One second. Org, free of charge!

When the bailiff's words came out, the criminals fell into an uproar.

The previous prisoner who recognized the place as the "hunting grounds" obviously knew something. His face was the ugliest and the gloom in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Yeah, what's so interesting about being a target? They want us who are strong and can run. The more we run, the more interesting it will be to kill us!" This old man f * cking wants to kill every one of these animals that do nothing! "

More and more insults were shouted out.

Liu Mo stood at his original spot and looked around. He now knew what he was talking about with the big man. That big man had clearly come to the hunting grounds before. Furthermore, he was one of the survivors.

Ten miles to the left was a stagnant pond.

Perhaps, this was the only way.

Or maybe, he could hide there for a while longer, hide behind those young masters and close the hunting grounds. Maybe, he could escape!

As he thought of this possibility, he immediately looked at the others.

However, after they saw the insults, a few people's eyes lit up. Obviously, they had also thought of the same thing.

It seemed inhumane to be reduced to the state of a beast in the hunting grounds, but it was also a road for regeneration.

"Dong, dong, dong!" In the distance, the sound of drums and gongs shook the area.

Someone shouted, "Bullsh * t! They're coming in! Run!"

Before that person finished his sentence, the sound of horses' hooves came from the distance.

The group dispersed at high speed.

Thus, Liu Mo didn't dare to immediately run towards the stagnant pool. He went on another path and waited for the right opportunity before going to his destination.

At the other end, at the front of the hunting grounds.

He looked into the forest and sighed: "These young masters of Fu's Family, they must be strong indeed. Before the sound of the drum has even faded, they have already left, and it's just their head off on their horses. Everyone is a family, who wouldn't be the same hunting, there is no need to compete so fiercely."

"That's not true." Another young master in green held up a glass of fine white jade and took a sip of the wine in it. He looked at the red-clothed gongzi as he said, "Although we are family, we are not from the same house. It is inevitable that there will be competition."

"Yo, what Young Master Yang said doesn't sound quite right." A charming female voice sounded.

The azure-robed man who was addressed as Young Master Yang glanced over, "Second Young Miss Song is overthinking it. It's just a casual remark, what's wrong with that?"

"This little girl doesn't sound like she was speaking casually." Second Miss Song was dressed in a silk dress, the corners of her dress fluttering in the wind. On her face was a subtle smile: "Why do I feel like Young Master Yang is hinting at something?"

As she spoke, her glass-like eyes slightly shifted to the right of the group. She looked at the man in white who had been silent all this time, holding a jade cup in his hand.

Young Master Yang also followed her gaze, looked at the white clothed man and asked with a smile: "Fifth Young Master of Fu's Family, your brothers have already gone, are you not in a hurry?"

Although the Fu's Family looked shiny, it was a mess among the rooms. Outsiders might not know much, but Yang San had a good relationship with the Sixth Young Master Fu of the Fu's Family's Third Room, Fu Lan, and would naturally know of things that others did not.

"Speaking of which, the fifth young master seems to have just returned from Jiangnan?"

When Yang Ning said this, the red-clothed gongzi also added, "I've heard of the Jiangnan Qujiang County. Qujiang County Yin, mm! Amongst the people that came out of Fu's Family, this young master has never seen anyone who was willing to become a mere governor. "

"Brother Liu, don't speak nonsense." Yang Dian put down the cup in his hands, and deliberately said to the red-robed Young Noble: "Our fifth young master of Fu's Family is a capable man, I heard that in the Qujiang County, he is a great master that everyone praises. The people love him very much."

"No matter how much the commoners love him, his salary is only this much. He's just a small sesame seed official …" Liu Ju interrupted, but he didn't finish his sentence.

"Hehe …" Second Miss Song could not help but laugh. Liu Ju waved his fan and smiled.

Yang Bian let out a slight cough, waved his hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense." The smile in his eyes, however, could not be retracted no matter how hard he tried.

The other young masters and mistresses by the side laughed along with them, but there were also some who remained silent. However, the fifth young master of the Fu's Family did not say a word, holding a jade cup in his hand. His expression was steady, as if the one laughing was not him.


With another loud warning, everyone raised their heads to take a look.

Second Miss Song had a look of pleasant surprise on her face: "Someone got the top spot, who might it be?"

"Truly powerful! It's only been half an incense of time since the hunt started, and we haven't even entered the field yet, yet someone has already hunted. "If he doesn't hunt, it's fine. But if he does, he'll be like a tiger or a leopard."

Fu Ziyao, the Fourth Young Master of Fu's Family, the eldest son of the Third Family. He was the blood brother of the same father and mother.

Someone shouted.

Everyone immediately turned to look at Lin Dao. Sure enough, they saw several tall horses galloping back.

"It's the third young master." Someone called out.

The third young master of Fu's Family, Fu Ziyong, the first son of a concubine.

"Eh, I didn't see any prey. Could it be that the prey is too big, and is still behind us?"

Everyone was talking at once. Some of them even got up and personally went up to greet him.

He dismounted from his horse and, ignoring the warmth of the crowd, walked directly in front of the drum. With a heavy hammer in his hand, he struck the drum.

"BOOM!" Dong! "BOOM!"

Three consecutive sounds, and the force behind them was overwhelming.

There was a rule in the hunting grounds that anyone who got the first prize after hunting must personally sound the drum three times, indicating that it was the start of the competition and that its name would be placed at the top of the hunting grounds' kill list.

"Third Young Master Fu, what are you hunting?" A petite lady asked with a smile while holding the embroidered handkerchief.

Following that, two tall and strong warriors dragged out a man with unkempt hair and dirty faces. His hands and feet were still shackled.

Everyone looked at the body of the man and was stunned. They then burst out laughing, "Wonderful! Such fun!"

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