The two concubines who had been dragging the big girl to pass on the message to the Prince suddenly turned pale with fright. They didn't dare to wander outside the Prince's courtyard and hurriedly returned to their own courtyard.

The door was tightly shut. If he didn't come out now, he would.

It seemed that if they wanted to stay in the manor properly, they would have to at least be well-behaved for now.

The servants and servants could not help but cry bitterly for their master, but Li Jun was inside the house clutching his stomach, laughing so hard that he could not get up.

He had never known that the cold and stern Seventh Prince would have such a comical side. When he thought of the prince's stomach growling just now, he immediately slammed the table and rushed out without saying a word. He squeezed the tears in the corner of his eyes, thinking that if he continued to run to the Seventh Prince's Mansion, he might even discover some new surprises.

The creator of this surprise and joy was currently holding a broom, sadly sweeping away the incense ashes of the ancestral hall with his sister, reprimanding her, "How can you say that you will never eat candied fruits again? Elder sister, why are you so confused? You've forgotten how delicious hawthorn candied fruit is. "

Hearing this little girl's words, this big girl also became greedy. Her mouth was flat, and she regretted her quick mouth.

The two little girls were feeling anxious and upset. On the other side, an uninvited guest had arrived at the entrance of Seventh Prince's Mansion.

The gatekeeper looked at the officer dressed in a military uniform, exuding a metallic aura. He was stunned for a long time before asking, "Your excellency is …"

"Zhenge Sect Deputy General Wei, I seek an audience with the King!"

The General Wei came to deliver a letter, and Rong Su, who just came out of his rest room, received it. After reading it, she was so angry that she wanted to go to his rest room again.

This letter was written by Rong Ling. There was only a line of words on it – Borrowing your mansion's three bedrooms, one courtyard, returning after a month.

Borrowing? Return?

What did this seemingly nice words mean behind it? Forget about having diarrhea, even if Rong Su was terminally ill, and was bedridden, she would not understand wrongly.

After the two little girls, Rong Ling had actually stuffed someone else into his Seventh Prince's Mansion.

What was this manor? Was it Rong Ling's backyard?

Rong Su was so angry that his body was on the verge of collapse. His already tired body really couldn't take it anymore, and in the end, she didn't want to call the royal doctors anymore.

Then, the matter of Seventh Prince taking the wrong medicine and having stomach trouble quietly spread throughout the imperial court.

The Crown Prince had also received the news. After hearing it, he smiled, feeling that it was ridiculous, "Did you eat the wrong medicine? Or was it drugged? "

The spy who came to report said, "He must have taken the wrong medicine. The royal doctor said that the pulse must have taken the medicine that contained the laxatives, and the effects are quite severe."

It was just a cathartic drug. If he had tried to poison it, he would have poisoned it a long time ago. However, it was just a pill to destroy the heart. Therefore, it should not have been deliberately administered by someone else.

The Crown Prince obviously thought of this and sneered before putting the matter down. Lowering his head, he handed a report to the scout.

The scout took it and listened to his master's instructions, "Within three days, find out who is behind him, and even dare to make a move on the two rivers. I want to see who gave him courage!"

The spy's eyes drooped as he responded. He then stuffed the imperial report into his pocket and left.

After the others had left, someone knocked on the door to the Crown Prince's study room.

The Crown Prince looked at the time with a bit of displeasure on his face, but he still allowed people to come in.

The door opened and two maidservants came in.

The maidservant had two trays in her hands. One of them was filled with a bowl of pitch black medicine, while the other was filled with green tea and a plate of plums.

"Your Highness, it's time to use the medicine."

The Crown Prince's face was gloomy as he thought of his sore liver. He casually made a sound of "yes" and ordered his men to put the things down.

The maidservant placed the tray down and didn't leave.

The Crown Prince could not hold it in and shouted, "This hall knows how to take medicine, you can all withdraw!"

The two maidservants were put in a difficult position. After raising some money, they said, "Your Highness, the Empress ordered for you to use the medicine before …"

"Just wait and listen to her. Don't you need to listen to what I say?"

Eating the bitter and bitter medicinal juice everyday, yet he did not feel that there were any benefits to his body. Not to mention improving, he could not even suppress the disease, and did not know how long he would take this medicine in the future. As long as he thought about the endless treatment process, Rong Ting's heart would be filled with rage, and his temperament would be even more uncontrollable!

When the two maidservants saw that the Crown Prince was truly angry, they kneeled down in fear and begged for forgiveness, but they still refused to leave.

Rong Ting remembered the imperial physician's warning to him that he should not be angry, and although he was angry, he compromised.

When the soup was finished, the Crown Prince didn't touch the tasteless plum. He then heavily placed the medicine bowl on the table. The two maidservants then hurriedly packed their things and left in a hurry.

After leaving the study room, the two maidservants still felt a sense of sadness. They whispered to each other, but their faces were filled with grief, "My lady, the crown prince is not a child, he doesn't need people watching him take the medicine. The crown prince is not happy, if we provoke the crown prince like this, if the crown prince gets angry, he will punish us.

"That's right. You saw it just now. I thought the crown prince was going to smash this bowl of soup. Looking at his face, he really scared me to the point that my legs turned soft."

"Why don't we go tomorrow instead?"

"Nonsense, it's the Crown Prince's medicine. You dare to surpass the hands of others? See if the Empress chopped you into pieces and fed you to the dogs! "

When the maidservant heard this, she felt the same. The wings in her eyes were once again replaced by despair.

"My two sisters …"

The two maidservants were talking animatedly when they suddenly heard someone speak behind them. They became flustered as they thought that their master was behind them, so they hurriedly turned around to take a look.

However, when he saw who it was, he scoffed, pursed his lips, and immediately questioned, "Why are you here!"

"May I invite you for lunch?" Hoh, you can take it if you want, but let me take a look. If I find a snowflake, I'll take your life! "

Hearing her sarcastic words, Rong Jindong knew that the servant was not joking, and the half grown child immediately revealed a terrified expression.

However, the two servants seemed to enjoy Rong Jindong's frightened look. Laughing tenderly, they grabbed the child's clothes and pulled him to the front courtyard. They wanted to personally appraise if she had truly spilled all over.

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