And just as Liu Wei had expected, how much did she admire the hunters previously, how much was hard to deal with now.

It was obvious that these people thought that hunting a few death row prisoners to amuse them wasn't a serious matter, but they also knew that they couldn't let their elders know of this matter.

Liu Wei had already revealed her identity, she was an official of the capital. Now that she had suddenly revealed this matter, it would not be good for them to clean up the mess, so everyone was panicking a little.

After being vexed for a while, Fu Ziyao looked at Fu Zichen. He still remembered Fu Zichen's explanation that this capital official was his friend.

After hesitating for a moment, Fu Ziyao asked, "Fifth brother, do you have something to say?"

Fu Zichen's white robes were not as clean as before, and her sleeves were a bit rubbed against each other. If one looked carefully, they would be able to see a patch of red and swollen on his face, and it was unknown how he was injured.

When Fu Zichen was called out, everyone looked at him.

Liu Wei also swept a glance over him.

"To set up such a place of execution, his crime deserves to be punished!" Fu Zichen's expression did not change, his voice carried a bit of ridicule, and after he finished speaking, the entire arena went silent.

"Traitor, what do you mean by that! Zi Han is your younger brother, are you trying to kill him? "

Fu Zichen did not reply, her eyebrows only slightly knitted together.

Fu Zijing stepped forward and pushed Fu Zichen away, his aura domineering: "It's fine if you're always acting in a weird way, but at such a critical moment, you're still anxious for the world to be thrown into chaos! This person is your friend, you must be the one who brought him in here. Even if she didn't die now, she would die in a few days! How dare you say that in the temporary prison? It was already the date of the Sword of Truth! In my opinion, today is a scheme! Grandfather's birthday is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but I can't wait for Fu's Family to have this ingrate, hook up with outsiders, and harm our brothers and sisters. It's simply unfilial, disloyal, and unfair. Fu's Family giving birth to you, this is simply the greatest humiliation! "

At this moment, Fu Ziwen's anger rose to his heart, and he naturally opened his mouth wide.

But in the past, Fu Ziyao would always have warned him not to go too far. This time, however, Fu Ziyao would not say anything. It was obvious that his heart was on fire, so how could he not listen to what Fu Ziyuan had said?

The young masters behind him didn't say anything, and they all agreed.

Immediately, everyone looked at Fu Zichen with disgust.

Liu Wei had long known that Fu Zichen was not well off in Fu's Family, and had suffered from a lot of ostracism, waiting for almost the same outsider.

Now that she saw this scene, what didn't she understand?

Even though Fu Zichen had harmed Liu Mo and angered Fu Zichen to death, that did not mean that she would ignore his friends and remain indifferent to their insults!

She was the one who would settle her debts, and she was the one who would settle her debts.

Liu Wei looked at him coldly, and asked: "This, how may I address you?"

Fu Zijing glanced at her and said: "I am Fu Ziwen, Fu's Family is number six. May I know what your esteemed self wishes to advise you?"

Liu Wei said: "Sixth Young Master Fu, sorry about that, I have a question, would you like to clear my doubts?"

Fu Zijing felt that this person's attitude had suddenly become respectful. There was some deceit in his attitude, but he was still young and hot-tempered, so he bluntly said, "Tell me about it."

Liu Wei: "Fu's Family's home tutors are strict and strict, and have a flourishing population. The three old masters of the Fu's Family are also a pillar of the country, and have outstanding achievements. The seven young masters below are all outstanding, and can be considered a rare role model among the younger generation. But when I saw Sixth Young Master Fu today, I wanted to offend you and ask, Sir, are you really Fu's Family's biological son? "

"What do you mean!" When Fu Ziwen heard this person's first words, he still felt honored and proud. When he heard the last sentence, he almost exploded on the spot.

Liu Wei did not care whether he was angry or not, and continued: "You speak so arrogantly, are you slandering me, are you mocking your elder brother, are you not filial or not, are you speaking nonsense, are you spouting lies and spouting nonsense, are all of you speaking nonsense, whether it is inside or outside, actually not a single part of you possess the qualities that I have heard of the disciples of the Fu's Family, and thus I am doubtful if Sixth Young Master Fu can speak bluntly about this, are you some old master of the Fu's Family who was kind enough to pick up and raise you on the street, or are simply a thief and a villain.

"You, you …" Fu Ziwen was so angry that his throat was trembling with the frequency of his hands. He couldn't even speak properly.

Liu Wei waved his hand: "Please do not be agitated, I am only suspicious and do not voice my displeasure, if you have offended me in any way, please forgive me, but there is a good saying that needs to be reminded in the end. If the Sixth Young Master truly has an empty identity, then I hope that you can be careful and be magnanimous. Don't think that someone like you is narrow-minded and petty, or that you can put it in the public eye, or cause the entire Fu's Family to lose face, it would truly harm the elders of the Fu's Family, and make them unable to lift up their heads and act like a human. "

"You, you, you've gone too far!" With an explosion, Fu Ziwen charged forward and sent a fist out towards Liu Wei's face.

Liu Wei only turned her head to the side to avoid the attack.

Fu Ziwen felt his arm stiffen as half of his body went limp!

Seeing that the other party was about to fall on the ground, Liu Wei suddenly raised his hand, faked supporting him with a raise of his hand, but his hand contained inner force, which directly struck Fu Zijing's abdomen. With a loud scream, Fu Zijing's body fell down to the ground, clutching his stomach, he kneeled on the ground, unable to get up from the pain.

Liu Wei said in a serious and courteous manner, "Alright, alright, why must the Sixth Young Master do such a great gift? "How could I dare to accept the role of this official? Get up, quickly get up."

As he said that, Liu Wei once again extended his hand out. It was clearly a supporting action, but it was filled with force, pressing Fu Ziwen down onto the ground, rendering him unable to move.

Amidst Fu Zijing's painful roar that sounded like a trapped beast, Liu Wei could only curl his lips and say: "Since Sixth Young Master is so courteous, then I will accept this bow on behalf of your family's elders. I hope that Sir will repent in the future and stop spouting nonsense and lose face in front of everyone. "Look at you, you look so clean and white. Is it not good to speak more and do more personnel?"


No matter how much Fu Ziyao endured, he still couldn't tolerate his brother being humiliated like this. He directly reached out and pushed Liu Wei away, helping his brother up. After he finished speaking, he glared at Liu Wei and said, "You clearly do not deserve to be called the imperial court's official. To bully the weak, and make a move against a junior, exactly who is it that doesn't care about face!"

Liu Wei raised both her hands, and said innocently: "I am a civil servant, the type of person who doesn't have the strength to tie a chicken up."

"You …" Fu Ziyao was so angered by this person's shamelessness that he couldn't speak!

Liu Wei stood in front of the tent, her clear eyes hollow out as they met with Fu Zichen's complicated gaze. There was no response, only a yawn, as if what he had just done was nothing at all.

However, Fu Zichen was angry, angry that this person had brought trouble upon herself. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a sweetness in her heart.

The friendship of many years was not fake.

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