One second. Org, free of charge!

As an elder by the side of Qianling Emperor, Qi Fu had waited on him before he even ascended the throne. And because he had waited on him for so long, Qi Fu knew even more clearly what this medallion signified.

In actuality, this medallion wasn't of any great value, but it had an extraordinary significance.

In the end, among those who were able to stay, the tiger's command medallion became of great significance.

Qi Fu also had a Tiger Order, the order badge was currently still attached to his waist, but it was not directly revealed, and was instead sewn inside a sachet.

Seeing such a familiar badge pattern on Liu Wei's body, Qi Fu couldn't help but be surprised.

In the eyes of Qi Fu, and even the seniors of Qianling Emperor, the Tiger Token represented absolute trust. It was a token of time and merit in exchange for the token.

But now, it was so casually tied to a young man.

Qi Fu found it hard to accept.

Of course, Qi Fu knew, that the order badge he was so proud of, was definitely not an existence that lived on a rotten street. That could only mean one thing, that was the Emperor's preference towards this Master Liu.

He had clearly not received this person for many times, and he could not even see how much memories the emperor had of this person. Now that he suddenly received such an important keepsake from the emperor, Qi Fu's emotions became extremely complicated for a moment, so complicated that he did not even pay attention to what Liu Wei said to him afterwards.

The change in Qi Fu's expression was naturally seen by Liu Wei as well.

Liu Wei lowered her head to look at the order badge on her waist, the corners of her mouth curling up into a sneer, her expression filled with deep contempt.

Being so close to Rong Ling, how could Liu Wei not know the meaning of the "Tiger Medallion"?

More accurately speaking, Rong Ling also had this tiger medallion. In Rong Ling's words, this was a token to win over the hearts of others.

It just so happened that Liu Wei thought so too.

The loyalty of the Tiger Guards and the loyalty of their trusted aides were just a way to win over the hearts of the people.

I already said that the Qianling Emperor is good at showing kindness, if I don't give you some sweet dates, you will feel special about yourself.

This Tiger Medallion was of no use except for its appearance.

You want to use it to get in and out of the palace? Sorry, no.

You want to use it to transfer troops? Sorry, no.

You want to use it to give orders? I'm sorry, but I still can't.

Other than giving you the illusion of "I'm the Emperor's trusted aide, I'm extremely powerful", there's no other practical use for me.

But since Liu Wei could understand it, Rong Ling could understand it. Others might not think so, just like Qi Fu.

Liu Wei felt that Qi Fu's gaze on him right now was especially unbalanced. There was still a little bit of unwillingness to reveal herself, but she was almost unable to conceal it.

Today, the Qianling Emperor gave him this Tiger Medallion. Liu Wei understood that this was a test and a test to retract it.

The reason was still the same. Qianling Emperor hoped that Liu Wei could become her nail in the bucket and bring him important information about Rong Ling in the future.

However, the Qianling Emperor himself probably knew that it would not succeed, so after giving her the order badge, he did not say much. Furthermore, he did not mention how 'important' this thing was, and let her go.

Of course, it could also be that Qianling Emperor felt that it was demeaning for him to emphasize how important this Tiger Token was.

In short, no matter what the reason was, at least for now, Liu Wei believed that with this Tiger Token, walking in the palace in the near future would be much easier.

Qi Fu would first provide some convenience.

Since he had received the tiger order, then he would naturally investigate the case immediately.

Initially, Liu Wei had planned to start from tomorrow, but for unknown reasons, before Liu Wei could even say goodbye, she spoke first, "The Princess Qinyang's remains will be placed in the Imperial Household Department. It's still early, do you want to take a look?"

Since Qi Fu was in such a hurry, she initially wanted to go back and have lunch first.

After hesitating for a bit, Liu Wei eventually nodded and said: "Eunuch, please lead the way."

However, Qi Fu laughed and said: "I'm sorry, Sir. I have to serve the emperor, I can't leave, Little Qi, take Master Liu to Imperial Household Department …"

The young eunuch in front of Qi Fu immediately bent down and obediently answered: "Yes, Master."

Liu Wei: "..."

It seemed that this Eunuch Qi had a special opinion of her taking the Tiger Token.

