One second. Org, free of charge!

After Liu Wei heard this, she went on to say, "Princess Yuping has encountered a fake death. Was Princess Yuping pretending to be dead, or was she controlled by someone? If she took the initiative to fake his own death, why would she do so? What is the purpose of such a fine princess, a noble princess, that one has to feign death to achieve such a goal? After that, how could a corpse escape successfully? If he was controlled by someone, why did that person kill the princess in the end and turn his into a real death? What was the man's purpose? What was the difference in five days of death to that man? This subject did not understand all of this at first, so I could only continue my investigation. This subject is from the legal medical expert. The first, second, third and fourth steps of the investigation will start from the corpses, so this subject has discovered that there is a big problem with the princess' body. "

Qianling Emperor could not help but look at the corpse on the stretcher, but after looking at it for a bit, she turned her gaze away.

Liu Wei extended her other hand towards the young eunuch, and the young eunuch handed over another paper.

Liu Wei took off her gloves, stood up and presented the paper clip to Qianling Emperor, then said: "This is the report on the examination of the degree of injury on the corpse and the destruction of the internal organs, please have a look."

Qi Fu once again came down and personally received the paper money, walked up, and gave it to Qianling Emperor.

Qianling Emperor opened it and looked. Without any surprise, she still did not understand.

However, no matter whether he read or not, Qianling Emperor remained calm on the surface, and did not seem suspicious at all towards the contents of the paper. He only closed the paper, looked at Liu Wei, and asked: "Minister Liu's meaning is, Princess Yuping was harmed by an extreme expert?"

"Yes." Liu Wei gave a definite answer.

Qianling Emperor did not comment and asked again: "Have you caught the culprit?"


Qianling Emperor's expression changed slightly.

Liu Wei said: "Your majesty, no need to be anxious. The identity of the culprit is not important, he is merely an executioner, and the mastermind behind this is actually the culprit."

Qianling Emperor was silent for a moment, then opened her mouth: "Continue!"

Liu Wei continued, "The Princess Yuping's bizarre inner palace is missing, the has been brought back to the palace on the pretense of death. The corpse just so happened to appear on my way back to the capital, and I met it right away. And because of that, I was captured by the Infanta Yuehai as a suspect and imprisoned for a long time. There are too many evils, too many irrationalities and too many contradictions. This subject thought that it would be impossible for there to be no one to control it. "

"The Master Liu was even imprisoned?" Yan Zhenli pretended not to know and asked curiously.

Liu Wei replied: "The clear-cut are themselves, the person behind the scenes probably already knew that this subject was about to return to the palace, which was why there was such a farce. As for who that person is, it will definitely be revealed in a moment's time. When that person's identity is revealed, I believe that person's purpose in doing such things will also be known by all of you. "

Yan Zhenli interrupted once again: "So, the person behind this, is also someone familiar?"

Liu Wei declined to comment and changed the topic, "Talk about Princess Qinyang after you've said it. After the bizarre death of the Princess Yuping, rumors started to spread in the palace. The source of the rumors was none other than the palace maids who served the Princess Yuping before dying one after another. Then, all the palace maids began to die. In such chaos, rumors were naturally unavoidable, and the idea of causing a ghost had also become a hot topic for discussion. Regarding this matter, this subject is here to invite Imperial Household Department s to confront me face to face. "

Steward Hang, who was listening in from the side of the hall, trembled in fear when she heard she was called out. Her whole body stiffened and she didn't dare move at all.

Qianling Emperor could not help but think that Qi Fu and the Steward Hang had reported this to him. They said that they found the murderer who killed the Qinyang, but killed themselves in prison.

There was no proof that he was going to die.

To casually push out a dead man and call him a murderer was too easy to fool even an emperor.

If he were to call Liu Wei Steward Hang now, the Qianling Emperor didn't even need to think to know what wanted to confront. However, he still said that there was no proof and no matter how he confronted Liu Wei, he couldn't convince him.

However, the Qianling Emperor still raised her hand.

Thus, Qi Fu sent her eunuchs to summon the Steward Hang.

The young eunuch accepted the order and went out through the side door, but just as he turned the corner, he saw the Steward Hang coming towards him.

The eunuch immediately said, "I have seen Steward Hang, this is such a coincidence. Steward Hang, His Majesty has summoned you!"

He pretended that he wasn't eavesdropping and merely happened to pass by the Steward Hang near the main hall's side door. An astonished expression appeared on his face at the right time and he said, "Your majesty, you called to see me? Isn't the emperor still moving forward? "

The eunuch replied, "Yes, it is. Ai, in short, this eunuch will follow me here."

Steward Hang revealed a confused expression and followed the young eunuch into the hall through the side door.

All the civil and military officials were present in the hall, but none of them were in a good situation.

Someone wanted to remind Liu Wei tactfully that after the matter with the Princess Yuping is finished, can we keep the corpse first? But the court was serious, and no one dared to speak out loud. In the end, everyone could only endure the smell and look of the ugly corpse as they controlled their eyes and did not look in that direction.

When Steward Hang came over, she accidentally took a closer look, and upon seeing it, she was shocked, and immediately turned her eyes away, not daring to look again even after death.

Only then did Liu Wei realize that something was wrong, so she bent down and lifted the white cloth to cover the Princess Yuping's body.

This time, the atmosphere was much better.

Those old scholars who were not sure whether they were really old or just pretending to be old finally opened their eyes wide one after another to watch the fun.

When the Steward Hang came, Liu Wei did not dawdle and directly said to the Qianling Emperor: "The rumors in the palace have been spread like ghosts, all the people in the palace are in danger, but this subject discovered that the palaces of the dead, including the Suixiang Palace who has died miserably, actually formed an Eight Trigrams Formation based on the map of the palace. And in the center of the formation, the location of the formation core is not the other palace, but the Puxiang Palace of the Princess Yuping. "

With that, Liu Wei handed over another paper, but this time, it was not words or numbers, but a painting.

Qi Fu took it over again and delivered it up once more.

Qianling Emperor opened it and saw a rough map of the palace. The blueprints were simple and the locations of the palaces that were marked on it were accurate.

From Liu Wei's words, the Qianling Emperor could also see that what surrounded the Puxiang Palace, from afar, was actually a real eight trigram trigram diagram.

After putting down the paper, Qianling Emperor looked at Liu Wei and said, "Continue!"

Liu Wei nodded, and said: "With this map, this subject has begun to guess that someone is using the strange gate escape armor's five element eight trigrams method to offer sacrifices to the Princess Yuping. And that person's target had actually risen from the previous palace maids to the head of a Princess Qinyang Palace Master.

What Liu Wei said was a question, so he would definitely explain afterwards.

The surrounding people were not in a hurry to question him, and waited for Liu Wei to continue.

Liu Wei lived up to everyone's expectations, and said: "That's not true, someone is not offering sacrifices for the Princess Yuping, but rather, using the name of offering sacrifices for the Princess Yuping, making a mess in the palace. At that time, this subject was also panicking. Could the person behind all this be related to the court? Could it be a spy from another country? Or am I the one who is eyeing Qing Yun covetously, causing internal strife? "

Liu Wei's words became a little alarmist, the officials' faces immediately became ugly, and the sounds of discussion, gradually became louder and louder.

Qianling Emperor heard the clamor and her expression turned extremely gloomy as she coughed.

The officials were immediately as silent as cicadas in the winter. All of them shut their mouths.

Liu Wei continued: "Now that I have reached here, this subject has already linked the case of Princess Yuping with another case of Princess Qinyang, turning it into a series of cases where others have ulterior motives."

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