An Tong looked at Yun Jin.

Yun Jin just smiled and had no intention of further explanation.

An Tong understood that this was a test for him by his little master.


It was no joke for him to ask about the mirror.

An Tong continued to investigate and found that Si Wanning's causal line was related to her own past and future, especially the future part... was particularly strange.

Why is this so?

An Tong said hesitantly: "Did she have a glimpse of her future trajectory?"

But how could Si Wanning, an ordinary cultivator of immortality, have such abilities?

Yun Jin glanced at An Tong in surprise: "It's good to have guessed this step. My second senior sister has indeed awakened some memories of the future."

Yun Jin didn't talk about the second senior sister's rebirth, or about awakening future memories. An Tong and the others would be easier to understand.

An Tong nodded: "There are cases like this. The law of cause and effect flows quietly in this world. Sometimes when some accidents happen, they will be detected."

As he spoke, An Tong suddenly became excited: "Little master, your second senior sister is a natural seedling to cultivate the avenue of cause and effect! Her soul has the mark of the avenue of cause and effect. This avenue, ordinary people think It’s difficult to get started, but she has already started practicing it since she was born, so she will get twice the result with half the effort.”

"They are from the Wushuang Sect, they are from the Wushuang Sect, they are all from the Wushuang Sect." Tianpojian's eyes lit up.

The young master found the senior brothers and sisters from her sect, but Tianpo Sword didn't pay much attention to them at first.

After all, compared to those in the Holy Land, the talents of Yue Zhao and others are indeed inferior.


Who would have thought that each of them is a little classmate with a secret!

"My young master's third senior brother is also extraordinary." Tianpojian couldn't wait to say: "He has the blood of a foreign race. In the future, if he merges the blood and supplements it with the bloodline avenue, his achievements in the future will also be extraordinary."

Sooner or later these future powerful men will belong to their Wushuang Sect!

An Tong also became interested. He carefully examined Gu Jinghong and Feng Linglong, and then showed a somewhat regretful expression.

"These two people don't have any hidden surprises. But they are pretty good in terms of character." An Tong commented.

Yun Jin's eyes moved and asked: "An Tong, is Gu Jinghong's character good?"

An Tong evoked Gu Jinghong's image.

He is also in the second level at this moment.


He did not manage the country, nor did he enjoy the pleasure of crushing force. Like Jin Yu, he traveled around the world.

But he seems to have always had a clear goal.

An Tong said: "Little master, he seems to have been looking for someone. In the world of Chuang Guan, I have blocked their memories and cultivation. The person who can make him lose his memory and desperately search for him must have been engraved on That person is extremely important to him. Whether he is good or evil depends on whether that person is good or evil."

Yun Jin frowned.

A person who is extremely important to Gu Jinghong.

The person who made him desperately look for him even after losing his memory.

Who is that?

If it was a previous life, it must be Ye Danxia.

But in this life, Gu Jinghong should have given up his pursuit of Ye Danxia.

"Eh...he seems to be painting." An Tong said curiously.

Yun Jin also looked over.

After a stick of incense.

Yun Jin was silent.

The person in Gu Jinghong's painting actually looks 70-80% similar to her.

Gu Jinghong was actually looking for her.

"This..." An Tong couldn't help but look at Yun Jin.

Yun Jin understood something, she said: "I have a master-servant contract with him, that should be the reason. After all, the master-servant contract is engraved on the soul."

Apart from this reason, Yun Jin could not think of any other reason.

An Tong blinked.

A mere master-servant contract cannot break through his blockade.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that Gu Jinghong is indeed very loyal to his little master, and that is enough.

Yun Jin felt a little more relieved about Gu Jinghong.

At least, she didn't have to worry too much while the master-servant contract existed.

If Gu Jinghong is really well-behaved, she will give him his freedom when she ascends to heaven.

After years of driving, it can be regarded as revenge for the hatred that he had tortured himself in his previous life.

Ask in the mirror.

Everyone ended the second level one after another.

This second level of illusion lasted too long. After they came out, they were all in a trance for a while. Some people recover quickly.

Some people's faces are a little ugly.