The imperial study was quite a distance away from the Imperial Household Department and the eunuch called Little Qi walked very slowly as well. The two took countless of detours and walked for more than an hour before they arrived at the main entrance of the Imperial Household Department.

Little Qi went in to pass the message, telling Liu Wei to wait a bit.

And Little Qi only went in for a quarter of an hour.

Liu Wei stood outside the door and waited.

This Little Qi's thoughts were simple, how could Liu Wei not see that? Little Qi knew that her master Qi Fu did not like her, and was venting her anger on behalf of his master.

Slightly shaking his head, Liu Wei did not argue with the older child, but the feeling of being dried off felt really bad.

"Hmm, when did Imperial Household Department have such a handsome young eunuch?" The teasing male voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Liu Wei unconsciously turned her head and saw a handsome eunuch with no hair walking towards her, accompanied by two young eunuchs.

Just by looking at the eunuch, Liu Wei was able to tell that she was the same as Qi Fu, dressed as an elder of the first class. Liu Wei could not help but start to guess her identity.

This person was also sizing up Liu Wei. When their gazes met, Liu Wei felt that the person's smile was a little familiar.

"How bold, where did this new person come from? Why aren't you quickly bowing when you see our Eunuch Xiang?" Seeing Liu Wei poking at him without moving, the eunuch by the side of the chief eunuch scolded him with a voice that was neither Yin nor Yang.

Hearing the tone of the young eunuch, Liu Wei felt goosebumps all over her body. She frowned slightly, today Liu Wei was not wearing any official uniform, only some ordinary clothes, and looking at him, it really did look like a new eunuch who had just entered the palace and came to Imperial Household Department to settle down.

Just looking at the elephant did not mean that Liu Wei would ignore these three either. She calmly turned her head around and ignored the young eunuch's words.

The young eunuch was immediately angered. Just as he was about to say something, the Eunuch Xiang raised his hand and stopped him.

Liu Wei turned her head again and looked at Eunuch Xiang Qian He's face. After a moment of silence, she said: "My name is Liu."

Liu Wei did not deny the title of "master". Eunuch Xiang was also a sensible person, she immediately cupped her hands and said: "Master Liu."

Liu Wei did not respond, but agreed.

The young eunuch who was rude to Liu Wei earlier was shocked. She buried her head and did not dare to say another word.

Eunuch Xiang did not say much to Liu Wei, but after knowing the other party's identity, she stopped talking. One of the officials from the previous dynasty appeared in the rear palace, and the other was outside of Imperial Household Department, causing people to think about the two princesses that had appeared in the palace.

Just as he was about to enter, the Little Qi came out, bowed and said to Liu Wei: "Master Liu, please come in."

Liu Wei acknowledged his presence and walked in front.

When he passed by the three Eunuch Xiang s, Liu Wei's eyes just happened to meet their gaze. After a short moment of contact, they calmly swept past.

After Liu Wei and Little Qi entered, the eunuch by Eunuch Xiang's side exclaimed and said: "Isn't that Eunuch Qi's little disciple, Little Qi? To actually work at Little Qi to keep an eye on that person, what kind of status does that person have? "

Eunuch Xiang pursed her lips, did not say much, and followed him in.

In the main hall of the Imperial Household Department, the Steward Hang in charge came out to welcome them.

Steward Hang came to welcome Liu Wei, and heard that she was descending from the sky to investigate the case of Princess Qinyang, but when she came out, not only did Steward Hang see Liu Wei, he even saw Eunuch Xiang who came in afterwards.

Steward Hang was surprised for a moment, then took the initiative to clasp her hands and pay her respects to Eunuch Xiang: "Eunuch Xiang, why have you returned? And you won't be back until next year. "

"queen mother has returned to the palace early, so this humble servant will naturally follow."

"queen mother returned to the palace?" Steward Hang was surprised for a bit, but also a bit nervous.

Sure enough, the Eunuch Xiang immediately said: "When something happened to Princess Yuping, it was so important that no one informed queen mother. Once the Empress came back to the palace, he sent someone to ask, does Steward Hang have anything to say?"

"This …" Steward Hang's heart shivered as she thought about how the queen mother, who wholeheartedly believed in gods and buddhas, loved and doted upon the former buddha girl, Princess Yuping.

