One second. Org, free of charge!

Ming Xiang did not know what the Young Noble wanted to do, but she guessed that it had something to do with this first tier building, so she asked, "Young Noble, do you want to knock on the door? For a restaurant like the First Pin Restaurant, even if it's closed for a day or two, there will be a waiter taking care of the rooms inside. Do you want this servant to ask around? "

Liu Wei stayed silent for a while. When she thought about what Li Yin had said the day before, that they would meet outside the first class building, she nodded and let Ming Xiang go. ggaawx

Ming Xiang jumped in fright and retreated two steps. She was a bit annoyed. "What's going on? He didn't even ask and closed the door. This waiter is really lacking in manners."

As Ming Xiang spoke, she was about to knock on the door when the young master by her side suddenly appeared in front of her. He raised his head and shouted, "Open the door!"

Liu Wei's words were simple, her tone was not friendly.

There was no sound from inside the door. No one opened the door, and no one answered.

Liu Wei frowned, she was a little angry: "Xing Yi, open the door."

That's right, the waiter who opened the door just now was clearly Xing Yi.

Liu Wei might not know much about people like him, but she knew a lot.

This person was currently being held in the capital by the King of Quan, inquiring into the capital's movements, and even frequently roaming around Jin Nanyun's side. Liu Wei was very clear of all of this.

Considering that Rong Ling and King of Quan could be considered to be cooperating and that this person had never hurt Jin Nanyun, Liu Wei decided to close one eye.

However, Li Yin had just gone missing outside the first class building, and today, the first class building was closed. Xing Yi was still inside, regardless of the reason, she had to investigate it thoroughly.

When the people inside heard that the other party had called out the Dao's name, they panicked a little. However, they held on and did not reply. However, their faces had already turned ashen.

When his companion on the second floor heard the noise coming from below, he stuck his head out doubtfully and asked, "Who is it?"

Xing Yi stood by the door and silenced her comrades.

Seeing that something was wrong, his companion also descended the stairs and peeked out through the crack in the door.

When she saw him, she was shocked, "Why is this person here?"

Xing Yi shook his head and asked: "Did you find the thing?"

Xing Yi then looked at the door of the hall that led to the kitchen and asked: "Where are the others, have you found the one at the back?"

"I'll go take a look." As her companion spoke, shshewalked towards the small door. Just as she was about to leave, he heard a friendly knock on the door and her voice suddenly became louder.

His companion was startled, his body stiffened, and he turned to look at Xing Yi.

Xing Yi's expression was somewhat ugly, she waved her hand and said: "You go first, regardless of whether or not you find the thing, bring your people and hide it first. Here, I'll carry it."

Their companions were a little worried, but they knew that this was the only solution. The identity of the person outside the door was not something they could afford to provoke. If they could do anything about it, it was best not to cause a ruckus.

When his companion left, Xing Yi took a deep breath. Seeing that the door was being knocked on by the person outside, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and open the door.

The door had just opened a crack when a force of impact from outside pushed him back.

After which, the door was completely opened. A white-clothed man, whose entire body was cold, walked in with a delicate and exquisite maid behind him.

The atmosphere in the room was tense.

Xing Yi looked at Liu Wei from a distance, her gaze sharp but not threatening.

Liu Wei looked at him calmly and released all of her Qi. Just by standing there, she was able to cause people to feel an immense pressure.

"Close the door." Xing Yi opened her mouth first after all.

Liu Wei did not say anything and just waved her hand.

Ming Xiang closed the door and returned to her young master's side.

Xing Yi wanted to delay some time for her comrades behind him, so she pulled up a chair and sat down, and impatiently said: "A man doesn't need to speak darkly, you and I can be considered old acquaintances, who do I work for, you know as well, today is the same, I do work for my master, you have no right to ask."

Liu Wei did not care about him, and started walking towards the kitchen.

First Tier Restaurant was the number one restaurant in the capital. Liu Wei had been here since she arrived in the capital and had also visited many times since then.

Seeing that Liu Wei was about to go to the back, Xing Yi was startled, he immediately stood up and blocked him: "What are you doing?"

Liu Wei looked at him: "If you wish to hide something, then I am too lazy to waste my breath. Whether or not there is anything wrong, I have eyes, I will see for myself."

With that, Liu Wei circled around Xing Yi.

Xing Yi took another step, blocked it once again, and said while clenching her teeth: "Are you trying to cause trouble just because you want to?"

Liu Wei replied: "You can't beat me."

The corner of Xing Yi's mouth twitched. Although she knew it was the truth, no matter how she listened to it, he felt uncomfortable.

Liu Wei did not bother with them and directly asked: "What are you doing here?"

Xing Yi said coldly: "It has nothing to do with you."

"Oh." Since the other party refused to cooperate, Liu Wei did not say much and continued walking inside.


Xing Yi stopped Liu Wei again and gritted her teeth hatefully, "Half a month ago, I sent an order to investigate a person. That person's identity is unique, and the order is that he only needs to be carried along with him. If necessary, we can avoid fighting face to face with him. We followed that person for ten days. Yesterday, we saw him enter the first class building, but after four hours, he still hadn't left. We followed that person for ten days, yesterday, we saw him enter the first class building, but after four hours, we didn't see him leave. But yesterday evening, in the abandoned house three streets away, my companion found his corpse. The bundle that he always carried with him disappeared, and I immediately returned to the first floor to ask the waiter. The waiter said that the person did not carry any bags with him when he left from the back door, so it is highly likely that the bag was still in this restaurant. "

As Xing Yi said this, her heart was unable to calm down. She stared at Liu Wei: "So, are you satisfied?"

Liu Wei did not say anything, she was silent for a moment, then asked: "Last night at the Marquis Mansion, the young miss of the Li Family went missing, did you know?"

Xing Yi was startled, then became angry: "What Miss Li, Miss Wang, we told you, we messed up the important matters that the higher-ups sent us. From last night to today, we have not had enough time to look for anything, who has time to care about Miss Li."

Liu Wei saw that he was flustered and exasperated, and did not seem to be lying, but how could it be such a coincidence? Li Yin went missing outside the first class building and Xing Yi went into the first class building to look for something …

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