One second. Org, free of charge!

When Fu Zigui arrived, he saw a scene like this. Fu Ziwen seemed to have met with some trouble, and was currently surrounded by people, all of them talking at once.

Fu Zigui thought for a moment. The servant then came back and told him that the one who was injured was Fu Ziyong. How come Fu Ziwen looked as if his body was in a bad condition?

Fu Zichen did not make a sound.

Actually, he hadn't made a sound since then.

Liu Wei did not believe that Fu Zichen was someone who would willingly be humiliated. In the past, when they were outside, Fu Zichen was very ambitious and had a very bad temper, she did not even give Rong Ling face.

Just with the young masters of the Fu's Family, Liu Wei did not believe that Fu Zichen would be afraid of them.

Fu Zichen must be planning to play the pig to eat the tiger, the pig must be like a pig, no matter what it is, she had to suppress it.

Liu Wei wasn't used to this kind of Fu Zichen, but it wasn't good for her to ask.

She was only distracted, and looked at Fu Zigui again. If she did not guess wrongly, this person should be Fu Zichen's biological brother, the kind who shared the same father and mother.

When Fu Ziyao saw Fu Zigui approaching, he too felt greatly relieved and hurried forward to explain in detail.

After Fu Ziyao had finished speaking, Fu Zigui walked over, looked at Liu Wei up and down, and cupped her hands as she said: "This is Master Liu? This humble one is Fu Zizhen.

Liu Wei replied, "Greetings, Second Young Master Fu."

"Regarding today's matter, there are many misunderstandings within. My Fu's Family should give Master an explanation, it's just that this matter will take a long time to investigate, and right now, I'm afraid your brother's injury is the most important thing. If not, by the time your brother wakes up, my third brother will have a good time, so let's sit down and properly explain this matter, shall we?"

What he said did make sense, but after hearing half of what he said, Liu Wei understood his intention, which was to drag things out.

Liu Mo went to deliver the medicine while Fu Ziyong healed. When the two of them were able to speak clearly, it was likely that today would have already passed.

Tomorrow, this group of young masters would have long escaped.

If he were to be even more vicious, Fu's Family would directly order the yamen to find him and capture Liu Mo. If he were to say that a felon should not be found outside the prison, and that she, an official in the capital, was to be charged with the crime of kidnapping, even if the truth were to be revealed and the current situation in Qingzhou was to be decided by the Fu's Family, even if she and Liu Mo were to jump into the Yellow River, it would be impossible to wash them off them.

Liu Wei looked at Fu Zigui, a cold glint flashed in her eyes, "What Second Young Master said is indeed a good plan. But, Second Young Master need not worry about Second Young Master's injuries. As for the third young master of your house, the wounds on his face are like that of a bird's. However, that bird's breed is unique, so if third young master wants to have a scar on his face in the future, he will need medicine to cure it. Those doctors outside are able to cure his injuries, but they cannot. "

Originally, he wanted to take this person out of the enclosure first, then find someone to clean up the woods. In the end, he had Fu Ziyong stall for some time, at least until the end of his grandfather's birthday banquet before reporting to his big brother about his decision.

Now that the other party had said this, his attitude was clear. He wouldn't leave the enclosure.

As for Fu Ziyong, he even explained to him that if he didn't come to the courtyard to retrieve the medicine, the wounds on his face would never disappear.

Fu Zigui did not believe that there was any scar that would cause pain, that could not be treated by doctors, but could actually be treated by this person. There were currently several resident doctors in the Fu's Family, and they had even been retired to the palace.

It was just that this person stubbornly refused to leave. Fu Zizhen was indeed in a difficult position.

Did he really have to capture him as his elder brother had instructed?

However, if he were to really make a move, then it would be impossible for him to be merciful in the future.

After a moment of thought, he carefully made a decision. He lifted his head and waved his hand. Without wasting any more words, he ordered his guards to gather together and attack.

Following after his command, the sixty odd guards around him immediately gathered and attacked. Liu Wei was immediately heavily surrounded.

Fu Zichen, who was guarding beside Liu Wei, had a cold expression, and immediately wanted to say something, but Liu Wei stopped him. She only twitched her mouth and laughed, and asked Fu Zigui: "Second Young Master, what are you doing?"

Fu Zigui coldly said, "Sorry for offending you!" After saying so, he shot a "make a move" glance at the guard.

In the next moment, the surrounding people closed in, one hand being fast, and was just about to grab Liu Wei's hands and detain him.

Suddenly, several sonic booms could be heard in the air. The guards surrounding them all cried out in unison, covering their hands as they staggered back.

When the guards finally came to their senses, everyone's faces were filled with surprise!

Fu Zigui frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Before the guards could report, they saw ten black figures appear out of nowhere, and in a flash, they were right in front of them. When they could see clearly, they saw ten black-clothed guards with strong martial arts skills falling into the crowd, one by one, protecting the man in the black robe tightly.

This scene caused everyone to be stunned.

Before he could even open his mouth to speak, the ten black clothed men had already turned around and respectfully cupped their hands towards the black clothed man, and said in unison: "This subordinate has come late to save you, I hope Sir can forgive me!"

Liu Wei only looked at the ten people in front of him, her expression equally ugly.

When they separated today, Rong Ling had brought five people with him, and even left five with her. At this moment, all ten of them had appeared, which meant that Rong Ling already knew what was happening here, and had sent some guards over.

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