Liu Wei thought for a while before continuing, "Eunuch Qi does not need to worry, I was actually in the same mood as Eunuch. This subject was thinking, [Is the palace guards really that casual?] However, she felt that it was impossible. Forget about other things, just this palace was filled with people from the royal guards and Zhenge Sect, these two troops were directly under the Emperor's command. How could these people not care about the Emperor's safety? And so, this subject thought of another direction. "

Qianling Emperor raised his gaze and looked at Liu Wei, waiting for him to continue.

However, this was the autopsy report.

And it was the first report.

Liu Wei had seen that paper before, and currently, she still remembered the contents.

Liu Wei then asked Lin Sheng: "Did she say that with multiple injuries and bruises on the outside, she suspected that the fatal injury was caused by an impact? Wound on the back of the head? "

Lin Sheng herself could not remember the difference, but she could vaguely remember, and seemed to be at the same level. She nodded her head, "Yes."

Liu Wei nodded, there was no need to send the autopsy report for further review, because that was not important.

Liu Wei then asked Lin Sheng, "Has Master Lin seen Princess Yuping's body before?"

Lin Sheng nodded. "Of course I have."


Lin Sheng looked at the Emperor on the hall, and nodded while wincing.

"Then how miserable is it? At that time, could Master Lin identify that person as the Princess Yuping herself? "

"Of course." Lin Sheng said: "If we cannot recognize the Princess Yuping, how would we know that it is one? At that time, Princess Yuping was already out of breath, but it looks like, even though she was injured a lot, her appearance was still very clear. "

Liu Wei nodded with satisfaction, and continued to ask: "After Master Lin, have you ever seen the body of a princess? That is, when the remains go missing and the remains are recovered. "

Saying that, Liu Wei raised her voice and spoke to everyone in the imperial court: "There are a lot of rumors outside. I believe that all of you Masters have heard of them. "The rumors said that the body of the Princess Yuping had disappeared, and just because it had disappeared, rumors began to spread about the Imperial Palace, the capital, and the entire capital."

Many of the officials who had gossiped about this lowered their heads, some looking at their toes, some pretending to talk to their colleagues beside them.

This was the so-called 'child talk', and it was strange and disordered. Everyone knew that even saints don't like the idea of ghosts and gods. As a scholar, one shouldn't spread the word about ghosts and monsters, but humans are like this. The more unexplainable something is, the easier it is for it to be associated with one another.

When Liu Wei asked this question, it was not to blame anyone, but just to solve the case.

However, it was very quiet.

No one was destined to answer this question.

Liu Wei waited for a while, but seeing that no one said a word, even Lin Sheng pretended to wrinkle his clothes, and continued to pull his clothes.

In the end, the Marquis Yue could no longer bear to continue watching. She stood up and said directly: "If I'm not mistaken, there have been rumors in the capital ever since the princess' corpse disappeared. There were also rumors about it from people in my Yan Residence, including my wife who mentioned it twice.

Liu Wei nodded his head, "The Gods and Demons said that you have brought the cause of death of the Princess Yuping to the forefront of the conversation, and at this time, the disappearance of the Princess's body is also the real thing. Fortunately, the Princess's body was recovered very quickly, you have also looked over the corpse that you have found, right, Master Lin?"

Lin Sheng nodded, and it was only that time that he saw Liu Wei again.

Liu Wei asked: "Can Master Lin describe in detail the situation at that time?"

Lin Sheng thought, weren't you at that time?

However, Lin Sheng did not dare to say these words and could only honestly recall, "At that time, the remains of the Princess Yuping were retrieved by the Infanta Yuehai and Eunuch Su of the Queen Palace at the same time. The princess' body disappeared for a few days, and when you look at it again, it seems a lot more pathetic. "

"What is lamentable?" Liu Wei asked.

Lin Sheng didn't know how to describe it, but she was somewhat unable to say it.

Liu Wei helped him say: "But the corpses are like rotten meat, their faces are blurry, and there are no bones in them, it is just like … …" Liu Wei pointed to the entrance of the hall, only to see two young eunuchs holding a stretcher. The stretcher was covered with a white cloth, and they walked in together.

Even before the young eunuch arrived, the rotten stench had already pervaded the air.

Immediately, several adults near the entrance of the hall started covering their noses. The stench of corpses was suffocating.

The two young eunuchs brought the corpse in and placed it on the ground.

All sides had their own opinions on this matter.

