In the evening, Liu Wei received the news that the Jing zhao Yin had received a report of her death and brought Yao Guang's corpse back to the yamen. ggaawx

However, half a day had passed and only a few pieces of dried bones were left of the corpse. No matter how one looked at it, they could not find a clue.

The Jing zhao Yin was unable to determine the identity of the deceased person, and the person reporting the case was just a street beggar. In the midst of the thick fog of the case, Lin Sheng tactfully stroked her chin.

When Grand Master came, he was still in high spirits, but when he left, his head was drenched in sweat.

When the Grand Preceptor finally walked out of the gates, he couldn't take it anymore and ran away. His butt was like a fire, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At that time, Liu Wei was still in her room.

She looked at the rain which finally stopped, and flipped through the words in her hand, and asked: "Have the people from Jing zhao Yin arrived yet?"

If the case couldn't be resolved in the capital, Lin Sheng should come to find him to leave the mountain.

Although Liu Wei promised Rong Ling that she would be fine, she had already seen Yao Guang's corpse, there was no reason for his to not come to visit.

Liu Wei thought that it would definitely be inappropriate and unreasonable for him to deliver herself to them, so she decided to wait for Jing zhao Yin to send someone else over.

But after waiting for such a long time, he heard that the capital's yamen had taken action, but why had no one come to find him?

Could it be that Lin Sheng could solve the case on her own?

Liu Wei was a little doubtful in her heart. Looking at the color of the sky, she planned to call Ming Xiang and ask around in the capital's yamen.

But Liu Wei had not seen Ming Xiang yet, so Rong Ling came over again.

"Finished?" Liu Wei asked.

Today, Rong Ling made a trip to the palace, tapped on the roll call, and left. Liu Wei only found out later. The spy from the second battalion of Zhenge Sect had something to report and needed Rong Ling to be personally present. However, when Rong Ling went to the entrance of the Sid's Residence to pick him up, she was the one who left the palace, and was hit by the Duke Palace's carriage driver.

After properly sending her back to the residence, Rong Ling made another trip to Zhenge Sect.

"Yes." Rong Ling's face revealed a hint of coldness.

Liu Wei looked at the sky outside. Although there was no rain, it was still very cold.

Rong Ling asked her: "Where are you going?"

Liu Wei said: "I am looking for Ming Xiang."

After saying that, she told him her plan, and emphasized, "It's not meddling in other people's business, it's just that I'm not willing to be irresponsible, that Yao Guang is a dead man after all, and if we were to investigate the culprit, it's likely that he has a lot of connections with the King of Quan, and as soon as he landed on the ground, he grew roots, at least we have to bring him back to his hometown, and bury him well."

Yao Guang was truly unlucky. Liu Wei could help him find the culprit and return him justice, but it would still be sinful to possess treasures. In the end, it was his carelessness that led Yao Guang to carry such a great treasure.

Rong Ling did not comment on Liu Wei's explanation. He looked at Liu Wei and asked casually: "An autopsy, did you manage to sort it out?"

"Yes." Liu Wei walked to the desk in the inner room and took out a dense stack of paper, on which she wrote a total of six pages.

The level of detail in it was completely different from what Xing Yi had written.

Receiving the xuan paper, Rong Ling flipped through it, and then covered it up, and said: "I'll go call the yamen. As for the autopsy, Xiaoli will take care of it."

Liu Wei was startled.

Rong Ling said: "It's just a lecture, that's all. It's the same for Xiaoli."

Liu Wei thought that since it was based on this autopsy, pretending to examine Yao Guang's body again would not be a problem for Xiaoli to do so.

Thinking about this, Rong Ling was really worried. She had been living happily all day, why would he need such a expensive and pampered girl to raise his in the house?

Forget it, let's just treat it as having this little fellow in his stomach.

… ….

Liu Wei no longer cared about Yao Guang.

After a few days of eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, occasionally having time to embroider flowers, and reading, Liu Wei received a secret letter from Xing Yi.

The letter was sent by Jin Nanyun.

Jin Nanyun watched as Liu Wei opened the letter, and peeled a piece of tangerine on the side. As she ate, she asked, "How could you have a personal relationship with him?

Liu Wei said: "I used to think that he was a little black-hearted, but now, I feel that it's very easy to deceive him."

Jin Nanyun asked: Easily deceived? You mean that child? "

Liu Wei looked up: "You're only a few years older than him, you're probably in the senior generation now."

"He's just a kid." Jin Nanyun said unconcernedly: "Impulsive, reckless, sometimes you look calm, and sometimes you look young. Your temper is not as vicious as you thought, but you are not a kind person."

That's true, Deathsworn. Few are good.

"However, with him here, my business is much easier." Speaking of which, Jin Nanyun was amused again.

The merchant's daughter only opened her eyes when she saw money. This was everyone's impression of Jin Nanyun.

But Liu Wei was not included.

Liu Wei glanced at Jin Nanyun. Jin Nanyun was a normal person, and loved money, but Jin Nanyun also had a good intention. Whoever she was heartless to, it would be that person who was heartless to her first.

After throwing another piece of orange into his mouth, Jin Nanyun stuck his head out and asked: "What did the letter say?"

Liu Wei had already opened the letter, there were very few words on it.

First, Xing Yi said that he had already sent someone to report Yao Guang's case.

Second, Xing Yi said that he checked the pass book and found out that before Yao Guang came to the capital, she indeed stayed in the Cyan Plains for five days.

Third, Xing Yi said that the things that he had promised Liu Wei would be fulfilled one by one after this matter was completed.

When Liu Wei finished reading and placed the letter down, he took it and read it.

After reading it, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Reporting? Qingzhou? What I promised you? "

Liu Wei made a sound of acknowledgement, and said simply: "The last time I met him, he was in a bit of a predicament. I helped him out a little. "Since I've helped you, I naturally have to accept the compensation."

Jin Nanyun did not say a word, she stared at Liu Wei for a while, then stared at the letter again, her expression turning strange.

"What's wrong?" Liu Wei detected Jin Nanyun's abnormality and asked.

Jin Nanyun put down the letter and asked: "About that, it concerns the entire Azure Province. The help you helped him with, was it related to the Azure Province?"

Liu Wei thought for a while, then vaguely said: "I guess so."

Jin Nanyun's expression changed again.

Liu Wei frowned: "What's going on?"

Jin Nanyun was also puzzled, "What you're talking about, is it because of Liu Mo?"

"Liu Mo?"

Jin Nanyun did not continue eating and said, "It was about the matter about Liu Mo killing people."

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