Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 105: Arakune's Nest

"It hurts..."

Caught by Arakune and bitten from the top by a thread, I passed out by that much pain... it was only for a moment that I realized immediately that I was being dragged down the ground by cheats.

Fortunately, the thick thread seems to protect my whole body like a cocoon, and it doesn't hurt to be dragged through the cave. At the end of the day, not only does it not hurt because my body is paralyzed, but I know that my five senses work properly and my hands and feet move. Except the bitten back is giving off gin and blunt pain, it's perfectly safe.

Apparently, it wasn't to kill me that bit me, it was to pour poison into me and keep me from moving.

But the only reason I'm perfectly safe is because I have a "forceful poison vessel". Even that basilisk acid brace was prevented. As much as the spider's paralysis poison, it would disable it.

Arakune can't possibly know that I have such poison resistance skills. You wouldn't realize it didn't work for me if you were jittery.

So, perhaps if it were normal, we'd keep him alive with poison and thread sealing his movements and save the prey he caught fresh.

To support my guess, after being dragged for a while, I felt like a minotaur hanging every cocoon of yarn somewhere. I also stopped feeling any signs that Arakune was moving. Well, he walks quietly, and if he gets a little jizzed, I don't know what signs.

I twisted my hand around Mozomozo in the thread and carefully scratched the thread in my eye to see what was going on outside first. The cocooned yarn was also quite thick on top of the sticky, and I had a hard time making just a few gaps. If it stayed alive, it would be hard to get out.

"I knew this was a spider's nest"

Peeping through the gap, the sight was widening as expected.

Unlike Luke Spider's vertical cave, in places like the forest dome, this Arakune seems to have a nest. Downstairs, a giant spider's nest is stretched like a floor, and on the other side of it, you can see the heads of the trees turning into green carpets. It's nesting pretty high. The ceiling makes it possible to nest directly above the forest. Is there a guy that catches on?

Maybe for Arakune, the spider's nest isn't a trap to capture bait, it's just a living base. High up is simply to prevent the invasion of external enemies.

If you think hunting for prey in that way is the dominant thing that fished me with spider yarn, you're convinced too. Did you choose me as bait in that face because you decided I was the weakest? Because Arakune's eyes are certain. If you were another member, you'd most likely get hit back and done before you bite.

"Ha... I can't believe it's going to come off again"

corner, even though teamwork had just been born in a good way.

In the avant-garde julimari combo. Mr. Orchido in the rear guard, usually a strong party configuration. Plus, I even have a secret weapon named Heavenly Tao, who is in the mood but seems to make it easier for any boss. Perhaps the Heavenly Path Yankees today are comparable in strength to Yudo Aoi's brave party.

It was too sparing a party to leave...

I don't think we can rendezvous.

If I go back now, there's nothing I can do. In the first place, I don't even know the way.

There's no point in them staying there more than defeating the basement lake boss and annihilating a large swarm of Zilla as well.

As a sad victim of an accidental monster attack, I will never come to your aid. For a moment, I hope you spared my death.

Well, I just have to work solo again, more than I live like this. If you re-summon Rem, you won't miss him so much. Oh, but corners, you don't have to lose a body made strong by luxurious materials. But I can't help it, let's give up that was like a bonus.

What breaks it off so lightly is that it is the work of demons living in the wild. And most importantly, I guess it's because I'm going through a similar experience once.

Most of all, I don't resent demons, but humans usually curse you.

"Well, let's get out of here first."

I widened the gap slightly and glued across the perimeter, and I still don't see Arakune. Is he out hunting again? Or are you forming from me directly over a nest that is in a blind spot?

Either way, I can't help staying in the cocoon forever. I just had to get a bite this time, but maybe we'll start a real meal next time. There is no point in invincible poison resistance skills if you are physically eaten and chopped a thousand times. After all, you want a physical defense.

