Thinking about how the three young masters bullied her, she felt a bit wronged. However, seeing how pitiful they were now, she felt some sympathy.

The little girl's thoughts were like this. Simple, kind, and easily influenced.

When the butler came in, he passed by the yard and saw his three young masters like little slaves, waiting for the jade carved young master to swing the swing. The steward was surprised and apprehensive, but he did not mind his own business and kept his head down as he walked into the house.

Hearing that Rong Su wanted to call her into the palace, Liu Wei put down the assembly. Her pitch-black eyes slightly flashed, and then, she sat up and coldly said: "Alright, since it's a call from the Duke, I'll take my leave."

Hearing him say that, the butler did not feel that anything was amiss, nor did he hear the viciousness in his words. After completing his mission, he retreated to the door and waited for Mr.Liu to change his clothes, and then send him to the carriage.

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Wei finished changing and came out.

When Liu Xiaoli saw that his mother wanted to go out, he followed her unhesitatingly. She dragged his mother's clothes and insisted on going with him.

Liu Wei's thoughts were still on the matter of Rong Su betraying her, so she did not bother too much about her son. She waved her son away and casually said, "You cannot go, stay in the Duke Palace."

Xiaoli loved to play, so how could she be willing to accept it?

Liu Wei pushed his son away and spoke in a more serious tone, "Do you remember what your Uncle Rong said?"

Xiaoli was startled, she did not understand what her mother meant.

Liu Wei said: Your Uncle Rong said that at your age, all the children of normal families should be attending school, yet you are playing around at home all day, it is truly against reason. Yesterday, your Uncle Rong mentioned to me that since you have returned to the capital, I might as well send you to a private school.

Xiaoli took two steps back almost immediately, raised her small hand, waved it, and said to her mother: "Father, go and come back early, I'll wait for you at home!"

The girl burst into laughter.

Liu Wei smiled, walked over and knocked her son on the head, then turned and left with the butler.

Xiaoli was unable to go out and play. Once her mother left, she revealed a depressed and unhappy expression.

The little girl passionately asked Young Master Xiaoli if sshe wanted to eat something, but Xiaoli didn't have the appetite, he casually waved her hand, turned her eyes, and coincidentally saw that his three subordinates who were standing under the swing had all disappeared, she immediately raised her eyebrows and called out: "They actually snuck away, I want to capture them and bring them back!"

The girl wanted to stop the little gongzi, but the little gongzi had already excitedly used his Qing Gong and flown away. The hand that the girl called out for stopped in midair and finally asked her little sister, "Will the little gongzi hit them again?"

The two sisters fell into silence. After a while, the girl sighed and said faintly, "I hope you won't break it."

Yeah, it's broken, so it's not good to explain it to Seventh Young Master.

… ….

The carriage to the palace was rather fast, from the Seventh Prince's Mansion to the foot of the imperial city, only an hour had passed.

At the city gate, there was a young eunuch who was already waiting. After confirming Liu Wei's identity, he looked at Liu Wei's official's clothes and invited him in.

He walked from the entrance of the palace to the Qianning Hall, took countless detours, passed countless long corridors, and finally arrived in front of the hall after two hours.

At this moment, Liu Wei only had one thought in her heart — the pastries that I ate right before I left, have all been digested.

The young eunuch asked Liu Wei to stay outside for a while, then went in to pass the message to him. When she came out again, the one who came out was not the young eunuch, but someone she knew.

Liu Wei looked at the big eunuch, Qi Fu, that was climbing down the stairs, and nodded her head slightly as a form of greeting.

When he was near enough, Qi Fu raised the horsetail whisk in his hand and nodded back: "Master Liu, long time no see."

Liu Wei and Qi Fu had only met a few times, and the person who had the most contact with him was still in Jiangnan. At that time, in order to solve the serial murder case that spanned across the entire Jiangnan region and connected to a few prefectures, Liu Wei had met with Qianling Emperor, Rong Ling and the Chief Eunuch Qi Fu who were secretly interviewing him. After that, she was restricted by a sacred order and then brought to the capital to solve the case together with Rong Ling.

