Yun Jin was thinking about something while watching Yin Jun pass the tribulation.

The power of the first heavenly tribulation was not that great. Yin Jun took it hard with a solemn expression. Apart from his face becoming slightly pale, there was no other change.

The second heavenly tribulation fell immediately.

Yin Jun still answered hard, but this time, her face became more and more ugly.

By the time of the third heavenly tribulation, she took out one magic weapon after another.

These magic weapons are either defensive magic weapons or have some thunder properties.

Yin Jun kept taking out the magic weapon and survived until the seventh thunder tribulation.

After the seventh thunder tribulation, all the magic weapons she prepared were used up.

She could only survive the last two strongest thunder disasters on her own.

Yinjun took a deep breath, and a bright white light shone from her body. This was a secret defense skill she had specially practiced. The bright white light flashed for a while, and her body quickly turned into an ice sculpture.

The eighth thunderbolt fell.

The ice sculpture shattered instantly.

Yinjun took a few steps back and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Yun Jin's eyes couldn't help but condense.

Yinjun was injured.

And he was still seriously injured!

Can she survive this last thunderbolt?

Yun Jin looked a little nervous.

This catastrophe is a bit too fatal.


The last catastrophe fell.

This last catastrophe is the most dangerous, but it does not have the same momentum as before to destroy the world.

The thunderbolt penetrated directly into Yinjun's sea of ​​consciousness, and then Yinjun stood there motionless.

Tianpojian whispered: "It is the inner demon tribulation, the last thunder tribulation, aimed at the inner demon. The more perfect the road is, the more determined the Taoist heart is, the easier it is to pass. Those who have accumulated too many inner demons during their cultivation Those who fail to respond will die silently at this level.”

Previously, the eighth-level thunder tribulation could still be faced head-on.

At the ninth level of thunder tribulation, he really disappeared without a trace. Practitioners who want to reach the peak of transcending tribulations have often lived for a long time.

in these long years.

Do you have any regrets?

Have you ever felt regretful?

Have you ever suffered?

Have you ever doubted yourself?

Sometimes these shortcomings come and go quickly. You regret it now, but maybe you forget it the next moment.

But...have you really forgotten?

Have you really let go?

Is it really complete?

It doesn’t matter what you say.

The ninth level of inner demon tribulation will test everything.

Yun Jin looked at Yin Jun quietly, with a worried expression.

Fairy Yinjun, can she survive this test?

Good thing.

No matter how long it takes, in the real world, it is just a moment.

next moment.

Yin Jun opened his eyes.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and a golden light flashed through.

Yin Jun, a breakthrough!

She landed back on Lightning's back, a look of lingering fear on her face.

"Sect Master." Fairy Yinjun said with some gratitude: "I was about to be immersed in the world of inner demons, but at the critical moment, I suddenly felt that my mind was clear and I broke free! This feeling... follows me in the disciples' house. The feeling is the same.”

Yin Jun said gratefully. Disciple Equanimity has an additional effect, which can make people purify their hearts. Moreover, if you stay there for a long time, you can also obtain a permanent purifying effect.

She had just been saved by this effect.

"Oh?" Yun Jin became very interested after hearing this.

The effect of discipleship is so powerful.


In the future, the probability of Wushuang Sect's success in transcending the tribulation period is probably much higher than that of the outside world. This is a huge good thing.

"Congratulations to Sister Yinjun." Yun Jin frowned and handed over a token: "Sister will be the eighth Supreme Elder of the sect from now on."

The eight supreme elders, plus the sect leader Yun Jin, are also the fighting strength of the Mahayana period.

The Wushuang Sect is only one of the last places left in the Mahayana stage of ten.

"Thank you, sect master." Yin Jun took the token and was in an extremely high mood.

After passing this **** gate, if you want to let go, you can just wait for your ascension.

Although the Immortal Path is now blocked and it is difficult to ascend, it still adds 10,000 years of life. As long as you live long enough, you can wait until the Immortal Road reopens.

Take Yinjun back to the secret realm of Wushuang Sect. Hong Ye and others had just arrived in the secret realm the day before, so Yun Jin simply went to meet them.

Hong Ye brought several Mahayana friends, and Yun Jin gave them the tokens of the Supreme Elder one by one.

Now, the expressions these people looked at Yun Jin were like gods.

after all. No one but a man of God could build a place like the Disciples' Trial Tower!

This time, they can be regarded as embracing the golden thigh.

After meeting these Mahayana stage elders, Yun Jin summoned the elders from the Tribulation stage to meet again.

Nowadays, the number of Wushuang Sect's Tribulation Period is exceeded. The super sect requires twenty people to cross the tribulation stage. The Wushuang sect had fifteen people to cross the tribulation stage before. In addition, with the new entrants, the total number of people to cross the tribulation stage has now reached twenty-five, and there is even a surplus. .

Among the twenty-five who are in the stage of transcending the tribulation, three are at the peak of the tribulation.

In the next few days, Yunjin plans to focus on training these three people, and finally hit a Mahayana stage.

The chances of these three people are actually quite good.

According to what they said, they all had a premonition of the impending thunder disaster, but it was more or less missing.

Yun Jin planned to give these three people a chance to receive enlightenment every day in the past few days.

Although with continuous attunement, the bonus will become less and less, but at this critical moment, there is not much to worry about.

There are still some people left in the integration stage, so Yun Jin also selected a group of disciples to receive her enlightenment.

Among the selected people, Kong Huai was also among them.

Kong Huai seems to be adapting well to this new environment.

In the past, he always looked like he was irritating the sky and the earth, and asked some philosophical questions from time to time. After coming here, he looked much brighter, and his cultivation level has also improved a lot. He is only 3 years away from the integration stage. a step far.

"Sect Master." Kong Huai felt a little embarrassed when he felt Yun Jin looking at him: "This disciple was very disrespectful to the Sect Master before. Please forgive me, Sect Master."

He felt a little embarrassed when he remembered the way he stabbed his head before.

These days in Wushuang Sect, he learned a new name.

Second grade!

After hearing his deeds in Mingxintang, Senior Brother Yue smiled and said that he was a boy in the second grade of middle school.

Kong Huai didn't understand it at first, but gradually he understood it.

That senior brother Yue also comforted him by saying that a person's youth is worthless if he doesn't catch his second son. Kong Huai just wanted to bury his head in the sand and never raise it up.

Yun Jin was happy to see Kong Huai like this. She said with a smile: "The Taoist heart is strengthened through repeated doubts, and the Tao is perfected through repeated trials. Kong Huai, your previous doubts have proven It's a good thing you're following your own path."

Kong Huai was slightly startled, with a flash of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

Yun Jin directly used enlightenment on him, and then teleported him back to his disciples' residence.

On the second day, Yun Jin got the news that Kong Huai had broken through the integration stage. Yun Jin couldn't help but smile.

A super sect requires one hundred integration stages. After Kong Huai's breakthrough, there was only one person short of the quota for the integration stage. There are still several disciples who are about to achieve breakthrough.

In the last few days, I must give her a surprise. (End of chapter)

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