Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
Episode 285 Omar's Eye
The boss was a big penguin.Instead of being cute and big, it is a fierce monster penguin that wears a razor-crust, has sharp spikes on its wings, and spreads from long gummies with teeth to ice braces in a strange voice.
Such a boss penguin was sprayed with the flames of weakness by the Spirit Beast Benigno, and the scared part was mounted by the Spirit Beast Kinako, and the crusade was completed.
This is the end of the fastest boss match.
However, after the spiritualization, the wear and tear is severe, so it will be a departure after a break.
From here, it is the lowest level of the area, as it flew from the wilderness where Yamatanoorochi lived.Areas that could finally catch up with your classmates.In other words, there is no sudden confrontation.
You need to be in a good position to compete with birds at all times.
Then, Hayama-kun's magic healing and Kinako & Benigno's exhaustion healing are enough to trigger the transfer.Especially without an accident, we were safely wrapped in the light of metastasis --
"--Maybe this is the lowest level."
In this dungeon, there was a jungle that seemed to be spreading.
But not outdoors. It's pretty high above your head, but there's a ceiling.This is undoubtedly a huge underground space inside the dungeon.
Well, since the deserted island area and the dark city are the same, it's not unusual anymore.
The most important thing to note here...
"Everybody, be vigilant. Fairy Square is broken here.Maybe there's no safe zone. "
"Eh, what is that, Yuko?"
"Ah, speaking of which, it's not a fairy square even though it's been transferred... that's the fountain!It's so broken!? "
Apricot pointed to a stone object covered in cymbals.From a glance, it looks like the remains of a common ruin in the dungeon, but at first glance I realized it was a broken fountain.
It's the equipment I've been taking care of.Thank you all the time, fairy.
"What's up, Momokawa? In the meantime, don't tell me you're looking for a place to camp."
"Hmm... okay, let's make a stand here.Apricot, please, because it's simple. "
Now, can I have some tochica?
"Then we'll build as many walls as we can."
"Seriously, Momokawa, are you here?"
"Let's start by looking for a place that looks good.In the meantime, I'm just trying to be as prepared as I can to keep you safe -- so, Lem, please. "
The new area routinely begins searching for enemies by lemmingbirds.
Fortunately, the birds were not lost in the crossroads.Currently, the Ace of the Searching Birds team is an owl that was hypnotized in the snow forest.Otherwise, the gray crow.Altogether, seven wings are arranged.
They are all dolls for Rem, and seven empty eyes gather video information from the sky at once in Rem.
And now it's evolving into a clever lemon that can talk fluently.Even in the ice and snow area, this air reconnaissance makes it easy to locate the boss's room facilities.
"Apricot, hurry up with the construction.Lem, Hayama-kun, be vigilant around here.I still don't know what kind of monsters are coming out. "
"Don't get in the way of Koyuki, just stay around."
Assign work to everyone and start acting quickly.
Thanks to the apricot piercing work, the ruins of the broken fairy square were covered in simple tortica, and a barrier and excavation were made on the outer perimeter.Together, where the outlook was too poor, Black Knight Lem felled the trees, and Benigno burned down thick bushes and the like.
So, for the first time, we opened up quite a forest, and as the planned positions were built, we started gathering search information from the lemmingbirds.
"Yes, gather all of you. I'm going to give you a brief description of this area."
Leave it to Lem, Kinako and Benigno to watch out for the outside, and spread out a simple map of the gathered information in a notebook before Apricot and Hayama.
"Koyuki, get in the way."
"Ah, come on, let's keep Koyuki down here"
Bad kittens, who quickly started playing with the spreading map, were caught by their owners in a hurry.
I hope the cute pranks will calm the scene down.Pets enrich the mind.Only if you can afford it.
While thinking about it, I will expand the map again.
"Unfortunately, we couldn't find the living Fairy Square at the moment.We found a few sites like this.Perhaps we should assume that the Fairy Square in this area has been wiped out. "
"Whoa, seriously, that sucks...?"
I understand the great anxiety of not being able to use the Fairy Square, where monsters are guaranteed to stay away, as a base for camping for a while.That dense forest tower you ran into Reina was a real piece of shit.
However, this time around, we're going to have to rely on the plaza tower as we did back then.
"There are dense forest towers and other ruins around here, so I'm thinking of using it as a real base.Then I'll ask for apricots again. "
I don't know ~
It is an apricot that feels like it is not being relied upon while saying it.With this earthen magician, you can base it in almost any place, so even if there is no fairy square, there is not much defensive anxiety.
That said, it is only a general theory, assuming that only wild monsters are in the area.