Then, he said in an aggrieved manner: "This, Eunuch Xiang is enlightened, this matter … This matter is really because the Emperor ordered us not to disturb the peace and quiet of queen mother.

Eunuch Xiang raised her hand, and said: "Princess Yuping is fine, but when queen mother returned to the capital, she heard that Princess Qinyang met with mishaps. Princess Qinyang personally appeared, and queen mother viewed Imperial Consort as her own, queen mother heard that Imperial Household Department does not have a constitution governing the death of the two princesses, and specially ordered me to come and ask, if Steward Hang finds free time, queen mother would enter the palace three days later, I would like to request Steward Hang to personally explain it to Mother."

Steward Hang was sweating profusely. Only then did her eyes glance at Liu Wei, and she immediately said: "Eunuch Xiang, this Master Liu, is the Emperor's special order, coming to investigate the case of Princess Qinyang, Master Liu is like a god with extraordinary ability, I wonder, did Eunuch Xiang hear about the case of a child disappearing for three years, and the person who solved the case is this Master Liu. Thinking about it, in three days of time, maybe before queen mother returned to the palace, the case of Princess Qinyang has already been discovered by Master Liu!"

Liu Wei turned her head back and glanced at the Eunuch Xiang.

The Eunuch Xiang laughed and raised her eyebrows, "So this lord was the one who caught the missing child a few months ago? When I was cultivating in seclusion in the temple with queen mother, I heard about Lord's deeds. "

Liu Wei slightly nodded, and said modestly: "I dare not say so."

The Eunuch Xiang immediately said: "Since the case of Princess Qinyang is entrusted to Master, then I believe that the day of the case will also be near. If Master can do so, please resolve the case within three days, and I can also report back to queen mother."

Liu Wei: "..."

With a cold sneer on his face, Liu Wei didn't pay attention to the Eunuch Xiang's words.

Liu Wei only looked at the Steward Hang and said, "This official received orders from His Majesty to thoroughly investigate the case of the princess. Where is the princess' body located now?"

Liu Wei went straight to the point, the Steward Hang was clever, and immediately replied: "It's in the cold room, please come over here."

Liu Wei followed the Steward Hang, and when she turned his head, he realized that the Eunuch Xiang was also following him.

Liu Wei frowned again, and looked at the Eunuch Xiang, who smiled at him again, and this time, Liu Wei felt that this person looked a little familiar.

But where had he seen it before?

The so-called cold room was something exclusive to the Imperial Household Department. It was filled with ice and snow and was specially used to deal with noble corpses.

It was winter now. If it was hot season, then there would be rich people dying in the palace or accidentally dying. Corpses were waiting for the auspicious day to be buried so they couldn't be casually blasphemed.

From Liu Wei's point of view, although this ice room was only prepared for the rich and powerful of the palace, it could still be considered to have the same function as the mortuary of modern corpses.

Actually, Liu Wei had also repaired a real morgue in the Qujiang County.

It was only summer and ice was hard to find, so this morgue didn't really live up to its name. It was only a slightly cold room with a few stones.

After entering the ice room, Liu Wei discovered that the palace was the palace. The corpse was actually made entirely out of jade, although it wasn't any good jade, the jade was ice-cold, and to corpses, it was naturally much better than stones.

At this moment, on the jade scroll in the middle, there was a female corpse covered by a white cloth. In this cold space, there was a trace of strange Yin Qi.

The young eunuch by Eunuch Xiang's side was a little afraid. She swallowed her saliva and asked softly, "This … There can't be a ghost, right? "

As the eunuch spoke, everyone looked at him.

The Little Qi was also obviously afraid, but after considering her identity as someone who walked in front of the imperial army, she was too cowardly, so she hardened her head and deliberately said: "Preposterous! There is only the body of the Princess Qinyang here, how can the princess of the Greencloud Imperial City turn into a ghost? "

Although Little Qi said that, she sneaked behind Liu Wei's back and secretly rubbed her arms, although his movements was subtle, but Liu Wei still saw it.

Shaking his head, Liu Wei did not care about these people's nonsense, directly taking a step forward, extended his hand, and removed the white cloth covering the corpse.

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