a little girl who was unconscious, Rong Su felt bored. After a pause, he also got into bed, slept on the outside of the bed, and closed his eyes.

Rong Su did not fall asleep easily. On top of that, the little girl kicked his blanket and moved it around, making him unable to sleep well either. He even had to lift up his blanket from time to time to cover her face.

After being hit by the blanket a few times, the little girl finally became obedient and didn't make a sound. She simply slept in the same place and didn't move at all.

Just when Rong Su thought that they had at least made a ruckus, he heard the little girl talk in her dreamy voice, "Trash male … Lady... Trash man … "Lady..."

The scumbag seemed to be talking about him, but who was that girl?

Rong Su turned and looked at the child.

The little girl bit her fingers as she slept. She opened her mouth and unconsciously whispered, "Miss … Lady... "Lady Liu …"

Miss Liu?

The somewhat familiar name caused Rong Su to pause.

In this world, there were many people surnamed Liu, but in Rong Su's heart, this form of address would automatically bring about a shadow.

When he thought about the woman who had her face ruined, yet was so proud that she looked indifferent, Rong Su frowned, turned his head, and glared at the little girl with a hint of anger: "It's already annoying, but don't you think it's enough? You want me to put her completely in a deathtrap before you are willing to give up? "

The little girl didn't know that someone was talking to her, so she just continued to speak in her own language. The little girl didn't know that someone was talking to her, but she continued to talk in her own language.

Rong Su stared at the girl's innocent and innocent sleeping face, lying on his bed. In his mind, a certain someone's shadow appeared, becoming more and more vivid.

, who was sitting next to her, suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose. He sat up, looked in the direction of the door and confirmed that the door was not moved.

It had already been four hours. Not to mention the rest room s of the inn, even the rest room s of the yamen had already gone and returned.

Liu Wei got off the bed, rubbed his sore neck, opened the door, and went downstairs to take a look.

The rest room was in the backyard, so Liu Wei could see from afar that there were no lanterns hung at the rest room's gate.

If the lantern was not hung, it meant that there was no one inside.

Liu Wei frowned, didn't they say that they were going to the rest room? Why isn't he here? Where did it go?

Liu Wei was a little agitated, realizing that he had waited 4 hours for nothing, his expression turned serious and he walked up the stairs.

Wherever Rong Ling wanted to go had nothing to do with her.

He had already brought her face to this point. Since he was still indifferent and kept avoiding her, there was no need for her to be so unrelenting. It would be better to just let this relationship end here.

In this life, where could one meet the first person that could form a good relationship with him?

With a belly full of anger, Liu Wei brainwashed himself as he returned to his room. Upon entering, he saw that the room was empty and quiet, so he pursed his lips and threw himself onto the bed. Then, he covered himself with the blanket.

Rong Ling, you did well, very well!

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