"That's what bothers me most about the scouting results, but in the center of this area is a big tower I've never seen before.Maybe there's a gateway here. "
"Oops, that's the goal at last!"
"Really? Isn't there just a super lousy boss like Orochi?"
"Apricot, what a pity."
"Eh, what's wrong... with him?"
Around the tower is the kingdom of Goma.
To be honest, this is a huge obstacle comparable to Yamatanoorochi.After Lem reported it, I couldn't believe it at first.
But by reconnaissance from above, by some goma Lem accidentally witnessed, I was certain of the kingdom's existence.
There's Omar over there.
Goma Pioneering Village in a deserted island area.When I infiltrated there, the village chief Goma and the others were making a contribution.
It appeared like a cactus with white hair and a beard in the shape of a goma, and it was an easy to understand crown and robe.
By coincidence, the lemur bird witnessed the king of Goma, Oma.
Apparently, he was walking around with a guard and a scalpel to take a walk.
"Hey, how much is kingdom?"
"At least, the Goma population must be over 10,000."
What is astonishing is the size of the city.It boasts a size that is not comparable to Takumi Village.
A splendid fortress city surrounded by huge walls, centered on a tower.There are countless stupid ghosts underneath, and there are as many soldiers as you can see in the Wall and the King's Tower.Besides, they were equipped with high quality equipment, unlike the goma they'd ever encountered.
There were enough of them to protect the city, and there were quite a few troops out hunting.
The Royal Goma Army alone does not know how many thousands of troops there are.Hopefully, it won't reach a million people.....
"Hey, what are you doing...?"
"The compass is pointing straight to the central tower, so it seems like we have to go to the tower, whether there's a boss room or a heavenly gate."
"No, seriously, Kotaro."
"I'm going to think about that."
Just thinking about it will make you depressed.What the hell is the Kingdom of Goma?Don't breed deep in this dungeon, you cockroaches.I wonder if there's any way we can wipe them out...
"Yabae, Momokawa has distant eyes.This is a face that doesn't come up with any good ideas. "
"Are you okay, Kotaro? Rub your tits?"
"Yeah, it's okay. Rub your tits. No, I won't rub it."
Would you please stop tempting me with a gap in your consciousness? It's going to fall down.
I hurriedly retracted my completely unconscious hand. [M]
"One more bad news: I want you to see this guy."
And I'll take out the stuff I left beside.
"What is this, a big eyeball?"
You're a monster I've never seen before.
The appearance is simple, with bat-like feathers on big eyeballs.Sometimes I feel like I'm in a RPG junk fish monster like this.
But I've never seen a monster like this before, and there's no one of this type.It is a complete first sight.
"I'm the one Captain Owl picked up nearby."
The owl was spotted near the tower, the arrow point on the reconnaissance.Shortly afterwards, it was a blow with a sudden descent that took full advantage of the previous flight capability.
The fact that I was able to defeat an owl that was originally just a prey means that this feathered eyeball has no strength as a monster.
But I sent them on a reconnaissance mission, so the monsters instructed Lem to ignore them.Still, Lem defeated him at his own discretion and brought it under me because he thought it was worth it.
And Lem was right.If I left him alone, it would have been a big deal.
"This feathered eyeball is not a monster. It's a wizard."
"A wizard? Is that like Lem?"
"I don't want my lem to go with this hands-on design, but, well, that's what's gonna happen."
"But Kotaro, who said you were using magic?Could it be a bird trip? "
"No, it's not. If it's his, it could definitely be a better design, or it could be a normal animal."
He's dumb, but he's not stupid.My head turns like that.
If birdplay is the magic of watching, it's nothing but our classmates.If you're targeting humans, you'll surely disguise yourself as something you don't suspect.
He's an Omani devil.
The evidence is the pattern of the eyeballs.
When you look at it, it looks like it's just a pattern of eyes, but if you observe it closely, you can see that it is engraved with a Goma magic formula.It's obvious to me that I'm romantic about the goma ceremony.I saw several patterns of the surgical technique that I was using inside.
"In addition to sending out their own Goma soldiers, I'm flying magicians to keep an eye on them.Maybe you came to the area first and were watching or looking for it ------------------------ "
"---- Aruji"
At that time, Lem rushed in as a little girl.
I left the outside guards in black knight mode, but the interruption meant that
"What's the matter, Lem? Hostile attack?"
I found it.
What did you find?
Giggle, meow
Apparently, things are contentious for a moment.
"Classmates are surrounded by ruins just a short distance from here.There are five faces: Ueda-kun, Yosaki-san, Yamada-kun, Nakajima, and Himeno-san. "
"Oh, you did it -- what do you mean, siege?"
