It was not that Rong Ling did not see Liu Wei and her son's actions.

In fact, if someone was willing to coax you, it would be a very precious thing to do, and if they could, they would do their best to cherish it.

Compared to his father, who always made his son recite the letter, or his mother, who would kick his son's butt everyday, Ming Xiang's warmth and love were the true love.

"Tsk tsk …"

When Pearl's shrill voice sounded, Liu Wei had already raised her head. In the darkness of the night, an especially bright black shadow swooped down.

Then, a black ball crashed into her chest.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up when she saw the pearl act coquettishly in her arms.

Originally, when they saw the two of them not coming back yet, they thought that the two of them did not remember that it was New Year. After all, birds did not celebrate New Year.

But he didn't expect that the two of them would return before he guarded the year.

was a little unhappy after seeing the big girl being forced to stay in Seventh Prince's Mansion for the New Year, but he didn't feel satisfied after hearing that Gu Gu and Zhu had not come back yet, and Liu Wei felt that it was even more incomplete. Although the big girl hadn't returned yet, Gu Gu and Zhu had returned.

Touching the pearl's cold feathers, Liu Wei's heart ached. It flew all the way back without resting at all, as its feathers were all blown cold.

It wanted to go as well, but in just a few short days, it had already grown a lot fatter and bigger than before. With it like this, its wingspan would almost reach two meters, making it impossible to crawl into Liu Wei's embrace.

Gugu was very unhappy. She did not expect that the vegetarian dish of Ku Hai Temple could eat her so much. Logically speaking, she should be thin if she did not have meat.

But Liu Wei quickly saw that Gu Gu was not fat, but grown. His body also did not have fat, but rather, bones.

Looking at the pearl with eyes full of envy, Liu Wei waved for it to come over.

Gu Gu immediately shook his tail and went over to stand beside Liu Wei.

Liu Wei stroked its head.

Gugu stuffed her head into Liu Wei's embrace, pushing her head towards Liu Wei's stomach.

But as soon as he touched it, Pearl nagged at his ear.

He stood up and looked at the pearl with his big eyes.

The pearl wanted to talk about it again, but was pulled by Liu Wei.

After being scolded until he couldn't stand up straight, only then did he look at Liu Wei's stomach, and carefully move over. This time, he didn't dare use too much strength, and only lightly rubbed his head against that place, and then rubbed it twice, while looking worriedly at Liu Wei.

Without even thinking, Liu Wei knew what Pearl said to Gugu. It must be that she had an egg and could not suppress it, or else the egg in her stomach would be crushed.

Gugu who did not understand human common sense was obviously tricked by the pearl, and was very afraid that she would really squeeze the egg out of Liu Wei's stomach. Such a big bird, it was really nervous.

Liu Wei was a little guilty, he secretly glanced at Rong Ling, but saw that Rong Ling was also looking at her, she immediately turned his gaze away and patted pearl's head, and said: "Let's eat New Year's Eve meal first."

With that, Liu Wei turned and picked up the big bag that was left in the corner of the hall. This was the New Year feast that Liu Wei had prepared for the two of them, and it was only because they hadn't come back yet that it was placed by her side.

The bag was filled with meat, some raw, some familiar, Liu Wei took them all out and the two immediately surrounded them, walking around her.

After taking the plate and setting it on the table, Liu Wei turned and looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling had not spoken from the start.

Today was the New Year, so maybe she could give Rong Ling a new year present.

Pearl and Gugu finished eating all the meat, and the two birds' stomachs immediately swelled up. Liu Wei told the two birds to rest early, and Pearl, somewhat reluctant to part with Liu Wei, stuck on her body for a long time, but she also missed Xiaoli, and in the end led him to Xiaoli's room.

Pearl had always slept with Xiaoli, and Ming Xiang and Xi Xiang had long been very familiar with the black birds, but when they saw the huge goo, the two of them were stunned, and almost cried for help.

Xiaoli was awakened from her sleep and when she opened her eyes, she immediately saw two birds. They immediately cried out in excitement and the two girls knew that the big bird was raised by Young Noble.

Little gongzi always liked to raise some weird species. This morning, they even saw a hairy flower spider on top of little gongzi's head.

He got used to it after being frightened a lot. He also calmed down because of the fragrance and the fragrance.

The three of them would sleep well that night.

On the other side, Liu Wei and Rong Ling had already entered the house.

Halfway through burning the candle on the table, Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling who was drinking tea on the other side of the table and asked again, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Rong Ling picked up the teacup cover, and scooped up the hot tea mist that was spreading out from the cup without batting an eyelid. After thinking for a while, she asked: "So, you mean, not all children need a complete home?"

Liu Wei shook her head: "That's not what I meant. I meant that if both parents were by my side, then a single parent would be the same."

Rong Ling was not clear about the specific meaning of "single parent", but from the perspective of words, he could make a rough estimation of it. Thus, he asked: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Liu Wei was a little nervous as she replied, "I mean, the way we're getting along is very good. What do you think?"

Rong Ling frowned and looked at her strangely. In the end, she stood up, as if she was unwilling to talk to Liu Wei in the same way as a chicken.

As he spoke, he walked towards the bed.

Seeing that he still did not understand, Liu Wei thought to himself, could he really be so secretive with his words?

Liu Wei followed along, and after Rong Ling stood in front of the bed, her back facing her while she undressed, Liu Wei suddenly said: "I don't want to get married for the time being."

Rong Ling paused for a moment, then turned and looked at her with an even weirder expression: "Hmm?"

Liu Wei said seriously: "I don't want to get married, not now."

Rong Ling: "Oh."

Liu Wei: "..."

The two of them looked at each other in silence for a while. Liu Wei asked uncertainly: "Do you understand what I mean? I don't want to get married right now. "

Rong Ling looked into her eyes and said, "You've said it thrice."

Liu Wei: "This is emphasized."

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei: "Then you won't propose to me?"

Rong Ling finally turned around, and looked at her seriously for a good while before saying: "I didn't plan to ask for your hand in marriage."

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Wei was a little unhappy because she could not tell what she was feeling.

Rong Ling took off her clothes and went to bed.

Liu Wei also went to bed, after blowing out the candle, she turned around and said to the man who had his back to her: "Rong Ling."

Rong Ling turned around and then seized her by the hand. Sighing, she pulled her into her embrace and said: "Sleep."

However, Liu Wei looked up at him and called out again, "Rong Ling."

Rong Ling finally opened his eyes and looked at her through the darkness.

Liu Wei softly said, "I have your child again."

Rong Ling just looked at her, not saying a word.

Liu Wei asked: "You have nothing else to say?"

In the dark night, the man's eyes were exceptionally bright. He looked at the girl in his embrace and felt her gentleness. After a moment of silence, he said, "Rao Ye."

"Hmm?" Liu Wei did not understand.

Rong Ling said: "I'll be called Rong Ye."

"Liu Wei?"

Rong Ling leaned forward, and kissed her lips for a good while before letting her go, and said: "No matter if I am a girl or a child, all of them are named that."

So, the child's father had already thought of a name?

Rong Ye, it would be fine if he was a boy, but if it was a girl, it would be a bit too boorish to call him by that name.

Liu Wei wanted to say something, but she felt that it was too early to discuss the child's name. She buried her face in the man's embrace and said softly, "You have the final say."

You have the final say now, but if you are a daughter in the future, you'll have to change your name.

"Rao Ye, no matter how you look at it, it's not the girl's name …"

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