Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Episode 284 Kitty
After all, ice leopards were strong enemies.
The sharp ice rushes over, and the long tail forms a large ice blade like a big sword to shake it, or simply freezes where it touches with nails or fangs.At the end of the sentence, he was spitting out a frozen beam from his mouth.
It's usually boss strength.If you weren't a full member, you'd be in danger.
"Now, why would you do that?"
A large leopard, about three metres long, fell down in a blow to the throat with an apricot.Still stuck, instantly dead.I took out a critical hit in a hurry, so my body is still pretty clean.
The power of ice magic, the power of manoeuvre that runs freely on snow and trees.Even surrounded by this number of heads, it wasn't very effective, but Alpha threw herself away and ate it, and bound it with "black hair tie" in the gap.
With the power of the Beast and the ice blade, the Apricot decided on a special "Rock Spear" for just a few seconds.
After all, the winning cause is our number and cooperation.Although they didn't directly contribute to the damage, Hayama-kun also managed to surround and chase the leopards so they wouldn't escape.
With that, we succeeded in defeating the leopard without causing such damage.
I wonder if it's a little suspicious to be a corpse doll.
Currently, Lem has full control of the body doll as much as the Black Knight and Alpha.I will use Arakne if necessary.I don't always serve minotaurs, so I still have room for control, but I wonder if using this leopard is critical enough.
Although verification is still incomplete, if you are a monster that uses magic or other types of magic, the control you need tends to increase.Therefore, there is no doubt that the control required to manipulate a variety of ice magic is higher than the basic power fighter Minotaur.
Anyway, it's not good to be independent.It would be enough to carry luggage like Roylops and to charge at times, but I don't think I can pull out half of the leopard specs on my own.Independence does not necessarily work with the exact same thoughts and abilities as it did before.
It is a precious leopard as a boss class monster, but its handling is troublesome.Hmm, luxurious worries.
"For now, I think it would be best if Lem remembered it, and then used it as a material."
When the power of the leopard is needed, it will give the core to the lemon to be used with full control, which will make the most of the current situation.
In that case, it would be better to take it home and dismantle it slowly.I don't want the smell of blood scattered in such a dangerous forest.
"Okay, everyone, let's get back to work.I will dismantle the lemon and mammoth materials, so please be vigilant around Apricot and Hayama. "
If a bunch of leopard-like guys come after us over and over again, I'll give up the mammoth material, too.
But rarely did my prayers go through, or were there any more raids. [M]In the quiet snow forest, we can hear the sounds of our work, and occasionally the cries of Venison and Kinako.
The stripping of the mammoth material was completed successfully.Load the material and finished leopard onto the leopard.
All that remained was a huge amount of meat and bone, even though half of it had been lost.
I wanted to eat mammoth meat and watch it, but it's a bit hard to eat it that I dumped all day on a boulder.It's a waste, but it's no longer material value, so I have to throw it away... but wait a minute.
"Oh, yeah, it's a corner. Let's give it a try."
And I put a new wand on Mammoth's wreckage.
"Here you go, Sideways, feed, eat."
The "Ruthless Set" that stands up makes a rattling sound and opens the deformed jaw.
The next moment, the black, wild tentacle jumped out of his mouth.Their tips open their red and black mouths lined with fangs, one after the other, killing them into the remains of Mammoth.
Tentacles like rattlesnakes and snakes are eaten, but they wrap around the wreckage itself, which is a huge chunk of meat, gradually pulling it in.
Whatever you think, the weight between me with the wand and the mammoth meat is not balanced, but the strange wreckage is being dragged to the wand by the tentacles.I don't feel anything special about the staff. [M]
When the Mammoth wreckage finally gets close enough to reach the cane, a large magical formation unfolds from the tip of the cane fitted with the "Ogre Skull".A circle of shadowy red and black sparkles like black chaos that is very similar to when you use the "Corpse Doll".
The remains of the Mammoth were dragged by the tentacles, but swallowed by their magical formation.It is obviously a massive mass of flesh and bone larger than the diameter of the magical formation, but the bitten and wrapped tentacles are forced to deform and pull into the formation.
No more, the remains of the mammoth are completely taken in.At the same time, the magic team and the tentacles disappeared.
"Hey, Kotaro, aren't you sure you're still alive even if you don't have a cane?"
