One second. Org, free of charge!

He still wanted to live like this for the next ten days.

However, compared to him, the others were in a much more miserable state. All the prisoners in this dungeon were condemned to death, but the time they had to wait for the execution was longer than him.

After grabbing it, he gulped down all the remaining unsavory soup.

Liu Mo was only working in the afternoon, yet this burly man in front of him had to endure the torture that would happen sooner or later. Compared to that, this burly man's stamina was much faster.

Seeing that the other party had finished eating, Liu Mo couldn't help but lick his bowl. He couldn't help but say, "I hope that after I leave, half of your new neighbors will be left for you to eat."

The big man didn't reply. He licked the bowl clean, then dragged his crippled legs and retreated into his own pile of grass before lying down.

Liu Mo raised his head and looked up at the skylight. The weak light could bring him fresh air.

Lowering his head, he once again looked at his own hand.

Due to days of farming, he had once lived like a prince, his fingers untouched by the sun and spring water. Now, his hands were covered with a thin cocoon. It was very ugly, very rough.

Was he really going to be beheaded in ten days?

Liu Mo looked at his hands with confusion.

He did not kill anyone, but he knew that someone wanted him dead, so whether or not he killed anyone was not the point. The point was, he would die.

When he was unable to contact anyone, perhaps, he really would be quietly killed in this foreign land.

However, he still did not know who the person who wanted to kill him was.

Who had he offended?

He was here and almost no one recognized him. After Fu Zichen sent some people to send him over, he left him a sum of silver and a ticket to Jiangnan.

He was arrested the next day on his way to the docks. The reason they left the capital was because the Liu Family was still busy dealing with them.

But even though he had left, he was not without doubts. He wanted to go back to Fengzhou and ask the old housekeeper. He knew that his mother would not tell him, so he did not plan to go to her.

However, as soon as he saw the boat, yamen runners swarmed him from all directions and tied him up. He was then brought to the yamen by a strange woman who accused him of adultery and murder.

He hadn't even seen the girl before, but they had convicted him just like that.

No one listened to his excuses.

There was not much fresh air in the room, so it was not able to withstand the rotten stench that filled the room. Even though Liu Mo did his best to get close to the skylight, he still could not bear the stench.

He lowered his eyebrows, sat back in the straw, leaned against the wall, and closed his eyes again.

Perhaps he could sleep again before he worked in the afternoon.

This time, no one should wake him.

However, the heavens did not listen to his wishes. An hour later, he was woken up once again.

He checked through the skylight that it was not yet afternoon, but a bailiff had already arrived, holding handcuffs and shackles, and opened the door and put them on for him.

Liu Mo stretched out his hands in a numb manner. There was still some confusion in his eyes that had yet to wake up.

At the same time, he heard a fierce voice beside him say, "Fuck, how come you're so early?!" You bunch of son of a b * tch bastards, do you really not take laozi to be a human!? "

Before that person could finish his words, the sound of the yamen runner's lashes could be heard.

That's right, a prisoner on death row, not a human.

The manacled bailiff noticed that Liu Mo remained silent and smiled. "You're quite smart."

Liu Mo glanced at the bailiff and asked, "Today's time is advanced. There are other things that I need to do."

The yamen runner didn't want to chat with him. He snorted and said, "Just follow him. Why do you have so much bullshit to say?"

The bailiff shackled Liu Mo before locking the door.

Go to the next cell and put it on another man.

After the bailiff left, Liu Mo didn't know what was going on so he could only calm down and return to the pile of grass.

When he looked over, he was met with the vicious gaze of the man standing opposite him.

"You don't have to." Liu Mo was certain of his words because he discovered that the bailiffs had chosen some people to be shackled. Unlike the previous jobs, everyone was wearing their shackles. Thus, some people would not be taken away.

The man facing the door looked at him for a moment.

Even though he hadn't spoken to Liu Mo in the past few days, he had eaten the other party's food for several days. After hesitating for a while, the big man slowly opened his mouth and with a hoarse voice, he said with a hint of rust in his voice, "Walk 10 miles to the left. Behind the third boulder, there is a rotten pond."

"Hmm?" Hearing this person's words, Liu Mo was stunned for a moment.

But when he was about to ask again, the opposing big guy had already snuggled back into the pile of grass, facing into the wall without even looking at him.

Liu Mo frowned. He didn't quite understand this person's words. "Walk 10 Li to the left?" Where to? Farmland? No, the farmland was about five or six hundred acres wide, and since it was the yamen's own field, there were sentries all around, so it would be even harder for one to make plans on the farmland than to climb into the sky.

Liu Mo could not understand. After a while, the bailiff came back, led him by his shackles, and brought him out to meet up with the other prisoners.

Liu Mo discovered that the ones that were brought out this time were all relatively young. The oldest was only in their thirties. As for those with disabilities or old age, they would continue to stay in the prison.

What, is this extra work even something that respects the elderly and cherishes the children?

He thought for a moment, and then someone covered him with a black bag from the top of his head.

Immediately, he heard someone shout, "Fuck, what the f * ck is this!? Where are you bastards going to take me! "

It was still the same vicious voice from before, but in exchange it was the same violent beating from the bailiffs.

At this moment, Liu Mo also realized that something was different today.

With a hood over his head, Liu Mo could not see the road. He walked very slowly, but the others also walked very slowly. Even though they had walked for several days, many people knew that they were not heading towards the farmlands.

They were taken to another place.


The execution grounds?

The day of their execution had not yet arrived …

Many people had doubts in their hearts, but they did not dare to ask. The fierce man scolded a few more times, as if out of fear, he did not utter another word.

After walking for around half an hour, they arrived at a forest after the black barrier was taken down.

The trees on all four sides and the mottled road were actually a forest.

"Fuck, hunting grounds!"

Someone scolded loudly!

However, many people did not understand why they were brought to the hunting grounds.

Ignoring the various looks the criminals gave, he sneered: "Today's Fu's Family banquet, Seventh Young Master has gathered some fun, and is inviting my friends to tour the hunting grounds. You guys can run around as much as you want, but remember, you have to run faster than those tiger deer, otherwise, the ones shot under the arrows will not be them, it's you guys!"

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