"I think the presence of Aoi Makoto is already known to the Goma Kingdom.There are quite a few large units of Goma deployed in the ruins.The battle doesn't seem to have started yet, but the siege net is almost complete, so it's no wonder you're here any time. "
I hear from Lem and spread out a simple map depicting the five classmates, the general topography of the ruins, and the location of the Goma army.
"Then we need to go and get him now!"
If Mari is here, you can't leave her alone.
"I didn't even have to talk to you about going to help."
I thought that would be the case with this face.
It was amazing that I was able to discover my classmates early after my transition.I was most worried, because it was no longer possible that it had already been dealt with by bird games.
But why are these five people wandering around the ruins defenselessly?The situation remains highly questionable.
If all the members of the Academy Tower are still together, it is unlikely that the absence of Ace, including Himeno, will allow the Kingdom of Goma to explore this dangerous area.At least you wouldn't make such a decision.
Tindo-kun has been banished, and me and the apricot are out. [M]I'm sure it's difficult to organize a party that can be entrusted with exploration while keeping you safe, and you must be worried about your head. [M]
If you want to keep your classmates safe, you should always have yourself or Mei accompany you when you go outside.
But there's no such thing. By the way, where none of the members of the Pale Harlem are included, there is an even more unpleasant hunch.
Worst of all, it is possible that the siege of Goma and the cunning trap of bird play that I sensed coming here... If we leave them alone in a situation, they will definitely be destroyed.
Even if it's not a trap, I simply don't want to fight such an army from the front.....
"Let's go help. But the enemy is overwhelmingly large.Matomo can't deal with all of them.We'll ambush them, we'll pick them up and we'll leave in the middle of the mess. "
That's all. I'm aware of a few risks.However, there should be enough combat power to make the rescue operation a success.
Hayama-kun, are you ready to become a ghost?
"The boss penguins have been dealt with quickly.I've had a good rest, and I'm flawless! "
"How's your right hand?"
"Hehe, you don't know what I'm seeing, do you?"
And this is Doya's face.
Hayama-kun raised his black right hand and shouted confidently.
"No, I didn't expect the transplant to go so well."
Even with me, it is more than I imagined. [M]
Now, Hayama-kun's right arm feels exactly the same as before.Tactile and painful, each fingertip can be moved delicately.
However, the appearance was clearly different from that of the living arm.
The entire transplanted right arm is blackened.The color of the skin is not a black hue, but an inorganic black like paint.More like a cyborg's right arm than a living one.
The secret of this dark right arm is that the Spirit of Dark Attributes lived there.
Originally, it was the right arm formed by the spell "Double Shadow".Hayama-kun saw my spell and said that there was a black stick, a human being, a spirit of darkness.In other words, the spell contains the Spirit of Darkness.
Those dark spirits perfectly matched the power of Hayama-kun's Spirit Magician.
His right arm should now be rebuilt as a new spiritual art under his control, not as my "double shadow" anymore.At least I don't have any control anymore.
Thank you for the power of the Spirit.
"So don't lose your limbs anymore."
"Oh, of course. I'm sorry about that again."
I don't want to be the first responder to a mutilated arm.
"I'll leave the pioneer to the Spirit Beast Kinako & Benigno.I want these two to kick off the enemy flashy first. "
Woo, woo!
They respond with a pleasant cry.You understand the meaning of my words after all. [M]
"There are apricots right behind me.Take a look at the situation and decide whether to attack or block the enemy. "
"Can I take my new car?"
"It's the beginning of the New Grimm.Go flashy. "
The two Grimgors fell down in battle with the sidewalk.Even if I put on the corpse doll again, it was so damaged that I couldn't get up.
But fortunately, the two missing parts were different.In other words, by turning the carcass into a nicotine, we secured one head's body.
They used materials that seemed even more compatible with each other, making them even more protective like mushrooms.From the top of the original sturdy crust, it is wrapped in a metallic red shell.The crustaceans of the red mackerel, which were grown from the sidewalk, were used.
Grimgor was thus brilliantly resurrected.I am also very satisfied with the apricot, which was completely attached to me by calling me Grillin.
"Then I'll lead the five of them well and get out of there in a hurry."
"What happens then? Are you coming back here?"
"No, I'm finding a big tunnel nearby that might be a good way to escape.If apricots rush over there and block the entrance, we can stop the chase for a while. "
Well, then, we can't afford to be late to escape.
"I'm not going to lose anyone.We must all survive. "
Now, let's rush to your classmate's pinch to clear up the poison murder.
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