Duan Yiwei thought of his crazy killing in that world. Thinking about it now, he still felt refreshed, but could his method really pass the test?

Duan Yiwei couldn't help but grit his teeth.

This ladder to ask the mind is really too evil.

After coming out of the first level, he tried his best to tell himself that he couldn't go too far here and had to learn to cover up.

But once he entered the second level, he lost his memory and could only act according to instinct.

Walking all the way up, one step away from the ladder, there is the last level.

Duan Yiwei's scalp felt numb for a moment.

What is this level?

He shouldn't have exposed anything, right?

Duan Yiwei even had the urge to turn around and run away.

However, this ladder is endless, but if he fails to pass this level, he is afraid that he will be trapped here forever.

Duan Yiwei gritted his teeth and still entered the fog.

"An Tong, I want to see Duan Yiwei's picture." Yun Jin said.

At this level, she focused on observing Duan Yiwei.

she wanted to know.

Has Qingxiao Pavilion colluded with the demons now?

If so, to what extent!

Duan Yiwei is the chief of the Qingxiao Pavilion’s Divine Transformation Stage. I wonder if he has come into contact with these secrets.

Regardless, it never hurts to give it a try.

An Tong instantly understood Yun Jin's thoughts, and he chuckled: "Don't worry, little master, I will tailor a script for him right away."

The scene changes.

An Tong directly restored the settings of the four holy places in the fantasy world.

And Duan Yiwei is the head of Qingxiao Pavilion in the illusion.

On the front foot, the four holy places have discussed countermeasures and will launch an all-out conquest against the demons.

On the back foot, after Duan Yiwei returned to Qingxiao Pavilion, the Supreme Demon Clan came to the door.

The supreme leader of the demon clan said that he was willing to reach a peace agreement with the human race. If Duan Yiwei could facilitate this, he was willing to give Duan Yiwei and Qingxiao Pavilion many benefits.

These benefits are enough to make Qingxiao Pavilion superior to the other three holy places.

Duan Yiwei was obviously tempted. He thought about it and discussed it in detail with the Demon Supreme.

Duan Yiwei said that he could not convince the other three holy places in a short time, but he had a slow way to do it.

For example, he can provide some inside information to allow the demons to destroy the other three holy places' opportunities, kill their disciples who are doing tasks, or rob some of their things.

The weakening of the three holy places represents the rise of their Qingxiao Pavilion.

In this way, when the three holy places are frightened by being beaten, they will naturally be willing to negotiate for peace.

The Demon Lord had no reason to refuse such cooperation, so he agreed with a smile.

Later, in the world of fantasy, Qingxiao Pavilion colluded with the demons and slowly reduced the number of people in the other three holy places. Qingxiao Pavilion also reduced its power on the surface, but in fact, it was just an act. They hid a lot of strength. In the end It became the first of the four holy places.

The illusion has only been demonstrated here.

Yun Jin narrowed his eyes and looked extremely ugly.

Duan Yiwei thinks this way, what about Lin Xiao?

Does he think the same way?

Or even worse, has he already done this?


The probability of Qingxiao Pavilion disciples being struck by thunder has completely exceeded Yun Jin's imagination.

Does this sect look like this from top to bottom?

Why is this so!

Logically speaking, even if Lin Xiao wants to collude with the demon clan, do the other people in Qingxiao Pavilion also have the same idea?

They are not born evil people, and they are directly assimilated as soon as they enter Qingxiao Pavilion?

There may be a big problem in Qingxiao Pavilion!

Yun Jin suspected that there was something in Qingxiao Pavilion that was subtly changing the minds of these disciples.

Could it be...a magical weapon?

Where there are immortals, there are demons. Where there are immortal weapons, there are also magical weapons.

Immortal weapons can suppress luck, but the magic weapon has no effect.

But if there was something that could influence a sect's disciples and make them all change their minds, Yun Jin could only think of the Heavenly Demon Weapon.

But if there really is a demonic weapon.

Are there no clues found in the other three holy places?

In other words, this thing is so well hidden that it is really hard to find.

In the future, I am afraid I will have to visit Qingxiao Pavilion. (End of chapter)

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