"It's okay... maybe"
Apricots told me to pull the strings and so on.
If I can show you this shocking predation scene, I'm a little worried about the boulder.
You see, just by drawing on the abilities of "cannibals," I think that the sidewalk has nothing to do with it anymore, or that consciousness has completely disappeared. I want to think so.
"But if we don't feed him the monster, he won't be able to prove the true value of his wand."
Nothing, this predator can't be used as a quick kill attack, like once caught, it can never be eaten out.Goma, red dogs, and those junkie monsters will catch you.
If you're a reasonable opponent, you'll take off your tentacles as much as you want.
Therefore, this ability to prey alone cannot be expected to attack.However, it seems like you can eat anything with catfish, so it seems like you won't waste any extra materials from now on.
"In the meantime, we're all done here.Hey, Hayama-kun, I'm leaving now. "
I called Hayama-kun, but somehow Kinako replied.
If you think about what happened, behind the mushroom, did you pick herbs or mushrooms, and crouched down at the root of a large tree, there was a figure of Hayama-kun doing gosogoso.
"Oh, wow, nasty Momocawa, I'm coming!"
For some reason, Hayama-kun, who seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, stood up and came running with Kinako.Even further back, Benigno would have responded to the call, but he was about to return to good health.
As long as everyone is safe, anything will be fine.
It would be troublesome to get caught up in monsters again, so we should get rid of them quickly.
"Okay, everyone, let's get back to work.I will dismantle the lemon and mammoth materials, so please be vigilant around Apricot and Hayama. "
As instructed by Momokawa, I am on a vigilance mission with my favorite "Red Lance".
The leopard monster I just saw was pretty bad.Even if something like that attacks me suddenly, I need to keep an eye on it so I can handle it.I knew this forest wouldn't let you down.
"... wow"
Though I tried to tighten my mind, the snow forest would be quiet without the monsters.Although the weather is as rough as ever, I don't care if there is "Cairo".
This quietness is combined with the warmth of Cairo. Especially if you don't have to do anything, it's the sleeping devil who comes and attacks you....
I think I heard a lovely noise that made my ears tickle because I felt like I was uttering.Yeah, it's like a kitten in a cute animal video that I've been hooking up with lately.
"Mm, mmm."
Look, there's really a kitten in there.
A small, round kitten walked with chocolate from a large wooden cave standing right next to it.Because it is a fluffy white fur, I thought the snowball was rolling, but the black leopard pattern that floats thinly indicates that it is a child of a leopard.
"Ya, yabé, super cute....."
I walk up to Fluffy and Kitty as if I could be sucked up.
The kitten was still unaware of the horrors of nature. Without any vigilance, she looked up at me with round blue eyes.
"Oh, okay, okay, good boy."
As he reached out to his right hand, he remembered that it was a prosthetic hand from the bluntness of the movement, reached out to his left hand and touched the kitten.It has a hinted fur surface, but when my fingers split the soft fur of the fluffy hair, I felt a definite warmth.Even though it's so small, I feel like it's still alive.
"What a touch. This will surpass even Kinako...."
You keep stroking and stroking with that wonderful fur, the kitten feels good, doesn't even look disgusting, just makes you feel crunchy on the spot.
Oh, cute. What a cute kid.I wanted to keep such a cute kitten.....
"But I'm sorry, I'm on a rough journey.I can't take a cutie like you... now, go home to Mom. "
I finally realized that I'd let it go.
Wait a minute, a leopard's mom is like... maybe not a monster we just defeated!?
"Ah, wow."
What have you done?The leopard must have been attacked with a push because of this child.
You wanted mammoth meat and our meat to feed the kids.Or is this the territory that attacked us to get rid of us who broke into it?
I don't know what the reason is anymore, but there's only one thing I'm sure of.This leopard child has already lost his parents.
I don't know what's so fun about this kitten that snorts its throat and squeaks into my left hand.
I'm sure she doesn't even know Mom's dead.
When she turned around, the peach river was loading her mom into Roylops with pride.
Hmm, what a cruel sight... in such a cruel reality, nature and tears come down.
"Oh, I..."
Meow, meow
My parents are gone, but I can't tell you how strong you are living alone.
The dangers of this snowy forest are well understood.A cute kitten with no such vigilance is not an environment where she can live without the protection of her parents.Even snowy mountains on Earth without monsters will not survive without food.
