One second. Org, free of charge!

After looking at it carefully for a moment, Sima Xi nodded his head and seriously agreed, "It's true. The deeper you look, the more you will die."

The bailiff was anxious!

This carriage was not Sima Xi's carriage but Master Xiao's. It was big and bright, and no matter how one looked at it, it looked luxurious inside or outside. There was even a soft sandalwood cushion placed on the carriage.

Sima Xi somewhat liked it. She holed herself up in the carriage and wished the carriage would be slower.

However, no matter how long the journey was, it would not be able to withstand the life and death of the bailiff's commander. In less than an hour, they arrived at the enclosure field.

After Sima Xi got off the car, he looked at the densely packed crowd in the distance and sighed.

When Master Xiao saw Sima Xi appear from afar, he immediately ran over and repeated the story in a few sentences. Finally, he added, "Second Young Master's meaning is, regardless of what reason you have given, you should first take away the prisoners on death row. No matter how many prisoners you can take away, no matter how many alive or dead they are. At the very least, you must not let them 'die' outside like this. It would be best if they could still be safe and sound in the prison, but of course, it doesn't matter if they are the ones in the prison, and no one can find out whether they are real or fake. If you say so, then so be it, if you say so, then so be it. "

Sima Xi understood and asked Master Xiao, "I heard you took action just now? Are you okay? "

Master Xiao shook his head. "The brothers in front were slightly injured. I'm in the back. I'm fine."

"Still, be careful." "If something were to happen to you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to continue my job as a governor."

Master Xiao was startled and frowned slightly. He said, "Master must be joking."

Sima laughed.

Xiao Kang was the favorite disciple of the Fu's Family's Third Master. He had a bright future and was a talented person.

However, this Xiao Kang was also a ruthless person. At such a young age, he was able to maintain his composure and not rush forward at all.

He walked in and greeted the three young masters of Fu's Family with a small bow.

The three of them bowed back at Sima Xi in front of everyone else. Second Young Master Fu said, "Sir Sima has come. We finally have someone who can speak with us."

Sima Xi smiled apologetically as he looked at the two people in front of the tent.

The person dressed in white robes was the fifth young master of Fu's Family, Fu Zichen. She heard that Fu Zichen had only returned to Qingzhou in the past few days and specially congratulated Old Master Fu on his birthday present.

The one dressed in black was a stranger. He looked a little thin and weak.

Sima Xi didn't pay much attention to this. He lowered his eyes and said, "When I came, I heard that there was a misunderstanding here. However, I didn't think that many of the young masters and mistresses would be implicated. Master Xiao, why don't you tell us?"

Xiao Kang respectfully stepped forward and replied: My Lord, there is indeed a misunderstanding, the original owner of the encampment was the Seventh Young Master of the Fu's Family, the reason was to welcome all of our friends who came to congratulate the Old Master of the Fu's Family, but for some reason, an outsider suddenly appeared, not just people killing people here, the one who did it was a prisoner under strict guard, then this matter was alerted and I immediately investigated, but I did not find any missing prisoners, and when I came back to investigate more, I found someone blocking me ….

Sima Xi asked in coordination, "What was the obstruction?"

Xiao Kang looked at the man in black clothes in front of the tent and pointed out, "Sir, I heard that he came from the capital. Xiao Kang looked at the man in black clothes in front of the tent and pointed out," Sir, I heard that he came from the capital.

Sima Xian seemed to understand everything. He turned his head to look at the man in black and asked, "How should I address you?"

Liu Wei's clear and cold eyes swept over him, but he did not speak.

Fu Zigui replied, "I heard that he was on duty in the Zhenge Sect. His surname is Liu, and he seems to be rather famous in the capital."

It was obvious that he had not heard of the other party's identity before. He was usually idle, and it was rare for him to reveal a moment of solemness. In my opinion, today's matter should be a misunderstanding. If not, please let the two people behind you go first, and I will interrogate them and settle the matter on the spot. How about that? "

It was already late in the morning. The dim light of the setting sun slowly scattered down. The wide hunting grounds were covered in a layer of deep orange light, causing the area to look slightly old.

Liu Wei stood in front of the white tent, which was very big, with clean curtains. Beside her, there were ten black clothed men protecting his, and behind her, there were ten corpses, as well as two living people who were still breathing.

One was alive, the other was Liu Mo. Although his breathing was steady and his injuries were stable, he was still unconscious.

The second person was a middle-aged man with a face full of scoundrels. There were more than a dozen scars on his body, but none of them were fatal.

The middle-aged man looked at the people outside with a weird gaze, including the young official who saved him from the Fu's Family guards who wanted to kill them.

He looked them up and down without saying a word.

His silence was not intentional. If it was possible, with his personality, he would have long since started cursing and denouncing these animals that did not regard death row prisoners as people.

Unfortunately, he couldn't scold her. He had already been a mute for nearly half a year, having received the punishment of being tongue-tied before …

One of them was unconscious, one of them couldn't speak, and ten corpses were lying in wait. Facing the 'clean' Fu's Family's menacing 'order, the situation in front of them was actually not that good.

Liu Wei's expression had always been calm, she did not look at the clowns in Fu's Family, but instead, turned his gaze towards the man in charge of the Cyan Plains.

Liu Wei remembered the name of Si Ma Xi, he had also seen this person's secret letter to Rong Ling with his own eyes.

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