Chapter 485: Deviation

 The highest level of the avenue is the supreme avenue.

There are only two kinds of avenues: "The avenue of time and the avenue of space."

If Yun Jin chooses the Great Law of Time and the Great Law of Space as rewards, then she has a one-in-a-million chance of getting a small amount of law reward.

Yun Jin only took one look and gave up choosing these two avenues.

Not to mention the probability is too low, even if you hit this one in a million chance, you can only get a small amount of law fragments. How much exactly is this small amount?

It's just too unknown.

at the same time. Yun Jin suddenly understood what was truly terrifying about the Ten Thousand Dao Saints. He actually mastered a little bit of the space avenue. Even if it is only superficial, it is still the supreme avenue.

Such a genius, even if he went to the fairy world, he would still be a peerless genius!

And with his little bit of space law, he can drag the demons from outside the world to another world and make the Wushuang Sect invincible.

The supreme avenue is truly terrifying! If Yun Jin has the opportunity in the future, he will also challenge it, but not now.

After that, it is divided into levels one to five, five levels of avenues.

The first-level avenue is the most powerful, and the fifth-level avenue is the weakest.

Yun Jin regretfully discovered that the Elemental Avenue was only a fourth-level avenue, only slightly better than the fifth-level avenue.

There are five types of first-level avenues listed in the trial tower.

"The Avenue of Life. The Avenue of Death. The Avenue of Annihilation. The Avenue of Control. The Avenue of Reincarnation."

If you choose these five avenues as rewards.

There is a one in 100,000 chance of getting a small amount of law reward.

These five avenues are all too far away from the current Yunjin. She had no idea at all.

Look further down.

Yunjin discovered. The Devouring Avenue and these are all third-level avenues, one level higher than my own Elemental Avenue.

This proves that if she only masters the Avenue of Fire, even if she reaches the Mahayana stage, she will not be the opponent of the Devouring Demon God.

This is not possible!

Yun Jin's eyes finally locked on the second-level avenue: Five Elements Avenue.

The simple avenue of fire cannot compete with the devil.

However, if you master the five attribute avenues at the same time, you can control the Five Elements Avenue.

And the Five Elements Avenue is the second-level avenue!

You can completely crush the devil!

certainly. The first-level avenue, the supreme avenue, will be even more powerful.


It's useless no matter how powerful you are.

What matters is the fit.

Yun Jin did not hesitate and chose the "Wood Avenue."

Same as Avenue of Fire.

The avenue of wood is a fourth-level avenue.

System description: 100% chance of obtaining three super laws. 80% chance to obtain four super laws. 50% chance to obtain five super rules. (Note: The rules need to be understood by yourself.)

When we get to the fourth-level avenue, the system is obviously much more generous.

Yunjin is almost destined to achieve huge gains.

"Choice, the avenue of wood." Yun Jin muttered silently.

next moment.

There was a huge amount of information in her mind.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows.

She's pretty lucky.

This time, five super laws were directly obtained.

Now, these five super laws have turned into five light groups, and she has placed them in the sea of ​​consciousness.

To master these five super laws, you need to understand them yourself.

If it were someone else, even with such a harvest, it would probably take hundreds or thousands of years to fully digest it.

But Yunjin is different.

She is now a master of emotional values ​​and can directly digest these laws.

In just a few days, she will be able to master these five super laws.

But if you want to finally understand the avenue of wood, you probably need to grasp the true meaning of the avenue just like you did with the avenue of fire last time.

The true meaning of the Avenue of Fire, if we say it is courage.

So, what about Wood Avenue? What is the true meaning?

Yunjin is unknown now, and this may require an opportunity.

After receiving the reward, Yun Jin was teleported directly outside the tower.

Just came out.

Yun Jin was startled.

Is this so much?

She just went through the level normally, but it felt like everyone in the sect was here!

"Sect Master!" Qin Ping's voice trembled, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Jin expectantly.

"Little Master!" An Tong couldn't help but be curious.

Such a difficult trial tower.

Yun Jin actually cleared the level just like that, he cleared it!

Those who have cleared one and two levels have already achieved such great gains, but what about Yunjin?

How much has Yunjin gained?

Yun Jin smiled slightly: "Don't look at me like that, it's just a small gain!"

Yun Jin didn't say anything, and everyone stopped asking questions, but they all knew it in their hearts. After this wave, Yun Jin's strength may have improved by leaps and bounds again.

The previous sect leader could chase the blood Taoist and fight him!

What about the current sect leader?

How powerful is it!


The sect master is the reincarnation of a god, so no matter how powerful he is, it's understandable.

"Okay, let's go back. I will arrange some things tomorrow." Yun Jin said.

Everyone's minds tightened and they hurriedly responded.

Yun Jin nodded and disappeared instantly.

She still has a building token that she hasn't used yet!

The rewards from the Disciple House and the Trial Tower are so powerful.

So, where is the head’s residence?

The possibility of the head’s residence should not be much different!

Yun Jin circled around the secret realm and finally chose a mountain she liked.

Then, the building token of the leader's residence was used.

When Yunjin uses the token.

Everyone was still talking about it, wondering what kind of gains the leader had gained.

But this moment.

Suddenly, golden light shot into the sky.

A terrifying power hung over them.

An irresistible feeling of surrender arose in everyone's hearts.

Everyone subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

It was obviously far away, but... following the direction of the golden light, they naturally saw a building.

Compared with the disciples' trial tower, the leader's residence is not that huge, but just staring at this building makes people subconsciously overwhelmed.

"That mountain peak before... was still empty." Someone said in a daze.

"The sect master can even build such an existence as the trial tower, so building a construction house is nothing."


While everyone was talking, Yun Jin was also pondering.

This building belongs to her alone. She can name the building, so what should she name it?

Too lazy to keep worrying about the name.

Yun Jin wrote a few words casually.

next moment.

And everyone saw it.

There is an extra plaque on this building.

There are several big characters written on it.

"I am the only one in the world who has the highest honor"

Yun Jin looked at this name and was very satisfied.

Everyone: "???"

"'s really the style of the sect leader."

"Sect Master, this is called directness. We, like the Sect Master, must learn to follow our hearts from now on."

"Yes, appearing holy in front of others is actually a kind of true intention. Why should we suppress it?"

Yun Jin didn't know that she was about to lead the sect down a strange path, and she was very satisfied with the name.


Think about it carefully.

With such a name, whoever looks up and sees it must not contribute a few emotional points?

This is called mosquito meat, no matter how small it is, you can’t miss it.

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