Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai

Episode 106: Yarn Match (1)

"Ha... ha..."

He took off the forest area where the Arakune nest was located, went on for a while into the familiar stone aisle, and finally stopped the outburst of Asidakarem.

"Rem... never again, don't run out on your own..."


Because of my anger, I am disappointed to fold my legs and make my torso a pattern to the ground, as Rem has obviously depressed. No heart or a glittering red eighth also seemed dull in brilliance.

Speaking of which, I feel like it was the first time I got mad about Rem. She has a soul, and I guess she's growing up with the emotion that it's a shock to be scolded by your husband.

That makes me look even, much cuter. Even the creepy big, black acida cagmo look.

"Basically, when I ride, follow the instructions. But when demons attack you and you're in danger, I'll leave you to Rem's discretion. I believe in Rem, so I can trust him with my life."

Well, that's the savant I created, and it's obvious. There is no way Lem would betray me unless even the cheat capable man in the system, who would control the opponent just by looking at him, made him an enemy.

"Kisha, shaaaaaa!

Even in those obvious words, Lem barked fine at you for getting your jerk back. Um, it just seems like you're intimidated by spider monsters, but I'm happy for you, okay?

"Well, then, let's go"


On the back of the spider again, he walked out the aisle with Shakashaka.

Again... this is incredibly convenient.

That's why I've been walking through the dungeons. Sometimes alone, sometimes Mae grabs my hem, and sometimes again, I'm surrounded by seven beautiful groups of girls for two years. I don't have any such good memories. It's a dungeon walk, but that's all I can say. Walking makes me tired.

"Su, awesome... easy chin..."

Did humanity experience this emotion when it first rode its horses? On Ashidaka's back I realized the greatness of the ride from the bottom of my heart.

You don't have to walk yourself. I'm starting to feel like this is the only cheat capability I have.


Through the aisle and into the next forest dome, Pittari and Spider's legs stopped.

"Is there something there?


Apparently, he encounted it with the demon.

I get off my back with a solo solo and pull out the red knife. So far, I don't hear anything like a sign or a noise...


Immediately, the demon that Rem perceived appeared. I don't suppose there's a concept of sneaking up on prey. Soaring like an angry pig, the sound of Dosudos and running through the earth, Soutz rushed straight from the front.

"Big pig!

If you look at a brown fur beast with a sloppy physique, there will be none more than a pig. I have a black hoof, so I'm pretty sure it's the same kind of material I used for Lem's foot parts among the materials you gave me.

Big pig, I know it's big enough to say, but I'm not the boss, so I don't think it's the size of common sense yet. Most importantly, you can't be caught off guard because normally being run over by animal pigs would result in broken bones and serious injuries. This big pig doesn't have two fangs, but four to greed. If you collide head-on, you pass away with a blow, such as a poor spellman.

"Intercept with thread, lem, match"


If you're going to push me straight, I can definitely make you hit me. Plus now some lems have asidaka bodies that can throw up acidic threads similar to 'red-haired brackets'. If you two set this up, they'll stop you from coming in.



No. Neither the "spider thread entanglement" I threw, nor the yellow acidic thread of Lem, is as big a pig as a little entangled in his body. With the momentum and power of the ramp, he comes straight through the corrugated attack of the yarn.



It blew up and fell. Though I thought the big pig had hit me, I soon realized that Lem had bounced me off the roof.

Dangerous. Just coming straight ahead, even though the opponent is not a game program, an organism called a living demon in reality. As much as I moved sideways for a little while, I'm usually set to revise the track and bump into me.

Avoiding a progression cannot be certain without the athletic ability and instantaneous power of a 'knight' or 'warrior'.

"Bugo, fugo!

Me and Rem managed to avoid a rush, so the big pig went on for a while before stopping and immediately looking back at us again.

Bad, the next march will be inevitable. We have to stop him at all costs before the collision.

But what do we do, that momentum? Then we'll definitely break through by putting up 'Rotten Swamp'. The black hooves are so hard and sturdy that, worst of all, they may not even dissolve in the poisonous swamp. No, if you're a 'rotten sludge doll'... no, I'm not as strong as a shock because my body is made up of mud, either.

Oh, shit, shit. I felt a little stronger, but when a straight power type is opponent, I didn't know this was compatible either.


Hey, wait a minute, 'cause we haven't decided on an operation yet!

What a heartfelt cry, and the monster can't even stop me.


Rem is barking when he shields himself but protects me... but given the physique difference, in Asidaka's body, eating a big pig rampage would tear him apart. It's an innocent sacrifice.

"Oh, shit...... not really, I don't want to rely on it like a move"

I have no choice. There's no guarantee it's gonna work, but I think we should use the spell I have right now to stop him from advancing.

"Spread out, 'Rotten Swamp'"

Throw a bloody pebble and let it unfold a few meters ahead of me. Better than not, and it's like replacing a landmark.

Even with the emergence of creepy boiling poisonous marshes, the big pig continues to run without any fright. Well, you'd be confident of breakthroughs, so you would.

