Liu Wei slowly raised her head, looking cautious and prudent.

When he raised his head, the first thing that entered his eyes was the old eyes that were filled with power and fury. They were a little turbid, and Liu Wei had to admit that the overbearing pressure that came from the ruler of a nation was indeed not an undeserved reputation.

Liu Wei said: "This subject only relied on evidence to speak. At that time, the time of the female corpse's death did not coincide with the time that the Emperor passed by."

"But you didn't look at the evidence at the time and arrested me, ending this case!" After all, a case that has no leads, it would just be a labour of effort if we continue to investigate. But on the contrary, finding a scapegoat at the same time is the safest and fastest way. "

"This subject is the legal medical expert, my duty is to avenge the dead. If I were to casually resolve the case, it is likely that even the dead would knock on this subject's door in the middle of the night, even without the need to wait for the imperial court to investigate."

When Qianling Emperor heard this, she smiled and asked: "Then do you think that Qinyang will knock on your door?"

Liu Wei raised her head, glanced at the Qianling Emperor, and said: "This humble subject doesn't know what Your Majesty means. The case of this subject and the Princess Qinyang does not have anything to do with each other."

"Seeing the Qinyang leave with injustice, what difference is there between this and not saving him at death's door? Since you said that your duty is to redress the grievances of the dead, then why do you not care about the grievances in the Qinyang? Could it be that the children of my Tian Family are not worth that little village girl in Fu Ping County? "

Liu Wei was stunned and did not say a word.

Qianling Emperor looked at Liu Wei, but suddenly raised her hand and patted Liu Wei's shoulder: "Minister Liu, my Qinyang is yours."

Liu Wei had to say that the Emperor was indeed the Emperor. Her methods were indeed outstanding.

Liu Wei wasn't sure if Qianling Emperor trusted him sincerely, or if she was just faking it, but Qianling Emperor's words had given him a lot of face.

First, they discussed their first meeting, which showed that they had a good relationship. Then, they gave a heavy responsibility. This would give others a feeling of trust.

If it wasn't Liu Wei, but a different person, in this imperial power era, for an emperor to be able to be so amiable and kind, it must be able to shock people.

But as for the others, they could only be the others. As for Liu Wei, she only saw the deep scheming of the Qianling Emperor.

Liu Wei knew that this case of the Qinyang would definitely be handled by him.

This was an absolute meaning.

Why? Because he had always been with Rong Ling before, but now, Rong Ling had actually "not been" in the capital, but had instead returned.

No matter what his appearance meant, and what Rong Ling's "not returning after so long" meant, Qianling Emperor had to be on guard.

Now that a murder case had occurred in the palace and Liu Wei's normal course of action was to solve the case, Qianling Emperor would of course not miss this opportunity to examine a corpse.

Therefore, Qianling Emperor didn't really need him to solve the case. She just needed to find an excuse and make it easier for him to be watched.

And during this entire process, if Qianling Emperor could conveniently rope him in, and use him as a counter, to reveal some of his secrets regarding Rong Ling, or maybe in the future, sneak into Rong Ling's side, to be his nail in the coffin, that would be for the best.

However, the former was easy to deal with, but the latter wasn't.

After all, before leaving the capital, Qianling Emperor knew that Rong Ling had a quirk and secretly communicated with this "Mr.Liu".

The Qianling Emperor's thoughts were just these few things. Liu Wei didn't even need to think to know, and because of that, Rong Ling did not stop him from facing off against the monarch.

This was because Rong Ling knew that as long as he did not appear for a day, the Qianling Emperor would not harm Liu Wei.

On the surface, Liu Wei could be considered an official under the imperial government, but in the eyes of the Qianling Emperor, Liu Wei was just an 'relative' of Rong Ling.

Since it was a family member, it would naturally be more beneficial for them to have their family member arrested than to have them killed.

After Liu Wei was silent for a good two breaths of time, she raised her head again and saw the Qianling Emperor's kind face of an elder.

Qianling Emperor was just like the first time Liu Wei saw him. She was carefree, straightforward and wise, allowing others to glance at him.

Liu Wei cupped her hands once again, and said with a sunken tone: "This humble subject does not dare to accept Your Majesty's love, Princess Qinyang died with grievances, this subject also wishes to help the princess redress the grievances, but … "With this official's current identity, what should I do..."

"Rest assured, I naturally won't entrust the life and death of a princess to a sinner."

The meaning behind his words was that the Qianling Emperor wanted to exempt him from the identity of the suspect?

Liu Wei listened silently, but said: "But this official has a white body …"

"Zhenge Sect Steward, what's wrong with you? Minister Liu, you are confused! "

That is to say, while removing the suspect, he could restore himself to his original position and maintain his status as a courtier.

Although Liu Wei had succeeded in her heart, she did not forget to say: "The princess has died in the harem, and this subject is a man, in the end it is still inconvenient for me to enter and leave. Moreover, the masters of the palace all have noble statuses, if I were to give justice to the princess, I would definitely be interrogated, and it would be fine to interrogate some palace maids and eunuchs, but if my identity is important, I am afraid that I …"

"Since we asked you to solve this case, we must give you the authority to do so. Minister Liu is overthinking things like this."

"Then …" Liu Wei looked hesitant, but after struggling for a while, he cupped her hands together and bowed: "Since that is the case, this subject will obey your wish respectfully."

When Liu Wei came out of the imperial study, it was already two hours later.

Qi Fu had been standing guard outside the door the entire time. When she saw Liu Wei come out, her gaze swept across the room and easily landed on the medallion hanging on Liu Wei's waist.

Liu Wei greeted Qi Fu: "Eunuch Qi."

Qi Fu walked up, and with a gesture that was completely different from before, she said with a smile. "Congratulations Master Liu."

Liu Wei looked at the order badge on her waist and said: Eunuch Qi is joking, it is this subject's honor to be able to serve the Emperor. In the future, I will be coming to the palace often.

"Thank you, milord." Qi Fu bowed, then lowered his gaze, once again looking at the order badge on his waist, his expression was obscure and hard to read.

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