The death of the child is certain when the parents are destroyed.The brutal end of the road was unknown, and the child was so unsuspecting.
But it is also a strict code of nature that can't be helped.
"I don't like that, so I guess I helped Benigno."
I'm the only one who can help her right now.
Nature does not help the weak.But man can reach out for salvation by his own will.
It's a good hypocrisy that I killed my parents to help her.But that's why you're abandoning me!
"... but I don't think Momokawa is convinced."
If this kid is found in Momocawa, he will laugh that he has the material.Definitely, that's who he is.
It's ruthless, but reasonable.Yes, the Peach River is a thorough rationalist realist who does not waste, uses whatever is available.
Will you allow me to keep a kitten because such a peach river is just pathetic?
You won't forgive me... because pets are playful animals when I say so, and they're just luxury goods that you can put aside and love.
At the very least, this leopard child will not be immediately as powerful as Kinako or Benigno.A kitten like this can't have a job that helps.Strongly speaking, this fluffy fur is enough to make you into leopard pants.
Ah, I can see Momokawa happily holding a kitten.....
"No, I won't let you do that... I'll protect her..."
"Hey, Hayama-kun, I'm leaving now."
Oh no, Momokawa will know the situation in a flash!I have to hide it for the first time.
Because I was obsessed with kittens and worried deeply, I realized for the first time that Kinako stood up to hide me.
Oh, Kinako, the boulder is my partner.
"Oh, wow, nasty Momocawa, I'm coming!"
I quickly put a kitten in the backpack I was carrying to avoid wasting Kinako's follow.I'm sorry, it's a little cramped, but you're gonna have to put up with it!
"--That's why I grabbed Yuki Leopard's child."
When I returned to Fairy Square, the Peach River found out quickly.
Why did they find out... even though I was going to hold the backpack firmly in front of me and hide it so that I wouldn't feel uncomfortable even if the contents moved...
In the end, there was nothing more I could do than to find out, and I confessed.
"Ha, no, elementary school kids don't sneak up on wild cats."
Momocawa looked down at me with a cat in her gaze.
"Please, Momokawa... please, just let this kid go!"
Hmm, did my parents kill you so easily?
"Ugh... but still, I wanted to help her!"
You've been in there a long time.
Momocawa smiled like a little devil and said, staring at the kitten in my arm.
"With that cute face, Hayama-kun was embarrassed.Bad kitty, huh? "
The peach river that says things like a Yandele woman is even scary.
After all, this is the limit of my power.Were kittens destined for leopard pants?
Damn it, Spirit God, help me!
"Uhh... uhhhh..."
"No, Hayama-kun, I don't want you to cry like that."
"Oh, please, Momokawa, let me keep this kid... and I'll take good care of him..."
"Seriously, I said something like elementary school."
I'm overflowing with emotions, and I'm losing my vocabulary.But that's what I want from the bottom of my heart.
"Hayama, what do you think of me?If you could just give me a word, I'd give you as much as a kitten. "
Are you sure, Momokawa!?
"If you like it that much, then you can't help it.This is more of an emotional issue than efficiency or profit or loss.If you throw it away, you'll have a grudge. "
"Ok, thank you! Thank you so much!Ah, good, Koyuki! "
I already named him.
I came up with it while I put it in the backpack and held it back.It's a little snow, Koyuki. I thought this was the only one left.
"Well, now we have more new friends.Well, good to see you again, Koyuki. "
Koyuki bit his hair upside down in the hand that Momokawa tried to stroke.
"Hey, Hayama-kun, do you think it's more effective to turn it into a fur or a spell offering?"
"I'm sorry! I'll discipline you, I'll discipline you well!"
Hayama-kun's unexpected happiness of picking up the leopard child didn't matter.Or is it that Hayama-kun was making noise on his own? [M]
As it stands, even if we add bear mushrooms to our ranks, it's not a troubling food situation.Now that there is more food for one kitten, I don't know what to say.Originally, it covered the food of 18 classmates.
The caregiver is the pickup owner and the owner, Hayama, will carry out the work responsibly.If he can already obey Kinako and Benigno, he will be able to take care of his leopard monsters.
