On the second day, the palace summoned the eunuchs.

Qianling Emperor once again summoned Liu Wei into the palace.

After Liu Wei heard the report of the Seventh Prince's Mansion's servant girl, she responded with a grunt. After closing the door, she turned around to the cold looking man who was still dressing at the side of the bed and smirked, "He really came."

Liu Wei frowned: "No wound? "What do you mean?"


Liu Wei thought for a while: "Are you saying that the victim was not fatally injured?"

"So far, so good."

"Could it be internal injuries? Or was he poisoned? "

"For now, I don't know."

Liu Wei fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, a servant came to push him again, causing Liu Wei to answer casually. She turned her head to ask the man in front of him: "Where are you going today?"

In the past few days, Rong Ling left early and returned late. Liu Wei did not inquire about what he was doing, but she did know that it was definitely related to the matter of the King of Quan.

Seemingly following Rong Ling back to the capital, the King of Quan also made more movements.

"Enter the palace." Rong Ling said indifferently.

Liu Wei was surprised: "You want to enter the palace too?"

Rong Ling did not answer.

Liu Wei looked at his expression and did not ask anymore, but Liu Wei did not ask. Instead, Rong Ling suddenly thought of something and asked: "Previously I told you, about sending Xiaoli to the private school, did you decide?"

Liu Wei was stunned. She reached out to rub her nose and coughed, "My decision is not good."


"Eh …." Liu Wei stammered, but did not answer.

Rong Ling frowned, looking at her.

Liu Wei asked with a slightly guilty conscience: "That private school you mentioned, is it the best one in the capital?"


"Three retired scholars?"


"There are many famous young masters in the capital who study in this private school. If we leave out the study room in the palace, would it be considered the best academy in the capital?"


"Alright, I have made my decision, Xiaoli cannot go!"

Rong Ling revealed a puzzled look.

Liu Wei raised her head and looked at Rong Ling. Her helpless expression appeared on her face, and towards this child who went out all day and didn't know anything about her son's recent situation, she said: "Did you know that Xiaoli beat up the three little gongzis of Seventh Prince's Mansion?"

Rong Ling: "..."

"Yes, it's Rong Su's three sons. They have all been beaten up, especially miserably. One of their teeth is missing."

Rong Ling: "..."

"Now, Xiaoli isn't going to beat him up anymore, but forcing him to act like an ox and experience the hardships of life. Yesterday, she got someone to swing him around, and only after she sneaked out, did I find out that Xiaoli went to the front courtyard and beat up the three of them again, and even brought them back, and suddenly thought that if Xiaoli went into space and forced the three children to grow some herbs in the courtyard during the spring, he might force them to dig out winter soil for him, but she was too stupid to even let them cry until their throats turned hoarse. Xiaoli didn't let them go back. Last night, I heard that the child had a fever. I was still unable to get up in bed after hearing the other two."

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei could tell from Rong Ling's subtle yet deep expression that the child's father was filled with doubt towards the child's mother's words.

Liu Wei immediately guaranteed: "I swear, I really didn't teach them to you."

Rong Ling's expression did not change, and still looked at Liu Wei like this. It was obvious that she did not believe it.

Liu Wei also had a headache, and said: "That's why I don't agree to let him go to a place with many children of the same age. I'm afraid that if he causes any more trouble, it'll be alright in Seventh Prince's Mansion, but you can hide anything from him.

Hearing that, Rong Ling did not say anything, but frowned and fell into deep thought.

Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling's expression, seeing that he did not say anything, she secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time asked: "When are you leaving?"

Rong Ling subconsciously replied: "Before noon."

Liu Wei calculated and nodded.

Rong Ling did not understand the meaning behind Liu Wei's nod of her head. It was only after Liu Wei had changed her clothes and followed the eunuch who was summoned into the carriage, and entered the palace did Rong Ling finally understand.

Seeing a dark faced Rong Su walking in with a cold aura all over her body, Rong Ling was subconsciously stunned. Just as she was about to get up, she heard Rong Su ask with a cold expression: "Qing'er is sick, do you know?"

Rong Ling: "..."

"The servant said that Xiaoli did it."

Rong Ling: "..."


Rong Ling: "..."

As Liu Wei sat in the carriage, she looked at the imperial city's gate that was right in front of his. Suddenly, she had a bad premonition, and then he felt a cold feeling on the back of his neck.

Was it an illusion?

Mm, it should be an illusion.

As Liu Wei thought about this, she relaxed and continued to lean against the carriage wall. She lifted the carriage curtain and looked at the great scenery outside.

Rong Ling did not know how she would react to Rong Su's questioning, but it did not matter to Liu Wei whether or not the two parents were at loggerheads. After Liu Wei casually threw the mess over to his father, she followed the story in her heart and entered the palace, acted like a saint, and fought against the ruler of a country.

Today's summons was in the royal study.

The one who came out to pick Liu Wei up was still the Chief Eunuch Qi Fu.

But compared to yesterday's cold and detached attitude, Qi Fu's expression today was a little subtle.

Just like yesterday, Liu Wei bowed towards the Chief Eunuch. Qi Fu also bowed towards Liu Wei, but her attitude was much more serious than yesterday.

From Qi Fu's attitude, Liu Wei had a faint idea of what to do, but she did not reveal it on the surface, and walked into the imperial study together with Qi Fu.

In the imperial study room, two or three young eunuchs were waiting on them.

After Liu Wei came in, just like yesterday, she bowed in respect, and did not kneel.

The Qianling Emperor did not seem to care, as she placed the imperial brush down after the case. The aged voice slowly said: "Stand up."

Liu Wei stood up straight. As if she had received orders, she waved her whisk at the young eunuchs, and two or three young eunuchs followed Qi Fu out.

The door closed from the outside. In the imperial study, there were only two people, and Qianling Emperor.

This situation was out of Liu Wei's expectations, and her heart was filled with shock, but Liu Wei's expression still remained the same, she only nodded slightly, and seemed to be well-behaved and honest.

But was Liu Wei really being honest?

At least, not in the eyes of the Qianling Emperor.

The old man who had sat on the throne for dozens of years used his wise and ancient eyes to scan over Liu Wei's body a few times before he had an idea.

Qianling Emperor slowly stood up and walked towards the table.

Liu Wei lowered his head and waited for Qianling Emperor to stop in front of him. She realized that Qianling Emperor's deep gaze was fixated on his head.

Qianling Emperor opened her mouth once again, "Minister Liu, raise your head."

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