One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Ling looked at the pair of golden eyes in front of him, the delicate and touching slender woman.

Rong Ling's current brows were already furrowed into a knot.

He looked at the sky and thought, he did not know if Liu Wei had already fallen asleep, but if the woman dared to provoke him like that, and if she still slept peacefully, then, he would really teach her a lesson.

Ji Gui cried very hard, and she did her best to look pitiful. Seeing that the man in front of her was obviously not paying attention at all, she felt that she had been hit, and seized the opportunity to beg, "General Rong, please consider this as Liu Wei's …"

When the two words "Liu Wei" came out, Rong Ling's scattered gaze instantly concentrated and swept towards Ji Jin. "Liu Wei?"

Ji Jin blurted out, "We're cousins …"

Before he could finish his sentence, Rong Ling coldly interrupted him: "Liu Wei is surnamed Liu, what does that have to do with you?"

When Ji Jin heard the decisiveness in Rong Ling's words, she didn't feel melancholy. Ji Jin lowered her head, fiddled with the corners of her clothes, and timidly said, "Liu Wei doesn't want to acknowledge his ancestors, I've also heard about it from the elders before. But regardless of whether Liu Wei is willing or not, Liu Wei is still my family, and she is my family's sister …"

"Liu Wei is not." Rong Ling's indifferent face did not contain the slightest bit of emotion as he said, "In the future, there's no need to disturb her anymore."

Rong Ling said, then turned and walked in the direction of the inn.

Ji Jin called out from behind, "I won't disturb her and don't mention her. Can you save my elder sister?"

Rong Ling stopped and did not turn back.

Ji Jin immediately continued, "Actually, we know everything about each other. We know who I am, who you are, and who I am, and we all know who Liu Wei is, royal family, Ji's Family, and Liu family, these three families were originally at loggerheads, but when we were born, my sister and I did not want to involve any family grudges. We were born late and did not see the blood flowing like rivers and our people being displaced, but in reality, it is the same. General Rong, I know that you do not like Ji's Family people, I believe you have heard of many of your royal elders, and have mentioned how ambitious, crafty and treacherous our Ji's Family is. That's right, your royal family suppressing our reputation, doesn't that mean that if we rebel, our hearts can be destroyed? It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, I just want to save my sister. I promise you, when I save my sister, we will leave, find a place to hide for a while, and no longer harass Liu Wei, okay? "

Ji Jin's tone was close to begging. She was clear about Ji Jin's martial arts skills. To rely on her own strength to save Ji Cha was undoubtedly a fantasy, but Ji Jin couldn't watch Ji Cha return and receive her punishment.

Actually, they had also planned on how they could get rid of the punishment. One, they could take Liu Wei back home and find the clansmen and the Lingzhou to overlap with each other.

The second was to tangle with Ji Xing, and use his status to cover for them.

It turned out that Ji Jin had thought that the first one would succeed, but she failed the fastest. Liu Wei was different from what they had imagined.

He thought that since Liu Wei knew about his background, he would impatiently go back to see his remaining relatives, but Liu Wei was not so easily moved. Strictly speaking, Liu Wei and Xia Qiu's aunt were completely different, Xia Qiu's aunt was a sentimental person.

Liu Wei had his own judgement, his own way of thinking, and even had his own ways of handling matters. Liu Wei would never walk the path of others, he would only walk his own path.

Ji Jin couldn't tell if Liu Wei was like her biological father, the long-rumored Master of the Liu Family, Liu Huan. However, Liu Wei's personality was indeed one of the reasons why it wasn't easy for them to get close to him.

Since they couldn't bring Liu Wei back, then there was only the second way, shamelessly pestering Ji Xing. In any case, they had all left the clan to find Liu Wei, and Brother Xing and Liu Wei had already been engaged for a while, so even if it was for Liu Wei's sake, Brother Xing would probably look out for them.

This Brother Xing could not come out from the yamen, but Cousin Yun Ni's slight matter had brought along the trusted aides of the clan's elders. When these people brought Cousin Yun Ni and Ji Xiao back to the Lingzhou, they accepted the order to bring them back as well.

This was outrageous. Brother Xing was still locked up, so how could they dare to return? Without Brother Xing's reminder, they would have to wait upon the family law.

Thinking about the heavy punishment that could take a person's life, Ji Jin felt a chill run down her spine.

Not caring about her dignity anymore, Ji Gui ran over to stop Rong Ling, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm really, really not going to do it, I'm kneeling down to you!"

As Ji Gui spoke, she bent her knees and looked as if she was about to kneel down.

But the moment Ji Jin's knee touched the ground, a gust of wind approached from far away. Ji Jin didn't even have the chance to react before she felt her body being lifted up by the wind.

Ji Jin took two steps back, stood up straight, and looked towards the Whirlwind Source.

She turned her gaze and saw a woman in a light blue dress walking towards them. She was approaching them from afar.

The woman's steps were graceful and her figure was exquisite. Other than her face that was as cold as ice and as cold as ice, it was able to resist a thousand miles. Just looking at her would cause one's hair to stand on end.

Ji Jin subconsciously called out as she watched that person get closer and closer, "Liu Wei …"

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