Otherwise, I can't help it. In the meantime, let's just say that some medications heal bitten back wounds, which is good with the ability of the spellman.

Thanks to Arakune for wearing me and tying me with a whole thread, I haven't lost my bag or my gear. Various wound pills and precious magic weapon Red Knife, just a few more carefully selected materials and core shards. I'm really fortunate that everything stays at hand.

"Ugh, come on! Back, hard to reach......"

In the cocoon, he struggles so hard to apply medicine to his back bite wound, he finally tries to escape.

"Damn, I knew a normal knife wouldn't cut it."

This spider's yarn also has a lot of flexibility, while its adhesion is also lacking. For a minute or so, cutting and poking with a blade won't scratch what was my eye.

"It's a little dangerous, but with a red knife..."

Please don't burn all at once! Praying, I carefully cleave my cocoon with a blade of flame. If I didn't wiggle it out thoughtfully, no flames erupted, just a scorching heat in my body, and if I cut it slowly, I could burn down the yarn wall in a pretty good way.

Double-cut longitudinally and secure escape route. Plus I just opened my sight, and once again, I look around closely.

"... All right"

No shadow of Arakune. Instead, several cocoons like mine were bragging down. Seeing black hands and feet popping up, Goma's capture rate seems high. Because they're idiots, for Arakune, it would be a good duck.

Well, let's get out of here now. or jumping at this height is...

"Oh, I've never been better off with a 'brunette tie' than I just did."

Many times before, I have taken care of the magician's main weapon, but not exaggerated, to use the all-purpose spell, "Dark Hair Tied," as a lifeline to keep all my destiny.

Please, I hope you get down there safely!

"Ha... I'm tired..."

After finally finishing the dark hair descent of fear, I bite the happiness of having feet on the ground.

No matter how freely manipulative the brunette tentacles are, they can't even use this to rappel with gorgeous behavior like a special forces member. It was harder than I thought just to make one that was long enough to reach the ground, and thicker enough to support my weight. From there, I also built a support to secure my body… As a result, the output of the limit is critical to safely escape from this height. Oh, I've been working out, and it's really good.

Anyway, the brunette lapeling of terror was also successfully completed and able to survive to the ground.

As soon as I get my breath back in order, I have to leave. If Arakune finds me, I'll be back in the nest again, or maybe this time I'll be stabbed in the todome.

"In the meantime, this way"

Check the magic formation and I'll walk out in the direction indicated. Now I want to stay a little further away. It's also a waste of time to re-summon Rem. It doesn't have any material, so it doesn't make it a lot of performance.

Best if we get to Fairy Square right away, but if it's far away, I want to be ready somewhere appropriate.


I thought my heart would stop at that voice I heard from across the green bush. Instead of stopping, the heartbeat rises rapidly.

The ringing now is, are you telling me you've already found your escape!?



Without hiding any signs, he thrust through the gutters and bushes, and Soitz showed up.

Arakune...... not, but another spider. Should it be called a spider-shaped demon?

The size is even smaller than Arakune by more than one turn, but still an unlikely size as a bug. The head position is lower than my hips, but the long legs are likely to be about nim wide.

The overall shape looks like an acida cagmo, because the colour is adapted to this forest dome, or it looks like a green and brown lingerie pattern, with a camouflage pattern.

Eight eyes of such a new spider-shaped demon stared at me.

"" Spider Nest Involvement "!


Early shooting matches were my win.

Run, fight, soon to be troubled. I unleashed "Spider's Nest Involvement," a black haired knitted net. Whether you fight or run, if you don't seal the opponent's movements, there's nothing you can do.

The Ashidaka guy must have judged me just the right prey. I applied it to the yellow liquid from my mouth, releasing a thread of thick eyes. As a result of my "Spider Nest Involvement" hitting first, the aim was highly misaligned and never hit.