The Qianling Emperor's eyes were blazing with fire as she looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei apologized, "Your Majesty, please calm your anger. Logically speaking, this subject should not have brought the body of the Princess Yuping to the imperial court. But the Princess Yuping died unjustly, I am truly not willing to see the Princess Yuping walk into the underworld without justice, today is the day the true culprit is announced, I think the Princess is also willing to witness that, to seek justice for himself! "

No matter how infuriated Qianling Emperor was, she could only suppress her anger and coldly said: "The dead are big, if you can speak out for Yu Ping, after Yu Ping is buried, you should be able to walk safely."

Liu Wei didn't seem to see the unhappiness on Qianling Emperor's face, and only said, "Your Majesty is right. Then Master Lin will take a look. When the princess' body was found, was that what you saw? "

As Liu Wei said that, she squatted down and lifted up the white cloth. Immediately, a pile of soft and rotten meat wrapped in a robe appeared in front of the officials.

Because all of the bones in his body had been shattered, and because he had been placed in there for such a long time, the current Princess Yuping was much worse off than when Liu Wei first discovered him. The most obvious change was that there was only a piece of skin left on Princess Yuping's face.

"Ugh, puke..."

It was unknown who the sound came from, but it was soon followed by a series of retching sounds from all directions.

The once lofty and lofty Golden Bough Jade Leaf had now become this disgusting and pathetic pile of meat, and its appearance was so powerful. Most of the officials present were civil servants. When they saw this scene, no matter how hard they tried, they could not suppress the nauseous feeling in their hearts.

This was especially true for the few older scholars. All of them were teetering on the verge of fainting.

Liu Wei did not care about the other people's situation, and only looked at Lin Sheng, and asked: "Master Lin?"

Lin Sheng's face turned pale, she covered her mouth, and her entire body became pale.

Liu Wei repeated: "When the Princess Yuping's body was retrieved, did it look like this?"

Lin Sheng returned to his senses at this point, and said a little absentmindedly: "Yes … That was it... It's just that at the time, it wasn't, it wasn't this serious. "

Liu Wei nodded her head, "It has already been a few days since that time. It is not easy to preserve a corpse, so it is normal for it to become a little more unsightly. However, this rate of erosion was abnormal. According to Master Lin, the time of death for Princess Yuping should be very clear. Even if the corpses disappeared afterwards and were recovered, the time of death would still be the same. However, the result was not the same. From the disappearance of the inner palace, to the discovery of the corpse in the river outside the palace, to the disappearance of the corpse, and then to the recovery of the corpse, the Princess Yuping had taken more than five days. However, the first time this subject saw the corpse of a princess in the outskirts of the capital, he had already determined from various aspects that the princess' death did not last more than five hours. Then why was it like this? Was it a mistake? Or is there really some mysterious power on the body of the Princess Yuping that can keep a person who has been dead for five days fresh of death less than a day? "

When Liu Wei said till here, she looked around, only to see that no one had said anything. It was unknown if it was because of the shock from the princess' corpse that made him speechless, or because he did not want to speak at all.

Liu Wei did not act like an official and directly replied, "Fake death."

When the word "faking" came out, the first to react was Marquis Yan Zhenli: "Fake death?"

Liu Wei looked at the marquis and said, "Someone took the Princess Yuping out of the palace, causing the Princess Yuping to succeed in pretending to be dead before being discovered by the yamen. But according to what I know, fake dead drugs all have a time limit. At least four hours, at most twenty-four hours. When a fake dead person wakes up, how can she still be a dead person? If they are not dead, then where did the time of death come from? "

Following that, the young eunuch who brought in the corpse of the Princess Yuping took out a book from her bosom and respectfully handed it over.

Liu Wei said: "Your majesty, this is the report on the examination of the remnants of the stomach area in Princess Yuping, it says that the last time Princess Yuping used food, it was one day after death as everyone knew it, which means to say, Princess Yuping has even eaten something after death."

Qianling Emperor glanced at Qi Fu and Qi Fu lightly flung her whisk down the hall. Taking the paper in Liu Wei's hand, she turned around and walked up the steps, bringing the paper in front of Qianling Emperor's eyes.

Qianling Emperor opened it and looked at the densely packed words and some pictures. She frowned but did not say a word.

Liu Wei saw through the difficult situation the Qianling Emperor was in and said, "The contents of the autopsy report may be too quantified. If Your Majesty doesn't mind, this subject can once again dissect the Princess Yuping's remains, and explain it in detail with the Emperor and the other hundred officials!"

Liu Wei said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, but Qianling Emperor, who was well aware of the meaning of "dissecting", tightened her eyes, looked at His Highness and the group of weak scholars that were acting as officials, and finally placed the paper to the side, saying: "Since Minister Liu has reached a conclusion, we naturally believe it, so we do not need to dissect it, continue speaking."

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