One second. Org, free of charge!

Li Yin did not give Rong Ling and Liu Wei the chance to speak, because they started arguing again. ggaawx

After all, it was a roundabout way.

Liu Wei walked out, and when she returned, there were two following behind him.

One big and one small, coo coo and pearls.

Liu Wei pointed to the few of them and ordered, "Throw them out."

Two orders.

The pearl flapped its huge wings, ferociously pouncing towards Li Jun, who was a stranger to it. It then flew into the air and started pecking at Rong Su, whom it had long disliked.

Not long after, Li Jun was struck by the big bird until she fell to the ground. Her hair was in a mess, her clothes were in a mess, and colors were hanging on her face.

Rong Su also did not fare well either. His face was ashen as she tried to brush off the pearl with her sleeves, but the pearl had already bitten into her hair. With a tug, her entire scalp went numb.

Li Jun could not take it anymore, and started cursing under her breath.

Rong Su ran over to Rong Ling's side and pretended to take refuge. In reality, she wanted the black-furred flying beast, Pearl, to attack him together with Rong Ling.

Rong Ling escaped from the chaos and stood beside Liu Wei. Liu Wei raised her eyes, looked at Li Yin who was on the other side, and said to Li Yin whose face was filled with bewilderment, "Go back first."

Li Yin ignored the fact that the Second Prince was also present, and said softly, "Tomorrow night, outside the First Pin House on Main Street of the capital, I will see you all the time." As she finished speaking, her face flushed red.

Liu Wei did not say anything, but her expression was a little wooden.

Gugu and Zhubing did not fail their mission, and very quickly, they chased out the outsider who was battered and exhausted. Li Yin had no choice but to follow them.

Li Jun and Rong Su walked out of the Third Prince's Mansion entrance and immediately got on the carriage, afraid that they would be seen by the people on the streets.

The two carriages from the duke's estate left in a hurry.

Liu Wei stood outside the door and sighed deeply. On his shoulder, a pearl was rubbing against her ear, asking for her praise.

Liu Wei scratched its small head.

Liu Wei suppressed her worries, and planned to return to the backyard to talk with Rong Ling, but when she turned her head, she saw Rong Ling standing behind him, holding onto a piece of fur skin.

"Spring is cold." Rong Ling said as she put Qiu Zi on her body, held her hand and led her into the Duke Palace.

Liu Wei followed him, and as they walked, he asked: "In your opinion, should I go tomorrow night?"

Rong Ling changed from the calm and teasing attitude she had in the morning and calmly replied: "I'm not going."

"What if Li Yin continues to wait?" With regards to Li Yin, if she could handle him gently, Liu Wei did not want to make things too difficult for him.

Rong Ling did not even turn her head as his voice contained a hint of hardness and coldness, "How is she related to you?"

That was what he said, but.

Forget it, he decided to send someone to the First Pin Inn to keep an eye out for her. He believed that if he couldn't wait for her, Li Yin would definitely return.

It seemed that he had become softer by the minute.

In the past, her heart had been tougher, but now …

Touching his slightly bulging lower abdomen, Liu Wei was unsure if it was because this child made her change or if it was because she was getting softer and softer inside.

Since he had already made his decision, no matter what Li Yin did, Liu Wei would naturally hand over all the authority to Rong Ling. Rong Ling was too lazy to care about Li Yin, so she pushed all the authority to Rong Su.

After resolving a matter, Liu Wei returned to her own room and picked up the embroidered tenses that had been abandoned for the entire day.

Liu Wei's embroidery was now better than before. It was easy to tell that the embroidered flowers were flowers.

As a result, Liu Wei was somewhat proud and full of confidence.

Seeing how hardworking Liu Wei was, Ming Xiang felt embarrassed to say it too. In truth, although Young Noble did not seem to be embroidering a flower, but Xi Xiang had ordered everyone to recognize it, they had to say that it was a flower. That was a flower, and it could not make Young Noble feel bad about it.

Ming Xiang felt that this made sense, so she listened and taught the girl how to tell lies.

Now that this big girl was lying, she couldn't see anything wrong with it anymore. Mingxiang felt that she had taught him well.

This leisurely life lasted for two days.

On the third day, Liu Wei put down her embroidery tone.

Listening to Ming Xiang's report in a hurry, Liu Wei's expression turned uglier and uglier.

"Li Yin went missing?" Liu Wei asked in disbelief.

Ming Xiang nodded her head: "The news has spread and the Li Family has already reported it to the Jing zhao Yin, saying that they went missing last night. They searched the entire manor, but were unable to find An An, who had been brought to the yamen to inquire, but they heard that the young miss of the Li family ran out last night to find her. Before she left, she knocked out An An, who was on night watch, and when An An woke up, she discovered that the young miss had disappeared.

Liu Wei frowned as she stood up from her chair. As she walked out, she asked: "Where's the Duke?"

Ming Xiang took an umbrella and said, "The prince has entered the palace. He entered earlier this morning. Should we send someone to report this to the palace?"

Liu Wei waved her hand: "There's no rush, prepare the carriage."

Ming Xiang ordered Xian Xiang to prepare the carriage.

Last night, Li Yin had unilaterally arranged to elope. However, Rong Ling had clearly sent someone to inform Rong Su that she should be protected, so how could something happen to Li Yin?

When he woke up this morning, the weather wasn't very good. The drizzling rain hit his face, making it cold and icy.

Ming Xiang had an umbrella in her hand, but because she was short and Liu Wei walked quickly, not much rain fell down from the umbrella.

Liu Wei did not mind.

When they arrived at the entrance, the carriage had already stopped outside.

Liu Wei got onto the carriage, stated her destination, and leaned on the carriage wall, frowning and thinking.

Xiao Xiang did not follow along. The only person accompanying Liu Wei was Ming Xiang.

Mingxiang was usually a talkative person, but when she saw the worry on the young master's face, she didn't dare to say too much. She could only lift the curtain of the carriage from time to time to look outside.

Because it was raining today, the number of vendors on the street had dwindled. When Ming Xiang passed by the main street of the capital, she discovered that even the largest restaurant and first class building in the capital was actually closed.

"How rare."

Since the opening of the First Pin Building, it had been open every new year and every day. Why was it not open today?

Ming Xiang's voice caught Liu Wei's attention.

Liu Wei looked outside the carriage, and saw the wooden signboard "Owner has business" that was hung outside the pavilion.

"Stop the car." Liu Wei called the coachman.

The coachman stopped the carriage, turned around and asked, "Young Master, what's wrong?"

Liu Wei did not say anything, she only lifted the carriage's curtain and walked down.

Ming Xiang was afraid that her young master would be drenched, so she hurriedly followed him down with an umbrella.

Liu Wei walked out of the first class building, looked at the tightly shut door, and started thinking.

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