The detached yellow thread attack took my place on the branches that grew green leaves, breaking off the branches of thickness that were about arms with the melting sound of Ju Lai. Apparently, that yellow liquid is highly acidic. If it hit me, I'd die instantly, or, no, maybe I could deactivate it with a 'forcible poison vessel'. But I didn't mean to try it.

If you run and run and get shot with acid thread from behind, you won't get away with it. Let's kill him here.

"Kura eh!

Pull out the red knife, tangle it in a dark hair tie and fly. It's a flying blade attack that hasn't appeared in a while since the Battle of the Mouth.


Shortly after I take it off my brunette's net, a burning blade pierces Ashidaka's face. It's controlled by tentacles, so if your opponent doesn't move, you can aim precisely. But I feel like this is the first time I've made a beautiful decision so far. True, Kaishin's blow!

"Shah! Kishaaaaaaaa!"

A pierced red knife bakes an asidaka by a flame that holds it all over her. He must have burned himself in the head, he flipped like a Bjorn springy toy, pimped his long toes, and stopped moving completely.

"Yay, I did it... glad it worked..."

The encounter entered the immediate battle at Shirakami and was well won. Can I rise to the point that my combat skills are improving? [M]

No, not if you're happy. If he shows up at the same time, it won't be in my hands anymore. From what I've seen, on top of rocks and big tree roots bumping, in this large, undulating terrain, spiders would run so much faster than I would run. No, spiders seem quicker to run on the flat, but if it's such a bad scaffold place, it's even quicker to be caught up.

Unexpectedly, they took the lead, but if we don't get out of here...

"No, wait, calm down... it's him, give it a try"

Containing the urge to flee with a dash now, I turn back to the body of Ashidaka I defeated.

"Okay, no doubt, you're dead"

Head to torso, almost black burned. Without the toes moving, the corpse was solidified in such a way as to round the long legs.

Yeah, if the body's against him, he should be able to use it.

"Celebrate the path of death and curse the wreckage that is exposed. Black blood. Mud meat. Empty head. There is no soul in that body at the earliest, just carving the remnants of uncleanness as false hearts. Crawl, come out, resuscitate -" Grievance Corpse Doll ""

"Grievance Corpse Dolls": Cursing and blocking the mindless gap, just moving the flesh only, the benevolent person type.

Yes, this is a newly knitted spell from the experience of exercising Rem in the body of victory. Literally, it's a curse to manipulate a body.

I mean, this is more of a corpse psychology (necromancy) than a spell.

"... All right, it's a success"

A shadow of black chaos appears, similar to a mud doll. But the corpse does not sink there, and instead, as chaos erodes, black drooling things crawl up and cover up the corpse.

So, a little after Suppoli and his whole body are enveloped, black muddy things fall off like dirt in the shower - and then the body finally comes back to life.

"xy, xyxy"

From a camouflage pattern to a body-color like a black city camouflage, Asidaka quickly turned her body upside down and put it back on, honking at me. I understand. It's not a threat, it's a voice of humility.

"This, for once, is Rem in it, isn't it?


My body swayed vertically as I nodded.

Again, just like Mud Doll II, control is dominated by Rem.

"If you're on the Rem body, is it still working?


Lem, do you know where I am?


"Heading this way?


"Well, maybe... the Lanterns are coming with you to help me?


It is the voice of sad denial. No, yeah, I knew it, but he said he couldn't come to the rescue.

"Okay, then, for now, I want to rendezvous with the Rem body. You think you can go?"


Ashdakarem turns his back on me all the time. Maybe you're telling me to get in?

Yeah, if it's a little me, there's nothing I can't ride. He's such a big spider demon, he said he put about 45 kilos of weight on it, so he seems to be able to run around fine.

"Okay, then please - wow!?


As soon as he got on the spider's back, Asidakarem set off momentum. I move my long eight-leg shaky and run through the undulating woods at an otherwise fast speed.

"Wow, hey, this is - wow!

I was desperate and could only cling to my back.

Hey, Rem, when the hell are you gonna stop?

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