After entering the capital, Liu Wei had met Qi Fu once before.

When she was bestowed the Zhenge Sect Steward title, Qi Fu was among those who came to pass the order. At that time, Qi Fu and her also greeted each other, but they did not get to know each other well.

But now, as the number one person by Qianling Emperor's side, Qi Fu was surprised that she would actually personally come to fetch such a small official.

"It has been a long time since we last met, the Eunuch Qi is getting more and more spirited."

Qi Fu smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes. "Your Majesty has already waited for Master Liu for a long time, please follow me."

Liu Wei cupped her hands: "Eunuch, please lead the way."

The two of them walked up the stairs one after the other. Liu Wei's head was lowered, and her gaze inadvertently landed on Qi Fu's feet.

Qi Fu had long known that Qi Fu was a practitioner, but she did not expect that his attainment was not low. From the way he walked, her skills were not inferior to's.

As expected, those around His Majesty couldn't be underestimated.

They did not go to the front hall. Instead, they went to the back hall.

At that time, he had already finished his lunch. In the palace, Qianling Emperor was seated on the highest seat with the crown prince and the seventh king seated on the bottom left and right.

When Liu Wei took a glance at it, she had only taken a flat glance, but when she saw the crown prince, she was startled and her expression changed a little.

The crown prince had also noticed Liu Wei's gaze which was locked onto him for a split-second before Liu Wei deliberately avoided her gaze.

The Crown Prince frowned. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Liu Wei bowed, then bowed to the man at the high seat: "This subject greets Your Majesty."

Seeing that the Master Liu had only bowed, and was not very courteous, Qi Fu wanted to remind him, but the Emperor waved her hands and said, "Go."

The Qianling Emperor ordered someone to give a seat to him.

Liu Wei looked calm on the outside, but she was looking at Rong Su.

This question did not exist for a long time, so Rong Su quickly answered it for Liu Wei.

"Therefore, royal father summoned the Master Liu to the palace in hopes that the Master Liu would be able to find the culprit who killed the Princess Qinyang as soon as possible."

After Liu Wei finished listening, she stood up from the chair and looked at the person seated in front of him and nodded again: "This humble one is Dai Shu, in the case of the Princess Yuping, I have not erased my innocence yet, if I were to intervene in the case of the Princess Qinyang, I am afraid it is … "Not appropriate."

Qianling Emperor did not speak, her only gaze was deep and focused on Liu Wei's body. She did not move her eyes away, as if trying to decide what she wanted to say.

Liu Wei was neither humble nor arrogant, she maintained the same posture and did not move.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed to have frozen for a moment.

Rong Su frowned slightly. Just as she was about to speak, she heard the crown prince say, "What Master Liu has said is not without reason. royal father, the Jade Screen case has not been decided yet.

Qianling Emperor glanced at the crown prince, her face filled with gaps but her emotions could not be discerned.

In actuality, Qianling Emperor had not spoken a word or two since Liu Wei came in, and her words were extremely concise.

Liu Wei couldn't tell what the Qianling Emperor was feeling, but she knew that it was impossible for someone who had been able to sit on this seat and remain calm for decades to be so simple.

Liu Wei was nervous for a moment, but she still hated the Qianling Emperor. Ever since he knew that his father had died, that his mother had gone missing, and that his family had been annihilated, he had always been hiding his revenge in the depths of his heart. But at the same time, he also knew that a country could not afford to lose their ruler for a single day.

However, even though she had suppressed it, even though she had done everything she could to restrain herself, console herself, and brainwash herself, there was still enmity. This enmity, she could not involve others,, Rong Su, or even Rong Fei, but the Qianling Emperor herself, had long been beaten up by her.

Qianling Emperor must die, this was only a matter of time.

Liu Wei's mind was spinning very quickly, and her posture still did not change at all.

Who was the Princess Qinyang? Liu Wei was not interested in how the person died, but if she could take advantage of the fact that the Princess Qinyang died and find some benefits for herself, Liu Wei would not be polite.