It's a young body that can't feed itself yet, but if it grows properly, it will definitely have the same specs as its parents.That's enough futuristic, but if Hayama-kun, a Spirit Magician, grew up from a young age, how powerful would he grow up with spirits?There is also a sense of expectation around it.
Nevertheless, I'm not going to wait for Koyuki to grow in this dungeon for years.For now, all you have to do is be a cute playful animal.
Is it justice that is cute? Apricots and lemons often stroke Koyuki.It is Koyuki without any shards of vigilance as a monster, but from the viewpoint of playfulness, being friendly is very positive.It's troublesome even if you get run over.
But for some reason, I seem to hate you.I'm still a "sorcerer", so I wonder if you're releasing any suspicious signs of dark magic.
But I'm not the only one who hates me because Beniu was punched by a cat at the tip of her nose and said, "Kung...".You're one of them, Benigno. Someday, I'll show you that cute little bitch on her feet.
"Snow Collar": A collar made for Koyuki.Expecting the power of the ice spirits to reside, the "ice crystal" made by the chairman without it is decorated with small grains.Instead of bells, light light light blue crystals are fashionable and cute.I chose soft leather for the collar part and made it so that I could adjust the size greatly in anticipation of future growth.
"Well then, take good care of yourself.I'm sorry, but Koyuki is still a pet outside the force, so if he's gone, he won't look for it, and he won't try to protect it even if he's in danger in battle. "
"Oh, oh, okay."
And Hayama-kun receives the collar with a mysterious face.
There's plenty of room for pets, but if we pull our feet, we'll cut them off relentlessly.It doesn't make sense to risk injury, worse, or death just to help a pet.
At a minimum, Hayama-kun should give top priority to the safety of his people, including himself.
But Hayama-kun is really upset and sometimes seems to jump into help without thinking about it first.That sweetness and kindness is as good as dazzling anymore, but I'm really scared that I'm going to sacrifice myself.Then let's hope the Spirit God protects us.
"--Well, I guess we're finally ready."
Together, it was decided to spend about four days again as a preparation period, including a full range of crossroads, reclaimed materials, and Koyuki.
However, I am proud to have been able to prepare much more equipment than when I first left.
"Now, let's get past the boss's room and get to the bottom!"
The snowstorm is modest today and better than the departure date.
Almost tangled up with Aids Elemental on the road, but not with us now that we're perfectly equipped.
The twin sharks didn't rip in the snow, and we managed to get to that boss's room really smoothly.
"Ugh... I really don't like coming here."
"It's totally traumatic."
"Since you ate one arm... you can't even strengthen it."
"It's okay, Kinako. I'm freaking out, but I can't move."
Hayama-kun strokes the mushrooms from the tip of his nose worried.Are you aiming for a healing effect with Animal Therapy?
"How long will you stay with me? Let's go, Hayama."
"What, Rando, are you so jealous that I'm mof-moving?"
"Pain! Don't hit me with a shotgun!?"
"It's too sober to say how many boss fights you can go through, both of you -----"
And when I open the door casually,
Button, close the door.
Boss, we're back.
"Seriously!? Where's the boss?!"
I can't really use it anymore.
No, I didn't expect you to lip it yesterday today.
However, there is a rich legend that the Boss Mons in the Boss Room is automatically replenished by the Dungeon's Summon System, so if it is not there, it will be revived.
With the sidewalk core, I thought it would be easier to activate the metastasis, so I didn't think of fighting the boss at all.
So, what do we do, Momokawa?
"Hayama-kun, what do you think is a good place to fight boss?"
"Huh? Well, uh... can we all fight together?"
Yes, the boss is always in the boss's room.That's why we're all set up and ready to challenge.
Hayama-kun says, "We can all fight together", that is, we can concentrate all our power.
In addition, another good thing about boss fights is that defeating the boss is the end of the game.It means you can use up all your concentrated power until you defeat the boss.
In the current situation, it's impossible for your classmates to attack after the Boss War.The sidewalk of the last classmate candidate who would attack is gone.
"With that, you can defeat the boss with all your strength -- Hayama-kun, please."
"Eh... oh, is that so? Hehe, let me handle it, Momokawa."
For a moment, I felt like I didn't know what to say, but I suddenly realized it.
Yes, Hayama-kun. You are now the Ace with the greatest firepower at this party. [M]
"Okay, let's go, Kinako, Benigno! It's ghosting!"
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