One second. Org, free of charge!

On the other side.

He was still in the mansion, changing his clothes when he received an urgent report from the yamen. He was planning to head to the Fu Mansion, since he was just a minor governor, it didn't matter if he went early or late. He was only sitting at the outermost table with some other officials, and there probably wasn't even a person who came to entertain him.

The Grand Master's face looked a little awkward. "We can't blame the jailer. In the end, Seventh Young Master personally came. Besides, I thought it was nothing important, so I didn't expect anything untoward …"

Sima Xi did not show any expression, as if he did not care about the filth in the yamen. He asked again, "Did you receive Fu's Family's orders? What are we going to do with it? "

Grand Master said, "Second Young Master has come to ask us to send someone as soon as possible to bring the prisoners back. He doesn't care if they die or die, we just need to cover this matter up. Today is Old Master's birthday."

Sima Xi nodded. "Then go. I'll head back to the yamen. You take some people to the enclosure field and bring back everything that should be brought back."

The Grand Master had only reported to Sima Xi and knew that this was the only way to deal with this matter. He didn't expect that the Prefecture Overseer would have any other ideas, so he agreed and left.

After the Grand Master had left, Madam Sima came in from outside. She spoke up for the Prime Minister, asking, "Are you really going to take over this matter?"

However, Sima Xi said, "It's not like I've never taken the blame. What do I care?"

Madam Sima was obviously unwilling. "You, as a governor, act as if you were being nice. I didn't inform you about the release of the death row prisoners from prison. Now that something has happened, I actually want you to take responsibility."

Sima Xi hugged Madam Zhang's waist and said, "The imperial court has ordered an official to take care of himself. However, as long as you're worried, I don't feel that wronged."

Madam Sima snorted and said, "You only know how to play games with me."

Si Ma Xi continued, "Then, if I were to do more with the Fu's Family and establish more prestige at the yamen, would you be happy?"

"Don't!" "You always bully me. Alright, hurry up and go to the yamen. I'm afraid there will be a lot of matters to deal with later. Whether you can come back tonight is not certain, but you must remember to eat alone. Your appetite is not good …"

Seeing that his wife was about to nag him again, Sima Xi hugged her a little and stopped her from speaking any further. Then, he bid her farewell and left.

In order to achieve the position of a governor in such a sensitive prefecture, one had to be close to the Fu's Family. If he was not a relative or disciple of the Fu's Family, he should also be one of them.

Sima Xi was an outsider. His mentor was a former justice minister who had returned to the country eight years ago. When Sima Xi was in high school, he was working for the justice courts, and after a few promotions and transfers, he was transferred to Qingzhou in the second year after his mentor had returned from high school.

When he first came to the Cyan Plains, Sima Xi was a person who was similar to the previous Prefecture Overseers. He had dealings with his superiors and with the Fu's Family, and in short, with the identity of an outsider, he steadily boarded the Fu's Family's large ship, becoming a part of the power of the Fu's Family.

Although he was still a member of the Fu's Family, he was more like a little pawn. In terms of political affairs, he could not even help the Fu's Family by a single point, and even when he was sitting in the yamen, he would do all sorts of unorthodox jobs and stay idle.

Currently, even the commoners of the Azure Province had almost forgotten that they still had a parent official. Normally, the one who would appear and take care of any matters would always be Grand Master Xiao Kang, and the Lord Prefecture Overseer might be able to see him sometimes, but it would only be a fleeting moment.

After a long time, everyone had gotten used to it. In any case, if something were to happen in the Azure Province, the only way to find the Fu's Family, the Azure Province's yamen was built there, and it was purely for decoration, so it was not a big deal.

When Sima Xi came out of the house, he got into the carriage, which was a little old, and the curtains were all white and wrinkled. When he passed by the main street of the city, he stopped the car, lifted the curtain, stuck his head out, handed over three coins, and said to the bakery next to him, "Give me a three-layer cake."

The stall vendor was busy cooking. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and looked at the official in front of him. He rolled his eyes without any respect for the family and casually said, "The price has risen recently. The third layer cake costs four coins."

Sima Xi clicked her tongue, took out another piece of paper, and handed it over.

The stall vendor wrapped a thick three layer cake and gave it to him. They paid it with one hand and delivered it with the other.

As the horse carriage continued to drive, Sima Xi sat inside the carriage and ate his fried cakes. In his heart, he thought that if nothing happened to him, he would already be in the courtyard of the Fu's Family, eating the delicacies of the Fu's Family.

He did not know what was the main course for tonight's birthday banquet, but he heard that this was for a grand occasion. This time, Fu's Family had invited a few chefs from the capital to personally cook …

After savagely taking a bite of the fried bread, Sima Xi felt depressed for no reason.

When they arrived at the yamen, they had already finished eating the fried cakes.

As soon as he walked in, he heard the sounds of commotion behind him.

Sima Xi looked back and saw the bailiff running over with a flustered expression. He reported the moment he saw him, "Sir, it's bad. Something happened at the paddock!"

After Sima Xi patiently listened to what the bailiff had to say, he finally understood. He walked back to the yamen and took a sip of tea. He didn't seem to care and asked the bailiff, "Where is Master Xiao?"

"He's still in the enclosure, but there's a problem there, the death row can't take him away at all. There are a dozen strong men in black, all of whom are experts in martial arts, those prisoners, no matter if they're alive or dead, are being watched by them, our people won't even be able to take a step forward. Master Xiao listened to the Second Young Master's orders, and decided to come straight on. The bailiff stretched out his neck and pointed at a thin line on his throat, "Look, it's here. As soon as the dart flew over, it flew across my neck. If it went any deeper, I'm afraid I would die!"

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