"Just this?" Liu Ju thought it was a big joke, but he didn't expect that such a small thing like this would cause him to be disappointed.

Second Miss Song, who had been standing not too far away from them, listened carefully. When she heard a familiar name, she interjected, "Oh, Fu Ziqiu, it's quite pitiful."

"Hmm?" Liu Sui froze for a second.

"I heard that after Fu Ziqiu was married for two months, she became pregnant, but when she was five months pregnant, her husband's concubine charged at her, and she lost her child. Afterwards, she was nurtured for two months, and became pregnant again, but for some reason, this concubine was not pregnant for two months, and fell again after that, and had not been pregnant since, until now, eight years ago. Her husband is now a girl, and his oldest son is almost thirteen. My elder sister also heard from my brother-in-law that the family was looking for young mistresses of all ages, intending to bring them in as an equal wife. However, who would be willing to be an equal wife to a family with face? It seems that a daughter of a family in Zhaozhou is willing to marry, but they said that she will only be an official wife and not be on equal footing with others. Tell me, once this young lady enters the city, will Fu Ziqiu still be able to stay? "

When Liu Ju heard this, a subtle light flashed in his eyes. He looked at Yang San. Yang San didn't say anything, but apparently, he was thinking the same thing.

It looks like the reason why Fu Zichen offended Fu Ziyan was because of Fu Ziqiu's miscarriage.

After all, she was his own blood sister. It was understandable that Fu Zichen would not be able to take it.

In the end, it was still too impulsive.

From the looks of it, with such history, it was really impossible for Fu Ziyan to recruit this younger brother with an old grudge.

Then, for Fu Ziyong to take so much care of Fu Zichen, did he really make a fool of himself?

Tsk, the smart and astute Fu Ziyan, his little brother actually …

These things had nothing to do with them. Liu Sui and Yang San talked for a while, then looked at the hunting ground. There was no movement for a long time.

"Why don't we go in and take a look as well?" Liu Ju suggested.

Yang Xuan unhappily curled his lips and said, "Forget it, it's better to drink tea here than to shoot and kill. If you're free, why don't you come and fight with me?"

"You came to the hunting grounds to play chess, I can't be bothered with you."

After Liu Ju said this, he stood up and got a horse from the coachman, intending to have some fun on the scene.

He frowned as he looked at the man's handsome and plain appearance. He felt as if he had seen him somewhere before.

Liu Ju was from Qingzhou, and his grandfather was from Kyoto. These years, the two places of Qingzhou and Kyoto were very familiar with each other, and they were also very familiar with Qingzhou.

Logically speaking, the people who were able to appear in this hunting grounds today should be people who were close to the young masters of the Fu's Family, and amongst these people, it was normal that he would be able to find a familiar face, but the person in front of him, after thinking for a long time, did not seem to be him.

Very familiar.

"Who is it?" He was going to wait for the man to approach and see if anyone else could call out his name.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Yang Ji pulled a Purple Robed Master to play chess with him. When he looked up and saw Liu Sui still sitting on the horse, he couldn't help but to ask.

Liu Ju clicked his tongue and was about to point at that mysterious figure when Yang Ji suddenly laughed out loud, stood up, and threw a bone fan at the horse's butt.

The horse was startled. It immediately let out a cry and began to gallop forward.

Liu Ju was startled, he immediately tightened his grip on the reins, turned around and stared at Yang San, "What are you doing?"

Yang Zhu laughed out loud, and so did everyone else around him.

Looking at Liu Sui's furious face, Yang San snorted and said, "Let this kid be crazy. Let's see if he is crazy or not."

The atmosphere suddenly became lively. Everyone was laughing and laughing.

Outside the crowd, Liu Wei, who was dressed in black robes, looked around weirdly, before turning her head and asking the pearl that was resting on a tree branch: "Are you sure Liu Mo is here?"

Pearl raised her head and shouted, "Jie Jie Jie!"

Liu Wei said: I think it's better if we go to the yamen, it's the birthday celebration for Fu's Family's old man, the guards outside said that this place is covered by Fu's Family's disciples, for hunting purposes, Liu Mo, why are you here?

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, tsk tsk tsk!" Pearl, displeased at being questioned, jumped up and down on the branch.

If not for the pearl knowing that Liu Wei had an egg and needed to be careful, it would probably already be like how it was in the past, running up to her head and pecking at her hair.

Seeing this, Liu Wei could only pacify it, "It's not that I don't believe you, but this place is so far from the yamen, even if Liu Mo escaped the prison, he shouldn't be able to escape here.

"Tsk, tsk!"

"Good, good, good. No problem, no problem. Don't worry, we'll go in now. Right away."

"Hehe!" Pearl snorted.

Liu Wei sighed: "Alright, we'll go in now, I won't wait for Rong Ling, but I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for him, hearing how confident he was previously about avoiding the city gates, and how no one would be able to find out, I didn't expect that once she entered the city, he would be discovered by the people of the Fu's Family, waiting for him to finish visiting the Fu's Family, and return after paying respects. The flowers are already cold, I might as well go take a look at Liu Mo. But was he really here? Pearl, think again. "

"Jie, jie, jie!" Pearl was irritable again.

Liu Wei did not say anything else, she was afraid that Pearl would be angrier, and would actually peck her hair, so she took a step forward and walked towards the center of the training grounds.

Liu Wei was wearing Rong Ling's clothes today. It was black, and looked skinny.

However, the quality of his clothes was good, and he looked very reserved. When he entered, although he did not have an invitation nor any attendant, no one dared to stop him.

Liu Wei hesitated for a moment, but did not go forward to inquire further. Instead, she walked to the other side of the hunting grounds, intending to take a walk around the outskirts of the hunting grounds to see if she could bump into Liu Mo.

At the same time, within the hunting grounds.

As the sounds of horse hooves approached, Liu Mo could hear the voices of many people. Some were laughing, some were shouting, some were praising. His forehead was drenched in cold sweat.

Even if he was sent to prison and imprisoned, to be beheaded every day, to eat food that was like rotten water in that muddy place, he had never been this miserable.

Yes, miserable, very tragic.

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