In this matter, Liu Wei had a very deep sleep. Perhaps it was because she had confessed a few things or because she was relieved of a heavy burden in her heart, or because it was New Year's, but her mood was especially relaxed. 13579246810

Anyway, it was late the next morning when she woke up.

Looking at the vast amount of snow falling outside the window, Liu Wei curled her body under the quilt. She thought about how the weather was good before and how it was snowing all by itself.

Ming Xiang received it with a smile, her small lips becoming even sweeter. "Young master seems to be in a good mood today. I heard that young master is in a good mood on the first day of the year and has been in good spirits for a whole year. I'm sure young master will be blessed this year, and even more so than last year."

Liu Wei was amused by the little girl, she walked to the basin stand, washed her face, and said: "With your mouth, the birds on the trees can still coax you."

"This servant isn't trying to coax young master, what this servant has said is the truth. If young master does not believe it, this servant will be unable to do so." As she spoke, Mingxiang intentionally shook her head with a helpless look on her face.

Liu Wei laughed and asked: "Is Xiaoli awake?"

"He woke up." While Ming Xiang helped Liu Wei pour more hot water, she said: "I woke up early this morning, and let our prince bring our relatives out."

"Hmm?" Liu Wei was startled, she looked at Mingxiang and asked, "Family members?"

"Yeah." Ming Xiang said in a crisp voice: "They said to go to the Seventh Prince's Mansion first, then to the Fifth Prince's Palace, and also to the Crown Prince's Palace. Our Prince also said that when the Young Master wakes up, you want to go too."

"Me too?" Liu Wei was a little confused.

Ming Xiang nodded her head, and said: "Looking at the time, he should still be in Seventh Prince's Mansion. Young master is ready, this servant will accompany young master there."

Does Rong Ling look like someone who loves to travel with her relatives during the new year? At least, Liu Wei didn't think so!

Then why did he bring Xiaoli everywhere on the first day of the new year?

He had originally thought that since he had just returned to the Zhenge Sect, there would be a lot of things to do in the next two days.

After washing up, Ming Xiang had already prepared everything and followed Liu Wei out of the palace.

At the entrance of Third Prince's Mansion Palace, the carriage was already prepared. Liu Wei got on the carriage as it drove away, heading straight in the direction of Seventh Prince's Mansion.

On the first day of the new year, according to the customs of the local elders, it was not suitable to visit relatives or travel.

It was snowing lightly on the street, and the fluttering of the snowflakes made people feel a chill in their hearts.

Liu Wei leisurely lifted the carriage's curtain, and looked outside. In that glance, he saw a figure rushing out from the medicine store by the side of the street.

The person walked quickly. After exiting the medicine shop, he cautiously looked to his left and right. After confirming that there was no one around, he lowered his head and quickly disappeared around the corner of the street.

Liu Wei watched as the figure disappeared, and her beautiful eyebrows knitted together.

If he wasn't mistaken, that person looked a little familiar?

His thoughts were in a mess, when Liu Wei thought again, he heard Ming Xiang say: "It's so cold today, logically speaking, last winter was clearly warmer than last year, but why is it that after the New Year, it even snowed instead."

Just after the end of the year, the weather suddenly turned cold again.

Liu Wei was not in the capital before, so she did not know the exact climate of the capital. Hearing Mingxiang's sigh, Liu Wei casually asked: "Was it very cold in the past?"

"Of course." Mingxiang looked at the snowflakes outside the carriage, rubbed her hands together, and said, "Young Master might not know, but you don't have to tell me. Just tell me about the capital city last year, where about twenty wandering people died from the cold. The bodies of those who died from the cold were all red, and their hands and feet were full of festering sores.

Liu Wei glanced at Mingxiang. "You've seen it with your own eyes?"

Ming Xiang still had some lingering fear as she nodded, lowering her voice and said, "Not only have I seen her, I've even touched her. Young master, please don't say anymore. Speaking of which, your servant's heart has turned cold again."

Seeing that Ming Xiang was truly afraid, Liu Wei did not ask anymore.

The carriage travelled for a while, and quickly reached the main entrance of Seventh Prince's Mansion.

Liu Wei alighted from the carriage, and it was clear that the concierge at Seventh Prince's Mansion recognized Liu Wei. Seeing Liu Wei coming over, she immediately came out and laughed: "Master Liu, New Year is here!"

Liu Wei smiled at him, lowered her head and took out a red seal from her sleeve.

The doorman was so overjoyed that he nodded his head and took it. He spoke a few words of praise before leading Liu Wei in.

Because he knew in advance that Liu Wei would come, Rong Su had already instructed the guard to come out and wait for him. When he received the person, he immediately brought them to his courtyard.

When Liu Wei went to her master's courtyard, she saw a thin, snowy courtyard. Rong Ling and Rong Su were sitting in a pavilion with two stoves placed beside them.

Not far away, in the flower garden, there was a layer of shallow, semi-melted snow. Xiao Xiang and a few other kids were laughing and making fun of each other. From time to time, a scream could be heard.

Liu Wei saw that the children were having fun, so she did not ask any further, and directly headed towards the pavilion.

Seeing her coming over, Rong Ling raised his head and said something to the servant beside him.

The servant girl left as Liu Wei entered the pavilion.

"It is said that the Three Kings and Seven Kings are at odds with each other, and their relationship is not on good terms. If others were to see this, then the two of you would come together on the first day of the new year and gossip."

Liu Wei ridiculed, and was about to sit on the stone bench beside Rong Ling.

However, Rong Ling quickly pulled her hand, preventing her from sitting down, and said: "Wait."

Liu Wei looked at him in puzzlement.

At this moment, the maid who had been ordered to leave ran back, panting heavily. She was even holding a thick and soft cushion in her hand.

Rong Ling received it and placed the cushion on the stone chair. Only then did she let go of Liu Wei's hand and said: "Sit."

Liu Wei looked at the cushion, then looked at the expressionless Rong Ling who had a normal expression. She wanted to laugh, but she still sat down.

The cold wind blew all the way from the main gate to here. Although Liu Wei had some skills and did not feel cold, her hands and feet had indeed become cold.

Rong Ling had noticed it when he was holding her hand just now, so after she had sat down, Rong Ling naturally pulled the small stove that was next to Rong Su's side over and placed it in front of him.

Liu Wei pondered for a moment, then placed her hand on it, and looked at the stove to dry her hands.

Rong Su who had been robbed of her warmth, "..."

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