"What do you mean?" Xing Yi asked anxiously.

Liu Wei said: "The Sisi Residence is decorated in such an elegant manner, the shopkeeper is so fond and clean, and even the shop assistant who keeps eight of them has raised them, which allows them to receive guests. How can they be so unclean, and leave some dust on the ground?"

Liu Wei threw the question to Xing Yi.

When the group of people came out of the Sisi Residence, the rain had not stopped. In addition, it was getting heavier. Thunder rumbled in the sky, which was extremely rare in the capital city in early spring.

Liu Wei looked at the dense black clouds and felt that her surroundings were extremely cold. She could not help but tighten her sleeves and turned to Xing Yi: "I've already done everything I promised you. What you've promised me, I hope you can fulfill it as soon as possible."

Xing Yi seriously gazed at Mister, her eyes no longer filled with the unwillingness from before, and said sincerely: "Since my return from the Azure Province, I will definitely work with my colleagues, and will wholeheartedly work for Mister."

Liu Wei laughed when she saw how serious he was, "It's only a matter that isn't considered difficult, so I don't want all of you to risk your lives, it's not that serious."

Xing Yi did not speak, and her expression did not change.

As far as he was concerned, this person had helped him so much that it was only right for him to put himself in danger.

After all, the master never left useless people by his side.

His master had personally instructed him to do this mission. If he failed …

If they could make up for it before their master blamed them and retrieve the item, that would be saving everyone's lives.

Seeing that Xing Yi's attitude was very upright, Liu Wei also forgave him for writing down the crimes of the autopsy. Before getting on the carriage, she added, "Report Yao Guang's case to the capital's yamen. No matter who he is, or what personal grudges she has with you, the dead should be respected.

Xing Yi nodded her head, planning to send a little beggar to the yamen to report the situation.

Liu Wei was satisfied, she looked at the carriage parked outside the teahouse, under the cover of Ming Xiang holding up an umbrella, and stepped onto the carriage.

When the carriage's curtain was pushed open, a cold and handsome face appeared before her.

Liu Wei: "..."

Liu Wei paused, and turned to look at Ming Xiang.

Ming Xiang shifted her gaze away in embarrassment, not meeting his gaze.

Liu Wei then looked at the carriage driver, who straightforwardly scratched his head without saying a word.

Liu Wei lowered her head and went inside.

Putting down the carriage curtain, it was much warmer inside than outside, but Liu Wei did not bring her fur coat with him, as her body was extremely thin, she still looked cold.

Rong Ling took off her cape and gave it to her.

Liu Wei hugged the cloak that was still warm from his body, and honestly wrapped it around herself.

He then glanced at him and said: "Originally, I wanted to look for you. After knowing that you entered the palace, I moved to Seventh Prince's Mansion, spoke with Rong Su and Li Jun for a while, and thought that it was getting late. I planned to return home, but met some acquaintances on the way, and was pulled over to help out."

Rong Ling, who was beside her, did not say a word.

Liu Wei asked again: Why are you here? If you enter the palace every day, aren't you usually unable to return until evening? "

Only now did Rong Ling finally take a glance at her. Her gaze moved from her face all the way down, and finally stopped in her hands.

Liu Wei did not understand and was about to ask again.

Rong Ling actually extended her left hand, and placed one hand on top of her finger tip that was emitting a cold feeling, saying in a displeased voice: "Icy cold."

Liu Wei moved her finger and said: "The wind is a bit cold, but it's not actually cold."

Although this explanation was true, it didn't sound convincing at all to the ears of the bystanders.

Rong Ling held both her hands. His palms were very hot, and the warm air quickly wrapped around Liu Wei's hands, making them heat up.

Then he let go and rearranged her cloak so that it completely covered her entire body. He then instructed the head, "Go back to the residence and prepare some ginger soup."

Ming Xiang was sitting outside with the coachman, and upon hearing the order, she bluntly replied, "Yes! "Your Highness!"

Rong Ling turned around, looked at Liu Wei, and asked with a disapproving tone, "In these past few days, An Xin has been nurturing her baby, who said that?"

Seeing him being so considerate, Liu Wei was a little terrified. She shrank her neck and said: "Didn't I coincidentally make it in time? Yes, I promised you that I wouldn't go to the yamen during this period of time, and that I wouldn't bother with it. But thinking about it, I won't interfere in other people's affairs, especially after what happened with Li Yin.

Rong Ling squinted her eyes. "Incidentally?"

Liu Wei coughed once and changed the subject: "It's not like we didn't reap anything."

He told them about the trouble Xing Yi had gotten himself into, including the man called Yao Guang and the mysterious burden that they were talking about.

With that, Liu Wei emphasized: "In the end, King of Quan can still be considered familiar with one.

Rong Ling's brows did not loosen, she only looked at Liu Wei, and did not say a word.

Liu Wei's eyes flickered: "There won't be a next time."

Seeing that she still looked a little wronged, the fire that was burning to her heart slightly quelled, and then held her hand. "There's always trouble in the capital, it's really hard to get rid of it."

Liu Wei looked at him, not knowing what he meant.

Rong Ling also did not say anything, she only started to ponder. That expression was extremely serious, to the point that Liu Wei felt that her hair was standing on end.

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