One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Mo used this chance to run, using all his might to run for his life!

Even though his arm had already been shot by an arrow, making it very difficult for him to run away, he could not stop because there was a very high possibility that there were seven or eight arrows aimed at him from behind.

It was the eyes of a hunter when he saw his prey.

Those princes had found him.

He reflexively turned around and ran for his life. However, he was still shot by the arrow midway. However, he didn't dare to stop. He also couldn't stop.

Escape. He had to escape. Even if he had to charge into the deep forest and the wild beasts' territory, he had to escape.

However, how could a human's running speed be comparable to a horse's?

Although the woods were full of trees and the horses were difficult to run, they had four legs, four untiring legs.

Soon, another arrow passed by his face.

In that instant, Liu Mo felt a chill down his spine. He knew that the arrow had pierced his face, but he didn't have the time to feel the pain.

"Run, run faster, run faster!" Run faster! "Hahahaha!"

The laughter became clearer and more savage.

Liu Mo's hands and feet were ice-cold. His body was clearly unable to withstand the heat and his arm was still bleeding. However, he still continued to run, numb to the extreme.

"Seventh Young Master, hurry up, if you hurry, you'll be able to catch this slippery rabbit!"

"Seventh Young Master, don't let him escape!"


A tree root tripped Liu Mo's foot and his body fell heavily. His head knocked against a rock at the side and blood flowed out.

Liu Mo stopped. He had no choice but to stop because he couldn't get up.

Lying on the ground, his eyes were filled with fear as he looked at the six horses surrounding him and the domineering six.

"Still running?" In the icy cold air, a clear and melodious voice of a youth slowly echoed.

Liu Mo raised his head against the sunlight and saw an evil yet insolent face.

"Seventh Young Master, make your move!" Someone shouted excitedly.

The young man who was called Seventh Young Master curled her lips. Under the sunlight, her smile contained no warmth at all.

"Only if you run and shoot again would it be interesting." The young man spoke in a reserved manner, looking at the man on the ground as if he were looking at an ant.

The youth stretched out his hand to grab an arrow. His fingers caressed the arrowhead. The arrowhead flashed with a silver light, and the color of the arrow scattered in all directions.

The people around him started to get excited again: "From the looks of it, Seventh Young Master is still interesting?"

Hunters were indeed fun, but he had hunted three or four of them along the way.

Hunters and beasts were a bit different, but they were "special". However, when humans and beasts died, they were just a pile of rotten meat. After watching for a while, their interest waned.

Looking at the current Fu's Family, he actually had another idea?

Today, he was here to find out more about it. The more interesting it was, the better.

Fu's Family was usually a person with good intentions, who knew how his brain grew, what he was interested in, after playing with him for a long time, the amount of fun he had was too much for him to take in, and he was no longer willing to join in on the fun of fighting with chickens and dogs from before.

The people around him began chattering, hoping that the youth would have some more fun.

The youth suddenly leaned over and looked at the man who was looking at him, his body in a sorry state. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Running in a cross, you don't run in a straight line. Although you run slowly, your thoughts are quite a bit off."

When people were fleeing for their lives, especially when they had pursuers following them, they must have thought of how to run quickly, especially in this forest that was filled with trees. How could they have any thoughts of running away?

Many people ran so fast and so straight that the archers behind them had to grab their backs and take their lives.

However, the person in front of him, when he was running on the road, had started to run in a wrong direction. Although he ran in a crooked manner due to being hit by an arrow, he clearly ran very skillfully.

Every time Fu Zihan saw that the distance was about right, he would shoot an arrow with his bow. In the next instant, the man would change his footwork, making it difficult for him to shoot.

Perhaps the wild beasts of the forest had the ability to escape all year round, but humans did not have it. Thus, it was easier for hunters to hunt down wild beasts than it was for them to do so. There were 12 people in the forest, and nine of them had already been hunted. Four of them were hunted by him. If there was another person to hunt, he would be sure to claim the title for himself.

However, this interesting thing happened.

A man who could run more than a beast brought a bit of wild amusement with him.

Seeing that this person was not replying to his question, Fu Zihan was not yet angry. He got up, touching the arrow, and said with a smile: "If you run again and make me happy, I'll leave you with an intact corpse."

Fu Zihan loved to play, but he also had a lot of fun. He liked to play with interesting things.

Liu Mo had already prepared his head for the fall, but he didn't expect this person to say such words.

He was stunned for a moment. He looked at his bleeding arm and his crippled leg after falling down. He laughed at himself and raised his eyes sarcastically. "You don't need a complete corpse. Let's do it."

This person had targeted him. With his miserable appearance, he definitely wouldn't be able to escape. There was no need for him to exhaust himself even before he died.

Isn't it just death? Unwillingness is unwillingness, unwillingness is unwillingness, anger is anger, regret is regret, but it is not to the extent of not daring to die.

Having been imprisoned for a few days and soon to be beheaded, he might not even be able to survive. He had already made some preparations in his heart, so he might as well do as he was told.

Raising his head, he closed his eyes and waited for the arrow to end his life.

Fu Zihan made a "tsk" sound, as if his mind couldn't live up to his expectations, but he was unhappy. With the other party's lack of appreciation for his kindness, he did not speak anymore. He pulled out his dagger, intending to take the man's head.

Just as the dagger was about to hit him, Fu Zihan's movements suddenly stopped halfway. Suddenly, he heard the sound of wind breaking through the air. He looked up and saw a long arrow piercing towards him from not too far away. He subconsciously moved his hand to dodge it, and with a "Puchi", the arrow shot into the right hand of his prey at the foot of the horse.

Liu Mo was already exhausted. He immediately felt his scalp go numb from the pain. He opened his eyes and looked at the arrow in his right hand. His entire body was covered in sweat.

Fu Zihan frowned.

In the distance, Fu Ziyong's hearty laugh could be heard. "Seeing that Seventh Brother is not making a move yet, big brother will accept this prey."

As he spoke, he drew back the longbow, intending to shoot another arrow. This time, he aimed it at Liu Mo's throat. He planned on shooting an arrow at his throat!

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