One second. Org, free of charge!

The next day, early morning.

The servants and servants of the Seventh Prince's Mansion were all standing in the corridor and whispering.

"He came out, he went in again. He ran seven or eight times this morning."

"He must have eaten something wrong, right? Why did his stomach suddenly turn so bloated?"

"I don't know, but the palace has ordered for the royal family not to invite a physician. I'm afraid that they feel that... "Oh, sorry."

There are still a few side imperial concubine s and concubines who came over to help when they heard about the Prince's condition, but were all angered by him and took him back. The two who came earlier were even scolded by him. "

"Isn't it? Who would want to block their own path and chatter a bunch of nonsense when they were in a rush to go to rest room? "

The two servants spoke as they walked, and in a short while, they had already left.

Hearing that, Li Jun rubbed her chin, thinking, how did her stomach get so big? Don't tell me you have a cold? If that was the case, it would be better to invite the imperial physician over!

Just as Li Jun was thinking about it, sshe saw the butler walk back. Upon seeing Li Jun, he respectfully said: "Master Li, the prince invites you to the front courtyard to meet him."

Li Jun nodded, and let the butler lead the way.

Arriving in front of Rong Su's room, Li Jun saw from afar that the courtyard entrance was filled with people.

Li Jun was after all an outer man. Although she was invited in by the Duke, it wasn't so good, so all the way, she kept her head down, avoiding looking at the Duke's concubines.

The female servants also had their reservations, they all dodged to the side, and got the servants to cover their bodies, until Li Jun walked far away. Then they came out again, and peeked their heads in.

Li Jun entered the inner room and saw that Rong Su, who was still looking spirited and refreshed yesterday, was currently seated on a red wooden chair with a pale face and dry lips. Her long fingers were placed on the armrest of the chair, and she was feebly holding a cup of hot tea.

"Prince?" Li Jun was surprised, it was just a stomach attack, why did it look so serious?

Rong Su waved her hand towards Li Jun, signalling him to sit.

Li Jun found a chair to sit on and asked: "What exactly happened? "How did you suddenly become unwell?"

"It's fine." Rong Su said casually, she just so happened to raise her head and look outside the door, she saw two sneaky little figures looking in.

Rong Su's face darkened, and she called out: "Come in."

The two girls who were holding onto the door frame hesitated for a moment. They looked at each other, then grabbed each other's hands and walked in slowly.

"What are you doing?" Rong Su asked.

Big Sis was very afraid of Seventh Young Master, so she shrunk her neck and hid behind her sister without saying a word.

Being pushed out here, he knew that he couldn't back down and could only muster up his courage to call for help. "Y-two ladies, you gave us two candied fruits, let us, let us …"

Rong Su's voice turned cold: "What do I want you all to do?"

Staring at the prince's serious face, her lips trembled in fear. She turned her head back a few steps before speaking in a condescending tone, "Let's …. He told Seventh Young Master that if she wasn't feeling well, she had to be served. Her master voluntarily served her well and waited outside the door for him to summon her … "

When Li Jun heard this, she wanted to laugh, these concubines of her were really untactful, they had to get closer to him whenever she was unhappy, and had even used a candied fruit to bribe her concubine.

The Ji concubines didn't know that this had already crossed the bottom line of the prince?

Li Jun leisurely sat down and waited for the Duke to express her opinion.

The big girl heard the displeasure in Rong Su's tone and lowered her head, not daring to speak.

"Or am I just worth those two skewers?" Rong Su suddenly changed the subject, her voice becoming colder.

As a result, it was quiet here for a moment.

In the end, it was Li Jun who spoke, breaking the tranquility: "They are just two foreign girls, what knowledge do you have? But why are you still keeping these two girls here, your highness?"

Li Jun could still remember the two maids were from Yan Pei's hands.

It was just that Li Jun thought that after so many days, the Yan family had already sent people back. How could they not make any noise?

Li Jun didn't know, whether it was the Yan Residence or the Yuwen Mansion, they had actually sent someone to receive it, but the Seventh Prince refused to release anyone, and before the two families' people could even see the two girls, they were kicked out of the Duke's Palace.

Rong Su did not say anything. He only looked at the two girls and spoke with a serious tone: "Speak!"

The two little girls raised their heads, and looked at Rong Su with fearful expressions. Their faces were filled with unease, and in the end, they tremblingly asked, "Tell me … What did you say? "

Rong Su squinted her eyes.

He hurriedly held his head and hid behind his sister as he said, "I won't dare to, I won't dare to. We won't dare to do that again."

Big Sis also quickly agreed, "We … "We won't eat candied fruits anymore, we won't eat anymore …"

Hearing this, she was stunned for a long time before secretly pushing her elder sister away. How could she say that she wouldn't eat candied fruits in the future? If she didn't, then what was the point in living …

Rong Su saw the movements of the two little girls. He wanted to say something, but her eyes suddenly swept across the small porcelain bottle on the girl's waist and remembered the pill he ate last night. She lowered his head and asked: "What is that?"

The girl paused for a moment, looked down at her medicine bottle, and raised it up. "This?"

"What is it?"

The girl said honestly, "It's my medicine."

Rong Su's expression was unsettled as she looked at his. She asked again, "What medicine?"

The big chick obediently said, "This was given to me by young master Liu. Because we were walking on the road a while ago, it was hard to avoid sloppiness from eating. A while ago, I had a bug growing in my stomach. This was something my young master killed for me."

It was normal for a child to have an ascaris in his belly after eating something unclean. Killing the worm would be no problem.

However, in the Greencloud Dynasty, it was known that insecticides had a side effect.

That was — pulling the belly.

Rong Su's expression immediately changed.

Indeed, he was too careless.

He was sure that this little girl wouldn't poison him, but he had forgotten to care. Could the things given by a child be eaten?

Thus, an hour later, the big chick appeared in the Wang Mansion's small temple. They were punished and had to clean the temple for half a month.

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