Well, here's the real deal. After that, there's nothing more to rely on than the combat experience I've developed so far.

"Curse yourself for the fever you don't stop -" Red Fever ""

I haven't used it in a long time, so with full chant. Now at least a little, I want you to blunt your opponent's movements.

As effective as it is, I can't really feel it at all.

Anyway, the next blow is the fate. If you take it off, there's no next time.


A throw all over the body is a flying blade attack by a red knife gripped with black hair ties. Aim, his left front leg.


All right, hit it!

Slightly more shoulder than torso, but hit it right. The pierced red knife would be spraying a blaze of fire and baking it for me, but if it's stuck to a close distance that's already cut ten meters to its opponent, the big pig keeps running showing his guts too.

So we need another push to stop him.

"Go!" Reverse Dance Horsebutterfly "!

A wound medicine that was left with plenty left on his left hand. Push it all into activation. Shining butterflies fly into swarms, killing them to the imminent great pig.

"Puggy Yikes!?

And if he touches a puncturing red knife wound, he'll be hit by such severe pain that he can't run anymore. Hearing a high, sad scream, I dived to my left obsessed selflessly.

"- Yay, he's down!

Get up from the dive and I'll finally make sure the big pig falls. I couldn't afford it enough to watch the moment I fell.

With severe pain caused by the butterfly, the big pig lost his left forefoot function and fell from it to collapse. That caused the route to slip, so I managed with a degree of avoidance to dive.

But 'Reverse Dance Walnut' just hurts when it hits a wound, not a wax that spreads the wound further and does additional damage. The big pig shudders his legs, but tries to get up quickly.

But this chance he stopped, you don't have a chance to miss.

"Go, Rem!" Dark Hair Tied "!


I tie the big pig to the ground and stop him from getting up, and in the meantime, the lem jumps and presses him.

Asidakarem threw up acidic threads and tied the wild fat torso of the big pig to a glue wrap, then stuck it around his head with his mouth with a sharp angle.

From then on, the big pig rumbles around in madness though death. It's like a feather worm caught in a spider's nest, backed up, tormented… Still, me and Rem will never let go of the prey we captured once.

"... ha, ha... finally, dead..."

How long have I been tying him up? [M] A big hog howling around screaming at Buhibhi finally silenced.


Rem screamed on the big pig as he dyed his mouth bright red, giving him the ambition of victory.

"Fine, it was dangerous... I knew it would be tough being a solo"

I'm sure from Mr. Nogumiya and Mr. Fangsaki, it would only be a miscellaneous fish monster that could be defeated by one effort, such as this big pig. It wasn't compatible, because there is, but there's no excuse in the dungeon.

It would be easier to defeat me if I had as much power as a big pig. It doesn't have to be a boss monster, it's a spec that you can normally hold even with those demons there.

Compared to my early days, I'm much stronger now... after all, the magician's solo play is a hard mode that can lead to instant death for a miscellaneous fish mons opponent.

"This is for anyone, I need to find a buddy early"

However, lateral roads are excluded. The bee hunter is no, he's already like Goma's demon.

"Rem, let's hurry up anyway"

At this point, let's also give up the core that can be taken from the big pig. When you're in such a bloody smell, it's not always when the other demons will come by.


And the lem rang sharply, not just in reply...... wow, seriously, you said the next demon showed up already!?

"Rem, where are you coming from!

Blunt as ever, I can't detect a demonic attack. Though it just seems like a quiet forest...


Instead of answering, Rem threw up the thread from his mouth. The shower of acidic yarn was overhead, front, back, left and right, nowhere in it.

"Huh!?" Spider Nest Involvement "!

Did you come with the pin because it was the second time? I didn't think about it, and according to my instincts, I released a brunette cast into the air where Rem erupted - the next moment, a brighter white thread was tangled than the sky.

"Wow, wow!

Running in a hurry, moving into the shade of a tree. The web of spider yarn falls loosely as it snaps a bunch of white yarn that arrives. Before that mass of yarn fell to the ground, the Raiders revealed themselves before me.


Creepy ambitions like a woman's golden voice are raised by her upper body being human and her lower body being spider-shaped,

"Arakune... are you coming after me"

I just thought so. I don't know how to tell Arakune's face, but I don't even think he and the others are rolling around the area like Goma.

"xy, xy, xy, xy, xy"

How confident are you that a special ambush failed, but you chose a grand frontal confrontation without running away? Or because you are obsessed that once captured prey is not allowed to escape, even if you are aware of the danger?

"Here, we have no choice but to defeat"

Even though he traveled on a fully-fledged Acida Calem, he was easily caught up. The speed of travel is overwhelmingly higher in Arakune. And then there's the tracking power to chase the escaped prey.

There's nothing more I can do than defeat Arakune.

"Come on, I'll make you regret what you've been after me greedily!

Since there was no later, I was prepared to challenge Arakune with at least a powerful voice.

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