Time trickled by, and the crown prince felt that it was strange. He first looked at Liu Wei, then at the royal father who was seated on the high seat.

He had been too careless, and had only thought of the person who had committed the crime. He had forgotten that this person had been summoned into the palace by his Imperial Father, even though it was not suitable for him to enter or leave the palace.

Since royal father had summoned this person, it was definitely to let this person accept the case of the Qinyang. Even though he didn't know why, since royal father had already made his decision, his rebuttal made it seem like he was going against royal father.

The Crown Prince was very regretful. While sighing to himself that he had been in a trance for the past few days, and that there had indeed been trouble, he looked at Rong Su and thought to himself, Rong Su is really smart. From the beginning to the end, he did not say a word.

These words seemed to fit Qianling Emperor's mind.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Liu Wei say a few words. "Thank you for your kind intentions, Crown Prince, but this subject's identity is very sensitive now, and this subject was originally under the care of the Seventh Prince, so I didn't need to be imprisoned in the dungeon. This is already extremely benevolent, but I absolutely do not dare to touch any of the noble people in the imperial harem before the suspicion is cleared.

The Crown Prince frowned and changed his posture, saying, "Master Liu being able to help the Emperor is your honor."

"Naturally, this humble subject's status is not fair, so I do not have the qualifications to share the Emperor's worries. Also, my Greencloud Imperial Family has many talents, and the palace has many capable people, so it is likely that a small scheme like yours, in front of a capable person, is just a small matter. This humble subject believes that there is a lot of people who can solve the case of the Princess Qinyang, so this humble subject does not need to be here."

"Has Master Liu thought it through? "Your majesty valued you greatly, so she handed over the case of the princess to you." The Crown Prince's tone became a lot heavier.

Liu Wei still had a face full of righteousness, "This humble subject owes Your Majesty the wrong love, but this humble subject is not worthy."

The Crown Prince was obviously angry, he was about to say more, but was stopped by Qianling Emperor: "Enough."

The crown prince shut his mouth.

Liu Wei once again lowered her head, not allowing her expression to be seen by the king.

Qianling Emperor stared at Liu Wei, if he was still unable to see through Liu Wei, then she would have become the emperor for nothing.

This person had a grudge in his heart. At this moment, this person was in a temper.

This was Qianling Emperor's view.

Qianling Emperor had always known that the world was big, but there were very few capable people like this.

From the disappearance of the child in the capital, it could be seen that this person's ability was incomparable, at least in the current capital.

From ancient times until now, talent meant arrogance.

This person was no exception. What did a proud person care about the most? It was that bone!

This person had been away from the capital for more than a month. Yet, he had returned to the capital once more. What greeted him was the calamity of a prison.

The Qianling Emperor could understand why Rong Su treated him with courtesy, she must have wanted to take the chance to recruit this person, and whether this person was willing or not, he would only say that she was being stubborn at the moment.

This person was using rejection to express his dissatisfaction. This was how the literati expressed their emotions. It was unlike the military general who was crude, subtle and clever.

In the end, the Qianling Emperor did not force them and only spoke a few sentences, allowing the three of them to leave.

After exiting the palace, Rong Ting glanced at Liu Wei, and left without looking back.

Liu Wei stood where she was and stood beside Rong Su. Looking at the crown prince's back, Liu Wei let out a long sigh, "I never thought that the crown prince's illness would be this severe.

Liu Wei muttered to herself for a while, but felt that the gaze from her side was exceptionally scorching.

Liu Wei glanced to the side and saw Rong Su's expression of disapproval. He asked: "Why so?"

Liu Wei replied, "What?"

"Why did you refuse?"

Liu Wei said: "Because I'm willing."

Rong Su frowned.

Liu Wei patted Rong Su's shoulder and said: "I have my own ideas, you wait and see. In less than three days, your royal father will have to summon me."

"Are you that sure?"

Liu Wei said confidently, "If I am not mistaken, the death of the Princess Qinyang is related to the case of the Princess Yuping. Believe me, the answer will come soon."

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