The others also realized what was going on.

Without exception, they praised him, "I wonder who came up with this idea. Hunters are much more capable than those beasts. How about we compete to see who has the most heads of hunters today?"

Although the hunters had piqued the interest of many people, there were still quite a few girls on the field. The girls were timid, and were somewhat afraid when they saw the stiff human corpse before them.

Under the clear sky, his handsome face seemed somewhat dull. He looked at his so-called third brother, and then sized up the silver arrow on his third brother's back. He stood up from his seat and said in a carefree manner, "Sitting is indeed boring."

Fu Ziyong didn't expect that he would be able to persuade this fifth brother of his.

He didn't have much of a relationship with his fifth brother from the second house. This person had gone to Jiangnan many years ago, so his temperament had become hard to fathom.

This invitation was only for the sake of grandfather's birthday.

Since this fifth brother had specially come back, he couldn't ignore him too much.

Looking at the thin and weak body of his fifth brother, Fu Ziyong said in a magnanimous tone, "Since you want to go, come with me." With him watching, he would never let his fifth brother meet with any danger.

Fu Zichen did not reject, she took the tall brown horse that the coachman sent over, jumped up, and sat on it.

Fu Ziyong was slightly surprised. He thought to himself: "If you know how to ride horses, it seems that you aren't as weak as you seem."

Seeing that the others had already entered, he couldn't help but urge, "Hurry up. We don't even know how many people have been released. If we're late, we'll be hunted down."

Yes, they were all heading for the hunters.

Leopard Deer Wolf? Heh, those beasts have long grown tired of hunting them.

Fu Zichen listened to the few of them indifferently, and from beginning to end, she did not make a sound.

Fu Ziyong took the lead, and the few of them galloped on their horses, quickly disappearing from the camp.

Outside, it was still the small table.

Liu Ju knocked on the table, looked at Yang San, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Why do I feel that this Fu's Family's Third Young Master is a little stupid?"

Yang Dian laughed, raised his wine cup and said, "Fu Ziyong, he is just like his name, he is more than brave, his brain is not good enough for him."

Liu Ju smacked his lips, "Everyone can see that. A few young masters of Fu's Family are trying to push away Fu Zichen, and only he brought him along. Tsk, tsk, isn't this offending your brother?"

"What's there to be afraid of? He's in the main house. Besides, he's under the protection of that elder brother, Fu Ziyan, and someone dares to say that he's not?"

"True." Liu Ju sighed, "Fu Ziyan, so capable."

"That's right." "In the third generation of Fu's Family, one Fu Ziyan and one Fu Zihan are not to be underestimated."

The Fu's Family was currently a third generation official, and the first generation was the old man of the Fu's Family, who was celebrating his birthday today.

The old man was around eighty years old and looked like he was about to turn nine. His mind was already in chaos, but this did not affect his momentum.

The Fu's Family had not fallen even after dozens of years, and had even sat in his current position, becoming the watchdog of the two rivers guarded by the emperor.

The second generation, excluding those born from the concubines, also had three rooms.

Eldest Mansion, the eldest son of the Old Master Fu, Fu Honghong, was appointed as the second rank Chief Secretary of the Azure Province.

Second branch, the old man's second son, Fu Hongwang, was appointed as a third rank salt courier.

The third family, the old man's third son, Fu Hongzhi. The official position was led by the general manager of the Third Grade Two Rivers.

One was more powerful than the other.

The three families gave birth to a total of seven sons.

Fu Ziyan from the main house, Fu Ziyong.

Second house's Fu Zijie, Fu Zichen, Fu Zihan.

Fu Ziyao from the third house, looking at the table.

Among them, Fu Ziyan was the eldest grandson, and was a full eighteen years older than the youngest, Fu Zihan.

Liu Sui and Yang San had to bow their heads in respect when they saw their big brother. Since there was too much of a difference in age, Fu Ziyan would never appear at a gathering like theirs.

Fu Ziyan's status was high, and he was also highly regarded by the family. As the younger brother of the same father and mother, Fu Ziyong naturally took advantage of the situation.

No matter how the second and third branch's students appeared, including how capable this genius Fu Zihan was in literature and martial arts, the main branch was always better than the third branch.

Now, Liu Ju and Yang San were chatting casually. No matter how simple-minded Fu Ziyong was, his limbs were well-developed, and he dared not to say a word for others to hear.

They dared to laugh at Fu ZiYong, but they did not dare to provoke Fu Ziyan. They could only speak a few small words behind his back.

However, Liu Ju was still curious, "Do you think Fu ZiYong is really that stupid? Fu Zichen had long been abandoned by the Fu's Family and rejected from the outside world for many years. Now that he suddenly came back, I heard that he has already gone to the capital to report on his duties.

"You're saying that Fu Ziyan wants to rope Fu Zichen in?" Yang Xuan pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Impossible, these two people, how could they be together?"

"Not necessarily." Liu Ju mumbled.

"But I heard that Fu Zichen was kicked out because she offended Fu Ziyan."

"Is that so?" Liu Ju obviously didn't know about this, he immediately became excited and went up to ask, "Did Fu Ziwen tell you? Quick, tell me, what's the matter? "

"There's nothing to keep quiet about. It seems to be about women." Yang San said.

Liu Ju's eyes lit up, "What woman? The two brothers fell in love with a woman. How could I not know that such a play exists?

"You're thinking too much. It's not that type of woman, it's Fu Ziqiu."

Liu Ju thought for a while and said uncertainly, "The lady from Fu's Family? Aren't you already married? "

"It's about getting married." Yang San said, "From what I heard, Fu Ziqiu's first marriage was given to me by Fu Ziyan. It was initially fine, but after Fu Zichen heard from some place that there were groups of wives and concubines in the male residence, and that they were roaming the land of fireworks, he refused to allow Zi Qiu to marry him, and insisted on annulling the marriage. However, Fu Zichen was only thirteen at that time, who would listen to him? In the end, Fu Ziqiu still married, but after a year of marriage, something seemed to have happened, but in the end, it was as if something made sense, but after that incident, Fu Zichen made a huge fuss and lost all of Fu Ziyan's face. Not even two days later, he heard that Fu Zichen had been sent to Jiangnan, and after two years of doing well, he took the imperial examinations and got a place in the Qujiang County, and after that, basically, after fourteen years of age, Fu Zichen had not been able to return to Qingzhou.

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